Chereads / Being Vegito after defusion / Chapter 11 - Potential

Chapter 11 - Potential

The Sacred World of the Kais remains as serene as I remember from Goku and Vegeta's memories.

The lush green landscape, vibrant purple sky, and gentle breeze create an atmosphere of tranquility that belies the cosmic importance of this realm.

I materialize on the soft grass, having used Instant Transmission to travel directly from Earth.

The ability comes naturally to me, inherited from Goku's side of my fusion, though my execution is more precise than his ever was.

It takes only moments for Supreme Kai to sense my arrival. He appears from behind a nearby hill, his expression showing recognition of the immense power I now possess even in my base form.

"Vegito," he greets me with a formal bow. "We sensed your transformation the other day. Super Saiyan 4... a form thought to exist only in legend."

"News travels fast among deities," I reply with a slight smile. "Yes, we've unlocked a new level of Saiyan potential."

"The power was... unmistakable," Supreme Kai admits. "Even here, we felt the ripples in the cosmic fabric. What brings you to our sacred realm?"

"I need to speak with Elder Kai," I reply, my tail adjusting its position around my waist. "There are matters regarding my fusion and potential that only he can address."

Supreme Kai nods. "Of course. He's been expecting you, actually. This way."

As we walk, Supreme Kai studies me with curiosity. "Your power signature is unlike anything we've ever encountered. The fusion alone was remarkable, but combined with this new transformation..."

"It's opened new possibilities," I acknowledge. "But I believe there's still untapped potential within this form."

We find Elder Kai sitting cross-legged by the edge of a crystal-clear lake, appearing to be in meditation but clearly awaiting my arrival.

"So the fusion has come to visit," Elder Kai remarks, opening his eyes. "I wondered when you'd seek me out."

"Elder Kai," I greet him with a respectful nod. "I have questions only you can answer, and a request."

The ancient deity rises to his feet with surprising agility for his apparent age. "Questions about your existence, no doubt. And let me guess – you want me to unlock your potential as I did for Gohan?"

I raise an eyebrow, impressed by his perception. "Precisely."

Elder Kai gestures for me to sit. "Well, let's not waste time. What do you want to know?"

I take a seat on a nearby rock, my tail unwrapping from my waist to sway gently behind me. "When Goku and Vegeta used the Potara earrings, you stated the fusion was permanent.

Yet Shenron was able to separate them from me while allowing me to continue existing independently."

"Ah, yes," Elder Kai nods. "That particular wish created quite a stir among the divine hierarchy. Most interesting."

"Was the dragon truly powerful enough to do this?" I press. "To separate two beings from a fusion while allowing the fusion to continue existing as its own entity?"

Elder Kai strokes his chin thoughtfully. "The Potara fusion is indeed permanent by design," he explains.

"But what happened in your case reveals something about the nature of fusion that even I hadn't fully appreciated."

"Which is?" I prompt.

"When two beings fuse with the Potara," Elder Kai continues, "something remarkable happens beyond the mere combining of bodies.

The energy released from the merging of two souls creates a new soul entirely – a unique consciousness that is neither one nor the other, but something transcendent."

I listen carefully, knowing this aligns with my own experience but curious about his interpretation.

"In your case," Elder Kai says, "when Goku and Vegeta fused, the power of their souls' energy created your soul – a new entity entirely.

Their individual souls remained present but dormant within the fused body, essentially in slumber, while their physical forms merged into a vessel worthy of the new soul that was created – you, Vegito."

"So when Shenron granted the wish..." I begin.

"He didn't truly separate the fusion in the way we traditionally understand it," Elder Kai explains.

"He awakened the dormant souls of Goku and Vegeta and provided them with reconstructed bodies based on their original forms.

Your soul – the unique Vegito consciousness – remained intact in the fused body."

I nod, satisfied with this explanation as it aligns with what I already suspected. "That brings me to my second question.

What would happen if Goku and Vegeta attempted to use the Potara earrings again? Would they create another Vegito?"

Elder Kai chuckles, a sound like dry leaves rustling. "An interesting theoretical question. But no, it wouldn't work. You are Vegito – the soul created from their fusion.

Now that you exist independently, the earrings cannot create you again from the same components. The cosmic signature has already been established."

"So the earrings would be useless for them now," I conclude. 

"For creating another you? Yes," Elder Kai confirms. "Only the Metamoran fusion dance would work for them now, creating another entity. The Potara has already produced its result for that specific combination – you."

I nod, satisfied with these answers. The process may not have been exactly creation, but it still called for my soul, possibly the nature of the Potara for the two of them.

"Now for my request. I want you to unlock my dormant potential as you did for Gohan."

Elder Kai's eyebrows rise slightly. "Even with your Super Saiyan 4 transformation, you seek more power? Interesting."

