Chapter 20 - Ch 20

Both Sunny and Nephis slept like a log for quite a while. I could also see the shadow observing me from the deep darkness of the trench, its eyes fixated on me the moment Sunny went to sleep.

I guess Sunny put it there just in case I do something that I'm not supposed to do, and I don't blame him for it. Everything can happen in the dream realm, so I'm not surprised nor angry.

Cassie woke up a few minutes before them with an excited, albeit a nervous smile on her face. And with a tone barely holding her excitement Cassie said…

"I had a vision! Ariel, a vision! It's a good one too. In my vision I saw a ruined city that was surrounded by tall-impregnable walls. Its streets were littered with nightmare creatures of all kinds, but then I noticed it! In the middle of the city. On a hill. A towering, magnificent castle stood. Blanking out everything there is in the city by its size, and inside the castle there were humans! They were living contendly and cheerfully. I'm certain that they were also awakened."

I acted surprised as I grabbed her by the shoulders. Radiating the same enthusiasm "That's great news Cassie. You did very well."

However, Cassie's face suddenly took on a worried hue as she muttered to herself meekly "I…. I also saw one more thing Ariel, I saw us being led through the giant doors of the castle by a respectful awakened. The only strange thing that stood out was that you…. Weren't in the vision, it was just me and Sunny."

I furrowed my brows, while understanding flashed across Cassie's already worried face. Causing it to turn fallen as her eyes looked up for answers "That may be a sign indicating I will die in the future…. Or I just won't find a way into the castle. It's just a 50/50, nothing that stressful. And if It's written that I end up dead, then my only answer to that is…."


Cassie was about to speak when a loud snore interrupted the incoming emotional dialogue, by non-other than Nephis. Who had her arms spread wide on the thorny ground.

Cassie flinched before asking in a hushed tone "did you meet up with someone?"

I answered in the same hushed tone "Yup, it was Sunny and Nephis, you know the heiress of the immortal flame clan who was the first in rankings. Right?"

Cassie nodded in return, and in a moment of silence, A grunt brought us out our staring reverie in the form of a sluggish, worn out Sunny. He was rubbing his eyes while yawning.

Sunny blinked his eyes at the awkward silence that he knew he created. And as a result, a wry smile crept up his face "it's good to see you safe Cassie."

Cassie nodded with a soft smile "Likewise Sunny, I'm glad that you've survived till now."

Sunny smile turned a bit awkward due to not knowing how to deal with situations such as this. After all never once in his life has he been Concerned about in such a way. All the time it was stealing this and that while also trying to hide away from some gangs that were naturally formed in the outskirts.

So feeling her genuine relief, Sunny felt a bit awkward and unsure of how to respond to her.

I came in for the rescue just in time by clapping my hands, which made the already awake and listening Nephis to seize up just like a cat who's tail had been stepped on.

"Alright! Gather up. We're going to have dinner, and we have to discuss what we will do for now or more correctly- the future. Although Cassie already has a lead to where we should go, we should deflate and relax a bit before getting into anything too stressful. What do you say, Nephis, Sunny?"

I got a nod from the fully awakened Sunny and one from the taciturn, quiet girl laying on her side. With her back facing us.

I went near a dark corner of the trench. Pulling out what looked like a worn rag full of soul shards, before giving it to Cassie who was talking with Sunny. Having a bit of a distance between them.

I walked to Cassie and gave her the rag under the curious eyes of Sunny and Nephis who was now awake and full of focus, except for her slightly sharpened ears being flushed red. Making it clear she might have realised she snored like a bull on drugs when she was asleep.

I bonked the urge to laugh down, opening the rag with a small smirk on my face as a fountain of soul shards fell out. Their numbers counting up to thirty-five total.

Sunny gaped while Nephis had an acknowledging, impressed expression on her face. In her eyes Ariel was already stronger than her. And she knew herself that's all it took for her to be respectful of him.

"Cassie, absorb all of these soul shards. It should be enough to refine your core to the peak of what a sleeper would be able to hold and fill it up with even more reserves of essence. So good luck." I explained in a guiding tone, conveying a hidden message to Cassie. Causing her expression to flicker for a second before she was back to normal.

Now with Cassie out of the mix, my expression hardened in seriousness as I said in a tone that will not receive 'no' for a reply. A tone so forceful and commanding…..

"You two. Sit down and let me cook."

Nephis and Sunny both replied by sitting down and proceeded to exchange some words between themselves while I took it upon myself to cook them a hell of a meal just to rile them up.

