I rise to the relentless clamor of the kingdom's great bell. In the courtyard below, I hear the clanking of metal armor as the knights of the royal legion prepare for battle. I rise from my bed, step toward the window, and watch. The knights hurry to line up before the drawbridge. The master-at-arms, Coriolanus, takes his place before them.
"My dear soldiers, we are at war. The kingdom of Noctavia attacked the village of Florobourg last night. The violence of their assault was such that the few survivors cannot even recount the tragedy they lived through. The soldiers of the Iron Legion have been dispatched to slow the enemy's advance. You, the Royal Legion—the most powerful knights of this kingdom—will now join the battlefield. For honor and the sun!"
"For honor and the sun!" they reply in unison.
A war… last night? The king—my father—had warned us of this possibility. Our kingdom, Solmeria, valiant warriors of the sun, has long had tense relations with our neighboring kingdom, Noctavia, the warriors of the moon.
If war has been declared, it is my duty and my honor to fight on the battlefield. For my people. I must go see my father, who is surely in the War Ministry hall, to learn my role in this grim conflict.
I hastily open my vast wardrobe and dress myself in my radiant solar silk tunic, as white as sunlight. Over it, I pull on my white fur vest, embroidered with lumither, a metal similar to gold, found only in this kingdom. The metal of the sun, as they say. I slip into my finely brocaded white trousers, tight-fitting yet supple to allow both grace and ease of movement. Finally, I fasten my golden cape with its white hood, though I let it trail behind me.
I almost never use the hood—it doesn't fit over the white crown I am required to wear before anyone who is not among my close kin. But today, since we are at war, tradition demands that I wear another crown. One devoid of embellishment, entirely black. The warlord's crown. I take it from its stand beside my great wardrobe, carefully place it upon my short, golden curls, and hurry out.
In the corridors of the grand fortress, panic spreads. Servants rush about, carrying swords, shields, and bows. Every one of them greets me as I pass:
"Good morning, Your Royal Highness."
I nod slightly in acknowledgment. I hate these formalities. I wish the world could see me as just a normal seventeen-year-old boy…
The War Ministry hall is at the other end of the castle, so I quicken my pace. After five minutes of walking through the commotion and battle preparations, I arrive before the hall's grand door and push it open.
I step inside and find myself face to face with my father and his three advisors. I bow slightly.
The two men and the woman bow in return.
"Greetings, Your Royal Highness."
Then my father, the king, speaks.
"Ah! Orpheus, my son! Come, we need your help."
He brushes aside a strand of his long silver hair that falls before his golden eyes—eyes like mine. It is a legacy of all the kings and princesses of our bloodline. My sister, Artemis, has them too. She has been trained in long-range combat since birth, whereas I specialize in close combat and war tactics.
"Father, where is Artemis?"
"She has gone to the enchanted fields of Florobis—the current battlefield."
"So… we have not to push them back yet? Those fields are several kilometers behind Florobourg…"
One of the advisors speaks up.
"Your Highness, the prince—might you assist us in devising an attack plan? His Majesty, my colleagues, and I have yet to find an effective solution."
"Of course." I step forward toward the large table where the kingdom's map is displayed.
Above the enchanted fields of Florobis, floating violet points mark the enemy troops' position. Opposite them, luminous golden points signify our soldiers. This is one of the two mystical maps of our world. Ours, blessed by the sun, and Noctavia's, blessed by the moon. Our map functions only during the day, while theirs works only at night. That is why we failed to detect their movements in time last night.
As I analyze the situation, I understand the difficulty.
To the west, beyond the battlefield, lies the Forbidden Forest. No one—not even the strongest warriors of either kingdom—dares to enter. It is the Realm of the Void; once inside, there is no return.
To the east, the Lake of Oblivion. Anyone who ventures into it loses all memory—their name, their family, their past. Worse, everyone outside forgets they ever existed.
We cannot flank them from behind. But then, a thought strikes me.
"Could Artemis use her power to fire light arrows at the warriors of the night? To weaken them?"
My father crosses his arms, deep in thought.
"I considered that. But after more than ten minutes of use, she will be utterly drained—just as you are when you overuse your solar ray. She would need two full days of rest to recover."
"Unfortunately, Your Highness," the advisor adds, "it seems to be our only way to break their front."
"If it is our only option… Orpheus, my son, I charge you with heading to the battlefield. You will take the distant route to reach your sister and inform her of her duty. Afterward, you shall fight alongside our valiant soldiers. For honor and the sun!"
I expected this. The battlefield does not scare me. But sending my sister into this situation… That, I can hardly bear. Yet, we have no choice.
I turn to leave, heading for the stables where Solas, my white steed, awaits to carry me to battle.
"Advisors, Father—I go to the front. For honor and the sun!"
"For honor and the sun!"
Without another word, I turn away. My heart beats faster. The weight of the warlord's crown suddenly feels heavier.
For honor and the sun… And for my sister.
I break into a run toward the stables.