The boat was rocking and rolling, shaking wildly with the wind. I heard yelps and screams from behind me. "Save Johnny" they said. I was thrown into a canoe with a small necklace tightly wrapped around my neck and a dark figure in the front of the canoe. I woke up and felt a comfy mattress lying underneath me, made with soft linen sheets. The sheets were pure white and soft as heaven. I sat up and looked around, noticing how many young people were there. Maybe 7 girls and 8 boys including me. One of the boys started walking towards me. He had short brown hair that just waved with the air, and dark blue eyes darker than the bottom of the ocean. He was quite short and stubby. The boy opened his mouth and said, "Oh look!" Everybody turned to me, "It's the new kid." He continued. I got a weird feeling that this wasn't going to be good. "Welcome to the New Jersey keepers orphanage." he said in a snarky voice. "This will probably be your new home, FOREVER!" he screeched. I ran to the bathroom and started shedding down tears. I am 6 years old, going to turn 7 tomorrow, or at least that's what the New Jersey Keepers Orphanage said. I never really knew my birthday. But that's just another mystery. To be fair, I have never really known anything about myself except the stuff others tell me. They tell me who i am and what I'm meant to be. It was one of the biggest mysteries I have ever thought up. Anyways he was the biggest bully in the New Jersey Keepers Orphanage and made fun of everyone, not just me. Bad Boy Jack had an army consisting of two other kids a little younger than him by about a year. There names were Bad Boy Jason and Bad Boy Jeremy as the others liked to call them. I liked to make presentations at breakfast about why I think that my parents left me a stone necklace. "Maybe my parents brought me from Mars to Earth cause Mars was dying and Earth was safe. Oh, and I was brought here on a blue rocket ship. And the crystal is a way for me to communicate with them." I said with pride. "Shut-up!" screamed Bad Boy Jack. "We don't need to hear about your stupid necklace." he lunged at my necklace and it shattered to pieces! Every one burst out laughing. I broke into tears and sprinted away as my face trickled down with tears. Then Mrs. Lancaster came through the door. One kid chased after me as I rolled into a ball on the floor slowly schooching my way under the bed, only to throw myself on to it. "My name is Millie Wilson. What's yours?" Millie announced proudly. She was about the same age as me, maybe a little younger. "My name is little Johnny." I said as I started wiping the tears away from my eyes with my sleeve. Mille was a short red haired girl with a warm smile and oak brown eyes. She wore a purple skirt that was just under her nees. On top she wore a blue T-shirt under a pink cashmere sweater. "I saw Bad Boy Jack was giving you a hard time. But don't take it personally, he does it to everyone." She said changing her voice from pride to unhappiness. "I can help you fix your necklace, so…." Millie started to say, but she was cut off by the sound of an old woman yelling something along the lines of "line up children, chore time." Every one started to line up single file with no talking. I followed Mille as she joined the rest of the kids. "I am Mrs. Granger." She said. And then a second old woman walked through the door and said "I am Mrs. Lancaster." The two women looked exactly alike even though there last names were different anyone would have believed they were twins. In the front of the line stood Bad Boy Jack he was grabbing a sponge from a bucket of water and walking to one corner of the room. Once he got there he started scrubbing. The rest of the kids did the exact same thing. And when it was my turn I did it too. l whispered to Millie. "This is so boring. let's sneak away and do something else." Every one scrubbed like mad. Mille told me, that the keepers as she liked to call them, Ms Lancaster came every day to assign them more chores, and if you do a thing wrong you get spanked. Millie left with little Johnny, they ran down the hall and then they heard a noise. They hide. They turn to see who it is and it's…bumped into Bad boy Jack. "Bad Boy Jack!" Mille cried out. "Oh no." They sprinted away praying he wouldn't tell Ms Lancaster but the next thing they knew he did. They are now standing in Ms