Chereads / Mushoku tensei: failed reincarnation / Chapter 2 - Unfortunate reincarnation.

Chapter 2 - Unfortunate reincarnation.

As I woke up looked to my side in search of Emma to find it's very hard to move my head to find me in some kind of crib and left alone on a room. (NO, I remember everything now I died yesterday, it wasn't nightmare). The moment I remembered exactly what's happening. I cried very loudly. but, strangely enough my body seems to be some kind of blue like missing oxygen.

One minute later the maid come running shouting calling someone then appeared the blonde repeated the strange words finished them with shinne but my colours almost the same the only difference that's the pain decreased slightly so she repated the chant I think. (since this is magic words not that's I care if I'm going to die ASAP like hell I Don't think I reached 24 in this world) but strangely when she saw this spell has no effect she went for the next one that's finished with x-shinne. (pretty ironic dead in Japanese equals healing here if any Japanese guy on my place he will think they want to kill him by radiation). when she finished my breathing almost became normal and when this happened like my brain started to function I pooped on myself and felt hungry at the same time.

(Skipping this part I felt embarrassed I wished this period finishes fast I can't tolerate all of this at this rate I preferred if I can also skip this period till I can eat on my own) suddenly the blonde handsome man came running like cheateh. (how fast is this man) he reached here in seconds and they started to talking each other ignoring me who was quite literally in middle of them.

Well I will ignore them anyway strange even though I hate the situation I'm in I don't how to describe it I feel warm like family warm didn't fell it from 20 years ago when my mom died by lung cancer because of this fire and dad lived his whole life disabled to save me losing his 2 legs in the process if anything I felt I owe both my life and can't even meet them ufff). without any ulterior means I sighed in real life too not just my mind and well I just choosed the worst time to do so. (you going to ask me why the answer) they were kissing in front of me. the situation tensed for a second then both shrugged and continued anyway (I just hope it stops at this level of which will both do in front of me).



3 months later

I may or may not cursed myself by rasing a certain flag 3 months ago they didn't stop at this level one word to describe this man is an (animal) no more no less they can do it from start of the night till the morning his stamina are on monsters level I wouldn't be surprised if he can lift all the members of the household on his own.

Well ignoring the newlyweds that's my only explanation for the unstoppable urge and I'm was probably something that slowed him down this last period because ASAP he was able to entering they started not caring for the very high sound they make if anything the poor maid or (Lilla) according to what they say before she appears I can say I understand very little of this language now like shinne which apparently healing and x-shinne is x-healing respectively and from what I realised healing magic is quite common since mom uses it daily on me sometimes twice a day if my breathing was bad well now I understand the chant which are (let the satisfying nourishment regain the lost vigor regaining the lost strength. Healing) and (mother of merciful god heal this one's wounds and let the satisfying nourishment regain the lost vigor regaining the lost strength x-healing) yes, quite literally add few words and stronger healing well not that I mind but too long not good in life threatening situations where every second matters I can't wait till I can speak and I will spam healing myself until I can breathe normaly.

Ignoring my luck now progress I made about this family at first when I realised how close paul or (dad since I am not sure if he is the name is owner since I didn't hear that name since the day truck hit me) he is in his early 20th I would say his body seems fully adult and his build appear to have years of training either he was trained from childhood or he is at least 23, he is always carrying a sword too. I don't know. why? as for zenith (mom) I am hearing this name in only one occasion where I am blue from failed oxygenation in my blood where she comes to heal me. So, I can breathe normally other than that lilla always call her madame and calls dad, husband. that what I thought at first but it appears it has double meaning her as lord or master I think she is very reversed woman who talks rarely and my parents call each other dear!, darling, sweetheart.

No comments, if anything I am sure they are newlyweds now since other than that no way in hell to be my parents this hot like always if anything I am sure I will have many brothers and sisters incoming I hope at least that's the house big enough to not have to share a room. (scratch that I hope that's house walls are very thick to give me full night sleeping I miss them dearly).

Well also worth mentioning that's my full body growing in rapid speed even with the illness I think 2 more months and I will be able to crawl to search the house will the daily grinding continue maybe soon I will also start both training muscles and even magic. (If it's possible). also I want to regain my build and magic which broke biology laws I quite like it.



Today I'm 6 months old. (I think). I have been crawling since 10 wake-ups. and if anything my crawling are quite fast for a kid and when I am alone I try to babble as many word as I can. so, I can talk or even chant healing magic and good news yesterday when I was alone I babbled 'mom' I waited and waited. when, I said it in front of her. (I think). I saw her eyes sparkling maybe the illness getting better of me I'm afraid I am back to hallucinating. But, she was into seventh sky, she didn't stop till she realised she was in middle of changing diapers and it flew into passing blonde swordsman who was furious about the whole ordeal. and didn't stop till I called him 'dad' it was like pouring water into fired soil it turned him into happiest man in the world I think he didn't mind piece of poop in his hair. well, it's not my hair nor it's my problem anymore.

Well how my relationship with everyone in the house (dad) quite far man appears only late at night or when he is passing by to look after me other than that if I didn't get out of the room myself I will never meet him.

(Mom) is very affectionate and quite scary I have to thank god for lilla if it weren't for her I would have died from mom hugs or demands to call her mom other than that she almost all the time I'm with her she is like she caught something very fragile and if she left it, I will disappear forever so I'm gonna stick to her as much as possible to return her love.

As for lilla she is like put a wall between me and her she hardly carries me like she is scared of me but with sympathy looks like she is putting distance and waiting for my death but tries her best to prevent it and she appears to be the most mature between all of them it is safe to say without her they both were going to cuddle me and make dad making goofy faces till I am dead while they were watching not understanding what to do.

"Rudi, Rudi! Rudues where are you?" (Yes, that's my name Rudeus will nice English name. if you ask me.) "As you move his eyes from him he would dissappear."mom said with sad smile

"It's not like you can't find him you will find him almost five feet away and his energy will be lost." said the disappointed blonde swordsman

"But i wish for him to stay with me more i feel like as fast he can run he will leave the house." Said the blonde woman with animation pouting

"then, he will never leave you don't gave him chance to breathe with your hugs." said the very stoic maid

" "

" "

Wow that's harsh and not expected. I never dreamed in my wildest dreams That's lilla is talking to mom to share her opinion about me or about anything and did she just interrupted a talk between mom and dad I think today will be very interesting day.

Nothing happened other than mom come carried me and demanded as usual to call her mom and hugged me very tightly again. (she never learns). and thanked lilla for her advice she said she will not stop hugging me so I can't leave her I think she didn't understand what she meant by what lilla said because she did the opposite.

Also if you didn't realise I become almost fluent in this language. (I should) it is my new record in learning languages the past one was in 2 years and my crawling speed is high .but, my energy is low which expected my breathing isn't working the right way it's very unstable and uncomfortable to describe it annoying but other than that my healing become once a week. I think when mom uses x-healing my lungs function like supposed to be for 4 days I think and in the later days decrease effectiveness overtime maximum amount of days to stay without healing for me is 9 more than that I starts to become blue. (I start to think I will turn into smurf one day because of my lungs).

Anyway today is a big day not because I am almost sure I'm 7 months old today. but because I can finally finish sentences talking. (of course without any people around). Today, I will try healing magic on my own. So, I stayed on bed when mom and dad were away and I used it "Let the satisfying nourishment regain the lost vigor regaining the lost strength. Healing" (as I finished chant I lost consciousness).