I was late, I was very very late.
My mother would have my head on a stake and my father would not be able to do anything about it.
She had told me about this dinner a few days ago and I had gone and forgotten about it.
Now I was going to receive a lecture on punctuality and listening to my mother.
I ran passed my brother who was dressed in a suit and as expected the asshole scoffed at my present state.
If my mother saw me at the moment she would have a heart attack and my father would ground me for… till my mate stole me away.
It wasn't my fault I was late, sunbathing had taken too long, and by the time I had remembered about the stupid dinner, it was damn near the time for it.
I slammed my room door shut staring at the clock that hung by my vanity.
I had less than thirty minutes.
Less than thirty minutes to was away the mud on my skin from the forest and the little blood stains from where thorns had torn my skin in my bid to get home faster.
My mom had not screamed my name so that meant she was occupied and I had atleast ten minutes before she made her rounds to my room.
I jumped in the shower packing my hair away from my face, I didn't have time to battle with it today.
I scrubbed away the mud and scent of the forest fro my skin, lathering my self in the floral body wash my mom liked to get for me.
In a few minutes I was done, running around in my towel like a headless chicken.
I had forgotten where my mother had dropped the dress she picked out for me for this evening and I couldn't find the other leg of the shoe she chose either.
My room was a mess, she would kill me.
Running out of my walk in closet I stared at the clock again I had seventeen more minutes to be ready, and two more minutes before my mother barged into the room like she owned the place.
She did.
I snapped my eyes to my bed and onto all the mess of clothes and miss matched socks sat the green dress my mom had chosen.
Of course I didn't see it there the first time.
Grabbing it, I shimmy into the tight body gin fabric, mom had said that it brought out my figure and my eyes.
I would have believed her if my eyes weren't still going to be covered by my huge framed glasses anyway.
The gown fit snuggly and was a little more comfortable than I thought, it made my itty bitties look more than they were.
Letting my hair down from the bun I put it in to shower, I run a brush through it, letting all the stray twigs stuck in it fall to the ground.
I would clean that up later, I thought.
Even I knew I was lying.
I put on my jewelry, the same ones mum had chosen for this dinner, a dainty silver chain with beautiful earrings and a beautiful butterfly bracelet.
I let my hair fall down my back in it's natural wavy way.
The minute I put down my lipgloss, my mom barges into my room, right on time.
"Oh my goodness Honey, you look so beautiful. My little princess." Mum gushed as she stared at me and I knew from the light sheen coating her eyes that she was about to cry.
She had been this way for four months now, I guess I could blame it on the pregnancy hormones.
She looked gorgeous in her silver dress, with her brown her packed up and away from my face. Dad says I look a lot like her.
"Thank you mom" I reply giving her a little twirl.
She watches me with a big smile till her eyes drop down to my bare feet.
"Where are you shoes?, put them on,we are going to be late." She hisses glaring at my bare feet.
"They are right where you left them mom, I'll put them on right now." I say grabbing the only leg of the shoes, more like devils pitchfork.
I make a show of putting it on and she sends me a smile before walking down the hallway probably to go talk my other brothers ear off.
Thank the goddess.
I go on my knees, hands digging under my bed for the shoe, and after so many embarrassing attempts I pull out the other leg of the silver heel before putting it on.
I make sure I'm presentable, my hair is as it should be and there is no ruffle in my dress, before leaving the room.
I make my way out of the house, meeting my brother, Liam at the stairs, his grey eyes meeting mine before he puts out his hand for me to take it.
"This is a new record for you sis" he whispers as we go down.
" I know and she only yelled at me once, and that was because I didn't have my shoes on. I'm getting better at this sneaking around thing." I reply and he lets out a scoff rolling his eyes.
"Do you think the Alpha will be there tonight?" I question staring at him, he looks back at me an uncomfortable look passing his eyes before he looks forward.
"I don't know, only one way to find out."