Landcasters office squinting their eyes waiting to get spanked. But only Millie got spanked. Little Johnny was shocked. After that day Millie did not want to talk to little Johnny. Johnny had all these questions in his head, like why did Mrs. Lancaster only spank Millie, and why Bad Boy Jack was not scrubbing? Little Johnny tried to console Millie but Millie wouldn't listen. "I'm sorry Millie" "it wasn't my fault that I didn't get spanked!" cried little Johnny. But Millie still wouldn't listen. She just sat on her bed and sulked. "You know Johnny, I only became your friend because I felt bad for you" said Millie she immediately regretted what she said. Johnny's cry filled the room. the sound was annoying and dreadful. Ms granger came in the room to check what was going on. "Millie stop making Johnny cry" Yelled Ms. Granger. "You always take Johnny's side Ms. Granger" screamed Millie "I hate you and I hate this orphanage!" She stomped off to her bed and started messing it up. "Um…. Millie?" Johnny squeaked. "Why are they always on my side? It's like they want to keep me but not everyone else." He asked. Millie started to say "Well….——" but she was cut off by the awful sound of Mrs. Granger climbing up the stairs in her ugly blue striped doc martins. After that Millie wouldn't talk to him and Johnny kept getting bullied by Bad Boy Jack and his gang. And the day after that Millie was transferred orphanages. That day was Johnny's 7th birthday. It was the worst birthday ever, no cake, no song, no ballon's. He had to get out of here. that night he started cooking up a plan. He was going to ask Ms. Granger to make him something to eat. Then he could buy himself some time to escape. He wondered again why he was the favorite of the orphanage. He thought to himself that maybe he was amazing so that's why they liked him so much. But he slipped that thought out of his head. The time arrived and little Johnny asked Ms granger to make him something to eat. "Ms granger can you please make me something to eat, Im starving." he said in the sweetest voice he could muster. "sure. But eat quick" said Ms. Granger as she went into the kitchen to go make some pesto pasta. Johnny thought, "Now is the time." He snuck into Mrs.Lancaster's office and opened her desk. He counted 4$ and 26 cents. He grabbed the cash and leaped out the window. He ran and ran and ran that when he stoped to catch his breath he was no where near the orphanage. But there was a donut shop near by. He walked to the donut shop and bought a strawberry hot jam donut. He happily ate it. He hadn't had a donut in forever! He was walking further away when he heard some loud ear piercing screams from the orphanage they sounded like Mrs. Lancaster's blue striped doc martins sliding on the concrete floor. Ms. Lancaster ran out looking for him. Johnny sprinted down the street ahead of him and turned a hard left running as fast as he could. The old woman was slow so it was pretty easy to get away from her. He turned a sharp right and saw that Mrs. Granger was waiting for him. He ran into a barrel of potato's, and everything blackened. The next thing he knew he was back at the New Jersey Keepers Orphanage with Mrs. Lancaster yelling at him to wake up. Ms Lancaster sent him to bed early to think about his actions. His bed was next to Bad Boy Jacks, but when little Johnny awoke Johnny only saw a made tidy bed. He later found out that Bad Boy Jack had been adopted by the old founders of the orphanage. They dumped the orphanage with donations every year. So when they wanted to adopt bad boy Jack, they had no choice but to accept. Bad boy Jacks new parents were multi millionaires that were 58 and 45 years old. Jack strutted out of the door with the proudest face. Little Johnny was sad that Millie wasn't adopted, just transferred orphanages. Day after day little Johnny would awake to another bed being neatly made. Soon he was the only one left. The next morning little Johnny was walking around the garden going to play on the rusty swing sets when he heard something. He recognized Ms. Lancaster's voice and Mrs. Grangers but there was an unfamiliar voice. The man was dressed like a lawyer. A brown suit, black shoes, a brief case, and a lot of hair gel. Little Johnny over heard them talking about him. He was intrigued so he hid behind the courtyard wall. What he heard was shocking!