After a while of putting ingredients that I didn't even know the name of into the searing hot pot. My project was finally done, it emitted such a fragrance aroma that it stole all the three busy people's attention from what they were doing.

Eventually both my right and left sides were flanked by a glittery eyed, flat faced Nephis who was actually drooling a bit, and a Cassie who unexpectedly had a smug smile on her face. Clearly proud of my work.

My. How cute.

Anyway. The only one who was unsatisfied was a ravenous looking Sunny. He was trying hard to look into the source of the smell but he unfortunately failed every time due to his short stature. He couldn't even jump up because of the similarly thorned ceiling, otherwise he would just hurt his head badly and would never actually get a glance at the food until it's ready.

"Hey! This isn't fair you know! I've worked hard to reach this place. So don't be petty and show me what it looks like, I'm dying inside!" Sunny finally reached his boiling point as he began lashing out like a kid who had his candy stolen by a stranger.

I innocently put my hand behind my ear. Trying to listen to his breakdown "Do you guys hear anything? Like a rat squeaking and chittering about.

Nephis and Cassie both shook their head robotically. Speaking in tune with each other " Yup, we sure didn't hear anything but the sound of a rat scurrying around."

I turned around with an expression full of perverted glee. Which only got more wilder seeing Sunny's face, his face was on the verge of exploding due to how much effort he put in to hold back the veins from popping his skin. He was also gritting his teeth so hard, I could hear the cringe inducing sound coming from it loudly.

I burst out into heartful laughter a second later, nearly destroying Cassie and Nephis's earn drums thanks to how loud I was. Prompting them to hold their ears with a wince on their end.

Sunny was still savagely eyeing me before he let a suppressed smile force its way up to his lips as he rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah we get it. That was funny, I'll give you that. So just get the damn food ready before I start going insane."

I wiped a tear off my eyes while also finishing and adding the last touches that the meal needed, which was the classic salt.

I actually took a sip of the dark sea water. So it actually means I've sucked up a part of a nightmare creature….

What? Don't look at me like that. It was for my survival... Yes definitely my survival…..

Alright fine! I admit it! I did a pretty questionable thing but I really like to explore my choices beforehand.

Fuck! That sounded wrong too.

Basically I like to experience new thin-

Goddamit! There's no correct way to explain this type of behaviour is there!? Ah….. Whatever I give up.

I chuckled at my own thoughts while watching the other three devour the meal I've made like hungry, desperate beasts.

I honestly don't know how I can make such good food because I, myself have been surprised so many times that I just let it go. It's better to just go with the flow.

I was the prime example of 'Let him cook' well I like to think so.

I then coughed to get the attention of my bloodthirsty group. As they all turned to me with red smudges surrounding their mouths, Protecting their portion of food by hugging it close to them. And as a result, it covered their armour in tomato coloured paste.

I was a bit taken aback by the look of sheer ecstasy on their faces. Continuing to eat reflexively while their eyes were focused on me like hawks.

I smiled a bit forcefully before dropping out the first bomb "We will be leaving this place early in the morning so be ready for it and get a good rest. Otherwise we will leave you behind."

Sunny and Nephis's eyes were no longer full of the sadistic light they had after eating.

"As you both know, Cassie is an oracle. Meaning she was born to intervene and prevent some unnecessary conflicts in the future."

I nodded at Cassie, which seemed to encourage her as she took a deep breath before letting out all the details she had seen in her vision.


"I can't believe it, there's such a thing just residing in the dream realm. So do you have any idea on which direction we should go?." Sunny whistled in amazement and curiosity.

I waited for Cassie as she pointed a finger towards the west happily and excitedly. But unlike the response she had hoped for, there was only deathly silence remaining.

Sunny muttered a curse with a tired look in his eyes while Nephis commented beside him with a steely face "That's where we came from Ariel, and it is also the most dangerous direction out of the four. So are you sure you are ready? I don't mind waiting a bit longer and I'm sure Sunny as well as Cassie won't mind either."

I smiled amusedly as a response to them nodding supportively "So? Do you really think that we can just have it easy in a damn unknown region of the dream realm. Of course we will encounter hardships unlike never before, but so what? All four of us are like cockroaches that never die. I know all of you have the potential to be a saint. This….. This region is and will be just another page in our book. So grow some damn balls and get ready for tomorrow."

A/N: Send stones!!!. Also thanks for your support.