"It's not merely about power," I reply. "It's about reaching the full potential of this unique existence. Super Saiyan 4 is powerful, yes, but I believe there are depths to this fused form that remain untapped."

The ancient Kai studies me intently, as if seeing beyond my physical form to the soul beneath the power. After a long moment, he nods slowly.

"Yes... I see it now. Despite your already extraordinary power, there are indeed reserves you haven't yet accessed." He strokes his chin thoughtfully.

"This will be different from Gohan's ritual. His potential was dormant but straightforward. Yours is... layered. Complex."

"Can you unlock it?" I ask directly.

"I can," he confirms. "But it will take time – perhaps longer than it did for Gohan. The energies involved are far more intricate, especially considering your Super Saiyan 4 transformation has already accessed significant portions of your potential."

"I'm prepared to invest the time," I tell him. "If it means accessing power that might be needed to protect Earth and the universe."

Elder Kai gives me a shrewd look. "You're anticipating something, aren't you? Some threat on the horizon?"

I choose my words carefully. "Let's just say I believe in being prepared for all possibilities."

"Hmph. Cryptic, just like all you warrior types," Elder Kai grumbles. "Very well. Sit across from me, and we'll begin the ritual."

I take the position he indicates, sitting cross-legged facing him. Elder Kai settles opposite me, assuming a similar posture.

"This will take several hours," he warns. "During which time we must both remain relatively still. I'll need to dance around you at certain intervals, but otherwise, meditation is key."

"I understand," I reply, preparing myself for the lengthy process.

As Elder Kai begins the ritual, extending his hands toward me with palms facing outward, I feel a subtle shift in the energy around us. A warm, tingling sensation spreads through my body, gentle but persistent.

"While we're sitting here for the next few hours," I say, "I have more questions, specifically about the nature of Ki."

Elder Kai maintains his focus on the ritual but nods slightly. "Ask away."

"I've noticed something unusual about the energy you and Supreme Kai possess," I begin carefully.

"And I recall similar sensations from Dende, and even from Kami before he rejoined with Piccolo. It's different from normal ki – I can't quite sense it directly like I can with others, but I feel a sort of... pressure from it."

Elder Kai's eyebrows rise slightly, though his hands remain steady in their position. "Perceptive of you to notice. Most mortals remain completely oblivious to it."

"What exactly is it?" I ask. "This energy that seems to exist on a different plane?"

The ancient deity considers his response carefully. "What you're sensing is what we might call divine ki – energy that exists at a higher dimensional frequency than the ki wielded by most mortal beings."

Supreme Kai, who has been observing silently, adds, "It's the fundamental energy of creation and cosmic order – the power that sustains the universe itself."

"Is it possible for someone like me to learn to harness this energy?" I ask directly.

Elder Kai's eyes narrow slightly as he studies me. "Interesting that you would ask. There are actually multiple varieties of this divine ki, each with its own properties and cosmic significance."

"Multiple varieties?" I prompt.

Is he talking about Destroyer ki? Is it the only ki without the ritual that a mortal can access?

"Yes," Elder Kai nods. "The ki we Kais possess is just one form. There are others wielded by various divine entities throughout the cosmos, each with its own distinctive signature and purpose."

"Can a mortal learn to access this divine ki?" I press. 

Elder Kai is silent for a long moment, continuing the ritual while apparently weighing his response. Finally, he speaks.

"Normally, I would say no. Divine ki is typically the exclusive domain of those born into divinity," he explains.

"However... you are a unique case, Vegito. Your fusion has created something that exists in a liminal space between mortal and divine."

"And you defeated Majin Buu – a being of ancient chaos who threatened the very fabric of existence," Supreme Kai adds. "If any mortal has earned this knowledge, it would be you."

Elder Kai sighs. "The process is simple to describe but extraordinarily difficult to achieve in practice.

To access divine ki, one must learn to completely contain their energy within themselves, preventing any leakage whatsoever."

"Contain it?" I ask, intrigued.

"Yes. Normal ki radiates outward, which is why others can sense it," Elder Kai explains.

"Divine ki is compressed inward, contained so perfectly that it becomes imperceptible to those who cannot sense divine energy.

You must make your ki as still as a windless sea, compressed to its absolute limit."

"This is particularly challenging for Saiyans," Supreme Kai adds. "Your race naturally possesses wild, explosive ki – it's part of what makes you such formidable warriors.

To achieve the stillness and control required for divine ki runs counter to your very basic nature."

"I see," I reply, considering this information carefully. "But it is possible?"

"In theory, yes," Elder Kai confirms. "One doesn't need to convert all their ki to divine energy at once.

You could begin by making portions of your ki divine, gradually mastering the technique until perhaps, eventually, you could ascend to a state where your power is primarily divine in nature."