Chapter 2
"You know I need the money" firmly whispered the lawyer "I know, I will give it to you. When we get the next paycheck from Johnny Harrison's uncle" said Ms granger "I won't be your lawyer anymore if you don't pay me next week" said the lawyer in a harsh tone " we just have to keep faking his illness and then no one will adopt him and we will keep getting paid" said Ms lancaster with an evil grin. Little Johnny ran away. He was so upset. His whole life was a lie! He thought the keepers genuinely cared for him. But they didn't. Johnny ran for his bed. Johnny went to bed early to reflect on all that happened in the past week. But his nap didn't last for long because Ms granger woke him up with her loud snarky voice. "Wake up Johnny!" Ms. Granger said loudly. "You've been adopted!" Little Johnny was confused because an hour ago he heard Ms. Granger saying she did not want Johnny adopted. But Johnny forgot all about that and sprang out of bed. "Were your new parents" "my name is Ms. Culbertson" politely said Ms Culbertson "and my name is Mr. Culbertson" said Mr. Culbertson with a serious voice. Ms. Culbertson looked like she had a funny demeanor. And I was happy to finally get adopted. She looked around 29 years old and Mr. Culbertson looked around 30 years old. Ms Lancaster and Ms granger waved a good bye and little Johnny heard them discussing things as he left. He was seated in the back seat of their car in a booster seat. It was deadly silent the way there but little Johnny broke the silence. "Um ms. Culbertson" I said. "I think I'm a little old for a booster seat" "safety comes first" said ms. Culbertson and Mr.Culbertson at the same time. Ms. Culbertson went on to say that she had a girl named Pluto. "Pluto is 10 years old" said Ms. Culbertson. "How many minutes left?" I asked in boredom. "The commute is long but,only five more" said Ms. Culbertson I noticed that Mr Culbertson didn't talk much or smile the whole ride. Ms. Culbertson started to talk about what my new school was going to be like. I didn't have a very good academic life in the orphanage and I was really bad at reading and math. "You will be going to a private school in Brooklyn for very good students so you will have to study well" said Ms. Culbertson "Ms Lancaster told me that you don't know how to read yet so I am sending you to repeat 1st grade" said Ms. Culbertson. I was disappointed The car pulled up infront of a huge mansion. My jaw roped to the floor. I expected it to be a normal house. Out came running Pluto. Jumping with excitement. She leached on to me in a tight bear hug. "Hi my name is Pluto, what's yours?" Exclaimed Pluto. "My name is little Johnny" I said "nice to meet you" we both said. We exchanged hands and laughed. I liked this girl. "I always wanted to be a big sister!"said Pluto. "I always wanted to have a family!" I said. "Here, let's come inside! I can give you a tour." Pluto exclaimed. Pluto dragged me inside and launched me up the stairs. The Culbertson family had a huge mansion with red curtains huge bathrooms and a ginormous crystal shandaleer. The first place Pluto took me was her room. It had big clear windows, a closet doubled the size it was supposed to be, and a humongous pink bed. Next she showed me my room. It was the same except that my bed was dark blue with a shark on it. I loved it. "Mom says dinner should be ready by 6:00pm, until then we can go to the garage" Pluto said. "There's usually a bunch of fun stuff there" "Ohh, and do you remember your past?" she asked. "Actually no. I cant remember anything before the orphanage. All In know is that I was some where else before it." I said with despair. Dinner was awesome. We had sushi and tuna caseral. Then after dinner Pluto showed me to the garage. It was pretty dirty but there was so much stuff. " it's a little dusty today. Wanna come back towmarrow?" She said. " um…. Sure." I scanned the room before I left, there were a bunch of papers everywhere. She walked me back up to where my room was. It was on the 3rd floor. I fell asleep 45 minutes later, but I woke up to hear papers moving around downstairs. I went down stairs to check up on it. I looked at the time, it was early. It was only 2 am. Who would be awake. The noise sounded like it was coming from the garage. My hands were trembling. I went to the basement and the door was open. I recognized who was in it. "Pluto?" I said. She got startled. "uh yes" she replied leaning against some big stacks of papers. There were a ton of papers on the ground. "What are you doing in the garage?" I asked. "Nothing, I was just getting something and then all these papers fell so I was cleaning them up. I knew she was lying but I didn't think much of it. The next day was my first day of school. I awoke to Pluto jumping on my bed, and the alarm clock ringing. Mrs. Culbertson drove me after breakfast.For breakfast I had the chef cook me chili squash soup with crispy baguette imported from Paris. I arrived at my school at 8:00 and it was gigantic! I had to wear a uniform. It was a black over coat with white buttons and blue shorts below my knees. But I pursued ms. Culbertson to buy me new shoes and a new wardrobe cause mine were very old and dirty. I walked into my classroom. Room 207. Everyone had black matching hair and brown eyes and glasses. I was the only outcast except one person. I sat down at the last spot next to a guy named Jared. Jared was a taller .boy with short brown hair and deep sea green eyes. My teacher, Ms Cluckston started to talk about math but I got bored so I zoned out while talking to Jarred. I woke up to the sound of Ms Cluckston saying, "pay attention Johnny!" "No day dreaming in my class" she sent me to detention and had a whole lecture with me and the principal saying how I have to be serious. Ever since then she hated me. She gave me a big fat F in class and it was pretty clear that I was her least favorite student. I came back home that day early and my parents were very disappointed in me. We later went to pick up Pluto from school. She went on to tell me how she got an A+ and that she would be skipping 6th grade. My parents were praising her while looking down on me. I felt alone again. I felt like an outcast. It was the same feeling I felt at the orphanage. For dinner I got slop and Broccoli meanwhile Pluto got to eat anything she asked for. She even got to have raspberry hand made cake for dinner. She also got a party. The next ,day I woke up to a bunch of shaving cream ON MY FACE! I screamed out loud,"Who could have done this?" Then I saw Pluto staring down at me with an evil grin. She placed her hand over my mouth to scuffle my yelling. "You might be my brother, but you are not my friend." She said with disgust. "you ruined my life" she said. I knew that this was gonna be war. She walked out of the room. As she did, I got all twisted around inside, not really knowing what she meant. I went down to tell mom what Pluto was doing. But Pluto had the best acting skills and she faked crying on the spot and said that I was trying to frame her. "Go to your room now Johnny!"said Ms. Culbertson. At school Pluto started torturing me. Every chance she got she tried to humiliate me. Today was the day I got to run for class president. I was so excited. I was dancing around in front of my mirror. Then I saw someone, I turned to see who it was and it was Pluto. I was so embarrassed. We had to present a keynote presentation on why we should be elected. Jarred went first. "I think I should be class president because I will add an extra 10 minutes to recess and an additional 5 minutes to lunch"enthusiastically stated Jarred. I went second. When I started playing my slides, it wasn't my slideshow. It was a video of me dancing in my room. I hid under the desk and started to cry. "What's wrong?" said Ms. Cluckston. "I don't wanna talk about it" I said. When we got back from school she acted like the most adorable, innocent child. I thought she was a monster. At dinner, mom asked me, "So…how was school." Pluto stared at me wickedly. "Umm…" I didn't know what to say. If I said the truth Pluto might kill me but if I lied, I would have to live with her being mean forever! "It was fun." I said. I dont usually lie, but also dont usually get myself killed. Pluto looked content. I wanted to pounce on her but I held myself back. I didn't want it to look like I was the bad guy. I slowly ate my soup. When dinner was over I went to my room and started writing. Then I heard voices out side my door. Both I recognized, it was the same lawyer who was talking to Mrs. Granger. And the second voice was my dad's!! "Hello, Mr. Culbertson. I would like to tell you a little fact about your new ———um———son." The lawyer said. Mr. Culbertson replied, "I'm listening." The lawyer continued, " Johnny was very little when his parents went on an ocean cruise. They were in their mid 40's when they went on that cruise. They were on board with little Johnny's uncle and aunt. The waves got very violent and they started to thrash and crash along the boat, violently shaking it. The ship shank and every one died except little Johnny. Somehow he was taken to shore. Little Johnnys uncle is after Johnny. That person was said to be on that very ship. We think that that person sank the ship and kidnapped little johnny. What we dont know, is why. His family was always a mystery. We have checked everywhere, it's like they never existed. Every file, every document, every contract they signed, it was gone. We have a feeling that Johnny is close to inheriting something huge." What? I had never thought of myself as someone or something important, but now I might think differently. Mr. Culbertson said with excitement, " i see, and what do you think might be so special that he has to offer." The lawyer replied, "Once johnny has turned 18 he will inherit riches. About 4 billion dollars. And he doesn't even know it. Anyways, what i really came here to tell you is that we will have to take Johnny back to the orphanage now." Mr. Culbertson said, "What? NO! A boy like that should deserve to stay with me. Also we bought him. You cant just take him back." Said Mr. Culbertson. The lawyer replied, "Mark my words, we have our ways of getting what we want." Then he stomped out the front door.