"The benefits would be substantial," Supreme Kai adds. "Divine ki is far more efficient and powerful than normal ki.

A small amount can accomplish what would require vast quantities of regular energy.

And since it exists on a different frequency, beings who cannot sense divine ki would be unable to detect your power or anticipate your attacks."

As Elder Kai continues the ritual, I contemplate this new information. The ability to wield divine ki would be a significant advantage, especially against someone like Beerus - who I will be unable to sense without it.

"How would I begin this process?" I ask.

"Meditation is the foundation," Elder Kai replies. "You must learn to draw your ki completely inward, containing it within the bounds of your physical form.

Imagine your energy as water being compressed into an ever-smaller space, yet never losing its volume – only becoming denser, more concentrated."

"The challenge is maintaining perfect control," Supreme Kai adds. "Any lapse in concentration, any emotional surge, and the divine ki will revert to its normal state, leaking outward once again."

Elder Kai nods in agreement. "It may take years of dedicated practice for even someone of your exceptional ability to master.

But given what you've already accomplished, I believe you could achieve at least partial success relatively quickly."

As the ritual continues, I focus on this new concept, experimenting subtly with drawing my energy inward.

Even this initial attempt creates an unusual sensation – a pressure building within rather than the familiar outward flow of power.

"I can feel... something," I observe. "A difference in how the energy moves."

"Good," Elder Kai nods. "You're already naturally adept at energy manipulation - now even more so. This will serve you well in your attempts to access divine ki."

Hours pass as the unlocking ritual continues, Elder Kai occasionally rising to perform his strange dance before returning to his seated position.

Throughout this time, I continue to practice the initial stages of containing my energy, finding that it complements the potential-unlocking process in unexpected ways.

"The two processes are actually synergistic," Elder Kai observes.

"As I unlock your dormant potential, your ki pathways are being refined, making them more conducive to the precise control needed for divine energy."

By the time the ritual reaches its final stages, I've made surprising progress with the basic concept of ki containment.

It's nowhere near true divine ki yet, but I can feel the difference in quality when I successfully compress my energy without letting it radiate outward.

"You're a quick study," Supreme Kai remarks with surprise. "Most beings would take months to achieve even that rudimentary level of containment."

As Elder Kai completes the unlocking ritual, I feel the full impact of my newly accessed potential settling into place.

My power in base form has increased dramatically, and I can sense how this enhancement will amplify all my transformations.

"It is done," Elder Kai announces, lowering his hands. "Your potential has been unlocked – or at least, as much of it as can be accessed through this method."

I rise to my feet, feeling the difference immediately. My body seems lighter, more responsive, energy flowing through it with unprecedented ease.

"Thank you, Elder Kai," I say with a respectful bow. "For both the ritual and the knowledge you've shared."

"Use them wisely," he replies, his expression serious. "The power you now possess – and the divine ki you seek to master – comes with great responsibility."

"I understand," I assure him. 

As I prepare to depart, I test my newly enhanced energy control, forming a small ki ball in my palm. The energy responds instantly to my will, more precise and concentrated than before.

With focused effort, I compress it further, drawing it inward until the visible glow diminishes slightly – still far from true divine ki, but a step in that direction.

"Impressive progress," Supreme Kai observes. "But remember, true mastery will take time and dedicated practice."

"I'll continue training," I promise. "This is just the beginning."

With a final nod of gratitude to both Kais, I place two fingers to my forehead, lock onto a familiar ki signature back on Earth, and vanish from the Sacred World of the Kais.

As I reappear at Capsule Corporation, I take a moment to fully appreciate the changes wrought by Elder Kai's ritual and the new path of divine ki that now lies before me.

My base power has multiplied many fold, and I have the beginnings of a technique that could eventually elevate me to a truly divine level.

Beerus, if he comes, will find Earth protected by power beyond anything he might expect.

Whether that will be enough remains to be seen, but I'm now one step closer to ensuring the safety of myself, this world and its people.

The coming days will be dedicated to intensive training – not just honing my Super Saiyan 4 transformation with my newly unlocked potential, but also mastering the fundamentals of divine ki compression.

If I can achieve even partial success with divine energy - which would be I reckon Super Saiyan 'God' for Goku and Vegeta did not have true mastery of divine Ki even in Super -

then by the time Beerus arrives, it could change the entire encounter

And if after everything the Destroyer doesn't recognize the back off... well, even 'gods' can bleed.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Do tell me how you found it.

Yeah, Vegito isn't playing around. Power, power, power.

Don't worry, I am not writing myself into a writer's block, since the focus of this fic isn't battle, sure it is an important part, but it is more slice of life, since I wish to explore the Dragon Ball World.

Hope that doesn't turn you guys away from the fic.

So yeah, I hope to see you all later,