Chapter: 3
Johnny was flabbergasted. Just then Mr. Culbertson came into his room. He said good morning Which he never does, and then gave me a slight peck of a kiss on my forehead.I heard a scratching sound. It was there cat Cookie. He jumped onto my bed and meow. Then he meowed again and again. "Be quiet cookie!" I yelled. Pluto walked into my room. "What do you want?" I yelled "get out of my room" I screamed. I was furious. "I know I've been mean to you for the past few days but I think my parents are up to something" she quickly whispered to me. "I know there up to something." I said. Then Pluto replied, "I think we should plan an escape, my parents are both lawyers, and if the catch us they will keep us in the garage, FOREVER, Till we mend our ways. It's super creepy in there" I replied, " Ok, what's the plan?" Pluto said, "Well ….we could climb out the window in the 2nd story bedroom?" Johnny creached, "What, no! We could die from that fall!" Pluto moaned, "you're right. We could use a rope." "that's a good idea let's go now. It's almost 11pm." Said johnny "actually let's wait Intel midnight" said Pluto "ok" said Johnny. "I'm getting a little tired, you wanna try the plan tomorrow?" Pluto said, "Sure, I am pretty tired. When you wake up in the morning just act normal." With that Pluto left the room and I turned off the lights and I shut my eyes. I couldn't get a wink of sleep all night. I kept tossing and turning in my bed having nightmares of what would happen if Mr. Culbertson caught us. When I finally got to sleep, I had the weirdest dream. I was on a Cruze ship. The ship was blue with a marking on the side that said, "blue Morgan" Honestly it was the worst name ever. The ship was huge. I saw a figure, the figure was wearing a black cloak. The figure was ripping a hole in the sail. The ship started falling and shaking, bobbing up and down. Water started to submerge it. It started sinking, I heard people's screams. "Save Johnny" I heard someone yell. The weird figure jumped overboard with me in his arms. He started swimming frantically to shore. He then drove me somewhere. But I couldn't determine where but it was familiar. I woke up with cold sweat on my face and the bed felt cold. I was so embarrassed when I realized what it was. Whenever I get nervous I pee myself. I Quickly cleaned it up so Pluto wouldn't make fun of me for it. I looked around me, there was no ship, no parents, and no black figure. All I saw was the room around me with my blue shark bed. I asked my Alexa if dreams were real, she said that they have meanings. I started shaking. I threw the blanket over my head and started nervously crying. Then Pluto came in. "I told you to act normal, what part of that did you not understand?" Pluto said. I looked at her. In my head I was thinking, should I tell her about my dream or not. I had no idea what to do. I decided to keep it to my self until I can trust her. "We should get going." I said. She quickly grabbed a rope from under her bed. "C'mon, this way." She said. We Quietly tiptoed down the stairs in the dark. I had never noticed how dark it got in here at night, There were cobwebs down in the basement. We were tiptoeing down the stairs to the open window when the door bell rang. I heard the click of the lights turning on up stairs. Pluto pulled me to the side, we hid behind one of the curtains. Then Mrs. Culbrtson started walking down the stairs. "We have to find a way back to our rooms." Said Pluto. "My aunt probably came for a visit" "she is so annoying" "she thinks her son is better then everyone, and she is so much richer then us" said Pluto. I couldn't imagine anyone richer then Plutos parents. Pluto then said, " We need a better plan, with her around, there is no way we are jumping out that window. Follow me through the basement, it will lead to our rooms. By the way my aunts name is Christie". I followed her down the stairs to the basement. As she unlocked the door a cold breeze came in. I stepped inside. The room was dark, with a bunch of boxes on the side. Each one was labled differently, i saw halloween boxes, Christmas boxes, and ester boxes and then my eyes fixated on a box with my name on it, with big black print that said Johnny Harrison. I stared. Pluto pulled me away and led me to a small door on my left with a weird cross on it. As she opened the door, light streamed in. We both scattered quietly to our separate rooms. I quickly climbed into bed and stuck my head under the covers just in time to see Mr. Culbertson coming in with a women, she was about 40 with stern brown eyes and frizzy black hair. I could only assume this was Christie. She eyed me deep in thought. "So this is the boy you speak of?" She had some sort of British accent that no one could understand. "Yes, Christie this is Johnny, Johnny this is Christie. We adopted him a few weeks ago." He said with delight. "Hi Aunt Christie." I said in a low shy voice. "So he can speak. Incredible. But, you're supposed to pronounce it with the U sound. AUNT, not AUNT." She sounded like a lunatic. After she had left Pluto came in. " I suppose that was Christie." I say. "So you met her." She smiled. They started making up stupid nic-names, when they decided her nic-name would be Fristy Cristy. It sounded absolutely awful, that's why it suited her. I looked at my clock, 11:34pm. "We should probably get some rest." I said quietly while climbing back into bed. As Pluto left, I got the sudden urge to open the box in the basement with my name on it. Once she had left, I snuck out of bed and entered the basement. I went straight to the box that said, Johnny Harrison. I opened it. The box was tightly taped with a layer of firm, white, plastic protectant thrown over it. I start to rip the box with my sharpest fingernail and manage to open it. As I peeked inside, I saw stacks above stacks of cash. My jaw dropped to the floor. How could all of this cash end up here, and why is it under my name?
Chapter: 4
I heard the thumping of footsteps upstairs, it sounded like somebody was coming into the basement. I needed to think of somewhere to go before whoever they are comes. I look around, there is a bunch of boxes I could hide behind but that would look suspicious if I move them around. I could hide underneath the blankets that were clumped together but that would look weird. Finally I decided the perfect spot, behind the door. I slowly creep my way towards the back of the door, as I was squeezing myself behind it holding my breath for life. I saw Cookie enter the room. The brownish, gray striped cat Waltzed in proudly not caring about how he just scared the heck out of me. He glares back at me hissing. I can tell that he doesn't like me. I glare back at him. Now was my chance to actually hear someone going downstairs. I know that it's not the cat, because the cat is sitting on its front paws right next to me. It sounds like Pluto. I squint my eyes and I feel a tight squeeze in my body. The door slams open. "Who is in here". Pluto screams. "Wait a minute, Johnny? Why are you in here" Pluto says, interrogating me."ummmm" I say as I stutter slowly towards the door. She pushes me back repeating herself, this time harsher, and more frightening. "Why are you here? "You may NOT come in here without my permission." "I told u this so many times. Do you understand?!" I am telling mom and dad about this encounter. Thinking for words, I try to redirect the question right back at her but I am at a loss for words, she is never this mad at me and this time I can't come up with something to say in my defense so I blabber out, "Why are you here?" I whispered the words in my scariest voice, she didn't even flinch as I knew she would. "I did nothing wrong." I say once more "This is my house too." I sniffle to clear my throat and to prevent myself from looking like a fool and crying. I want to act strong and determined to win this argument. I emphasized the word my to try to get on her nerves, it worked, too well. "What did you just say?!" The words came out of her mouth like lightning, loud, and thundering. "Ohh, you think you were just chosen to be here, huh, out of all the other kids. You are an ugly, naive and a stupid little brat. Why would they pick you huh? "The only reason you are even here is because of your money you entitled little monster!" "Yhea you heard me right, my parents only adopted you for your money! "I always hated you and my parents begged me to plead with you and be nice so you won't hate us." "I always had plans to DESTROY you but none of them worked." Roared Pluto. still waiting for that missing piece of the puzzle, I continue to act along, I pretend like I know what she's talking about, but really I have no clue, I wasn't rich, I'm an orphan. "Ohh, really haha I knew all along. My plan was to make your parents only love me and with the money they took from me, they could also spoil me with it, and you will get ZERO attention because you don't deserve it! "Your parents owned a fortune, that stupid boat they went on sunk, all their money was on that ship, there Jewels, their gold and diamond rings, and you, you were supposed to go down with it. But you didn't, huh?! Why didn't you?!" "I WISH I COULD WATCH YOUR DEMISE." The words spilled out like a torrent of rain, piling up more and more everyday until it bursts, washing away everything in its path. She was so close to angry tears at this point. I could tell there was more, so I stayed quiet and listened. "You just had to interfere with my life." she yelled. "And now you shall pay for your doings." she whispered to me with a smirk. I didn't know what I was doing until it was too late, I pinned her against the wall, pushing her shoulders back yelling furiously. "YOU CAUSED THIS UPON YOURSELF! I DID NOTHING TO YOU! YOU'RE YOUR OWN PROBLEM, I WILL WRECK YOU. And trust me, you won't say a word about this. Or else!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She lunged at me glaring with an evil grin that turned into a smirk and then ripped at my hair saying, "Or else what? Huh?!" Before we knew it, we had broken into a huge cat fight, cuts were on us everywhere. This was the angriest I have ever been in my life. I felt like attacking her 'till she died, then our parents barged inside. "What have you guys been doing?!?! Stop this nonsense right now! PLUTO, JHONNY GO TO YOUR ROOMS RIGHT THIS INSTANT! We will discuss this matter later." Mrs. Culbertson was almost screaming at this point, her eye's ruby red with rage, her blond hair messy from bed. Mr. Culbertson looked like he was about to burst with fury but he stayed silent. Looking at the time, moms eye's turned back to that lovely light brown, and her temper calmed. "You are dismissed, we will talk about this misbehavior after dinner, and you are both grounded until further notice."
Chapter 5:
I'm sitting by my windowsill replaying the fight repetitively with Pluto in my head. What she said about my parents and my wealth, it all just didn't make sense, so now I am left in my room to think with despair. Replaying the fight in my head, I try to jot down as many things as I can remember. It just never occurred to me that I could be a rich and wealthy boy, or so I thought because I lived in an orphanage and nobody wanted to adopt me. Maybe she was lying, trying to confuse me with her sickening mind games and manipulation. She did do that a lot. I imagined myself on a giant crews boat, me wearing the most expensive suit and tie, with my real birth parents standing next to me. My mother - with her long black hair and starry blue eyes- She asks me how I'm doing, I reply that I'm fine. Not really thinking about the death and desperation that comes ahead. My father, standing behind me, tells me that he's going to go talk to his brother, George Harister, my uncle. I recall this moment happening not in my dreams, nor in my imagination, but in reality. A knock on the door precipitously awoke me from my daydream. The door creaked open."Can I come in?" Mrs. Culbertson asked in an artificially sweet voice. I did not respond, instead I sat in silence staring at the clouds out the window. I heard the creek of the door as it opened. Mrs. Culbertson's footsteps echoed in my ears as she walked up behind me. "What happened?" She asks, "I haven't seen you two fight before." "I don't know what came upon me" I decided not to tell her about what Pluto said to me, the truth, so I started making up this fake rambunctious story. " Well…..I thought I heard someone in the basement, so I went down to see who it was. There I found Pluto ruffling through everything. When she finally saw me, she attacked me. I screamed, so you guys would help me, I think she has been drinking way too much of the stuff the random guy gives her on the walk back from school. I feel very unsafe around her, and I think she is crazy. She needs to be in a mental health institute." I said this in my smallest voice, so it would sound more believable, of course, none of this actually happened. Mrs. Culbertson looked at me and then said "Okay" in a stern voice. I deceived her way too much for my liking and I'm worried that Pluto might actually get into serious trouble. The next day I came to the living room to everyone yelling surprise at me. "What's going on?" I ask stupidly. "Don't you know?" Pluto asked in a questioning tone. You're turning eight." She says with glee." "But, but…nevermind." I muttered under my breath. I could feel that something was off. She was probably trying to act all nice and innocent in front of her parents hiding that two faced demon that lay under her sweet little smirk. They sat me down and poured me a glass of orange juice. For some reason, the orange juice looked a bit radioactive. "Go on, drink." They say. And that's when I realized it. I knew too much. Way too much. I knew enough to the point where they had to get rid of me. And then it struck me. I...........I have an uncle!! He must have been the one who rowed me away from the ship when it sank!! My heart started pounding. And that was when it all came together. My parents were rich, and if they're dead, that must mean all their money goes to me, and if I die, that means that all the money goes to George Harister, my uncle!! I stared at the orange juice and said, "Excuse me, I have to go use the restroom." Then, I quickly sat up and left the room. I could hear their whispers, low and short tempered. I went into my room and locked the door, I had to escape. I started grabbing my bed sheets and tying them together, I hooked them to the windowsill, and then, I jumped.
Chapter 6:
The fall wasn't that frightening once I figured out that there was Mr. Culbertson's office balcony right below me. I landed on my side as the sheets poured over me. It was still a long way down. I decided to climb onto the nearest tree and go from there. Once I had reached the bottom, I started to run. Of course, I had no idea where I was going. And then it struck me, I can't pull this off on my own, I need a partner. My mind started to race, I thought and thought, until my mind went to Millie. I started sprinting to the New Jersey Keepers Orphanage. I saw Millie through one of the windows and motioned her to come outside. "Johnny, what are you doing here?" She asked. I replied "No time to explain. How much money do you have?" "What" "I said, how much money do you have?" "Uhh...…16 dollars and 42 cents." "Great, I have 15 dollars and 12 cents. Just enough to get us to Brooklyn." "What?" She was even more confused now. " Do you trust me?" Uhh…..Yeah...but" "Good, now follow me" I started sprinting to the subway station and Millie followed. We bought 2 tickets to Williamsburg, Brooklyn. They each cost 4 dollars and 50 cents. We had spent 9 dollars. Once we were on the train, I told her exactly what happened, and what we were going to do about it. A sharp knock woke me from my daydream. I was still sitting on my window sill getting ready to jump. The knock came again but this time startled me and I tumbled out of the window letting go of my bed sheets. In my dream, I remembered Mr. Culbertson's office balcony catching me from my fall. It calmed me.