Chapter 9 - chapter 9

Chapter 9

" I told you, isn't it better to just kill him why are you creating an opportunity for your opponent and enemies, they know you're weak towards him and will blackmail you with him," Adam voice roared looking down at the pale and sick Jamie with disgust and irritation, his anger boiling up more.

"Don't!!" Lucien gave a clear warning to his sworn brother, his gaze dark and his hidden meaning, dangerously clear. He looked back at Jamie in his hand, his expression softened, Adam frowned and walked away angry

"Adam, his friend is coming, keep him busy," Lucien ordered loudly. Adam gave him a long stare and continued on his track not long Jamie opened his eyes.

Immediately he saw Adam, he pushed him away and pulled to a corner looking at Lucien strangely and weirdly.

"Jamie," Lucien called

"Were you being nice to me because you impregnated me and you wanna make up for it?" Jamie asked, cutting him short.

"No," Lucien replied curtly sad at the distance and scared if Jamie will be among mates that their kin despise and solution to that is death, instant killing.

"Why are you being nice to me?"

Lucien stretched his hand giving Jamie a photo album, Jamie was surprised at the pictures, these are pictures from his birth to his present photo, his mother had few of his photos apart from her no one else.

"What? how many years are you," Jamie asked in disbelief

Lucien decide to open up no need to lie, since he is honest, everything May go right then " I lost count after 10,000 Lucien replied,"

Jamie widened his eyes because age and appearance don't relate.

"What are you really?A wolf, a witch, a dragon, an alien or a demon?" Jamie asked excitedly.

"Lucien smiled and shake his head in refusal, Jamie frowned racking his brain then he remembered Lucien fangs " oh a vampire,"

Lucien looked at Jamie expression before reluctantly admitting, Lucien smiled and then frowned

" What is it?" Lucien asked genuinely concerned

" If you're not gonna age, then if I am 50, old and ugly. You will abandoned me and marry someone younger," Jamie fumed leaving Lucien confused at this situation

Wasn't Jamie supposed to be afraid, scared, repulsed and ready to run away, what's this change of event?

"If you make my heart beat then I'll age with you," Lucien replied and smiled

"Why, how? Are there no other options?"

" Then it's by luck you become immortal or you turn into a vampire? "Lucien replied

" I don't wanna become immortal, that life is boring," Jamie replied " so make your heart beat, is it like falling in love?" Jamie asked

" Yh,"

" So why are you nice to me, if you aren't in love with me,".

" Because you're my mate," Lucien replied, he slowly approached Jamie, Jamie didn't move but silently observed him. Immediately Lucien drew close he slapped Lucien away

"What are you planning to do?, you left me numb and sore and almost handicapped that night. Am holding that grudge," Jamie muttered sincerely with a frown but didn't stop Lucien who was determined in holding him.

" Hold all grudges, I'll make sure I'll pay you back in anyway you want until you're satisfied," Lucien flirted hugging tighter, Jamie blushed trapped in Lucien embrace, he was embarrassed of the bulge which was determined on announcing his presence

" Em, em.. Lucien, please let me go and take care of your …em ..,"Jamie stammered his ear and face turned scarlet.

"Don't worry about that holding you is enough,"

A message popped up, Jamie stared at it

We, executives of Hewitt company has a little meeting with Bellion company so you are needed by executive and coworker Belle Vernon tomorrow by 9am

"That was so fast," Jamie mumbled keeping his phone while keeping the information in mind, " so you must be filthy after existing for so long, no wonder this was easy for you," Jamie continued

"Do you wanna see my net worth?" Lucien asked interested

"No thank you, I don't wanna faint," Jamie replied and Lucien chuckled

Caught by that manly and innocent laugh, Jamie looked at Lucien's beautiful face and smiled

"I wanna see you without a mask, why wear a mask, is it part of your power?" Jamie sulkily asked

Lucien stared at Jamie in trance then smiled

" Just a kiss and I'll tell you," he urged, Jamie frowned and looked away, Lucien smiled leaned in and pecker Jamie's cheek

"Hey.. Jamie shouted feigning annoyance,

"That's not nice," Jamie added

Lucien leaned in again, completely unsatisfied, he grabbed Jamie by the neck, holding firmly but not too tight and he claimed his lips a little harsh but overly possessive, releasing Jamie immediately he noticed Jamie's short of breath

"I..will.. hold this.. grudge too," Jamie stated while gasping, Lucien was a bit satisfied "i am at your service," Lucien replied no more naughty as he slide his fingers around Jamie's stomach

Lucien stretched his other hand and dragged out a file and handed it to Jamie

"Your…,"Lucien words were caught off as Jamie grabbed the file and opened it, he looked at it dazed and happy

He smiled but frowned

" Why is this figure two in the scan?" Jamie asked, scared of his Speculation.

"There are two, our kids," Lucien replied staring at the sonogram tenderly, Jamie looked at Lucien and doubted if Lucien was actually a vampire

Jamie smiled and touched his stomach, he prayed that this happy day would last.

"Can I see your face now and why put on a mask?"

"So impatient, pull it out then," Lucien teased, Jamie was hesitant at first but he slowly moved closer, Lucien bent his head so it'll be easy for Jamie because he was so tall and powerful like an enigma.

Jamie loosened the mask slowly and it fell off revealing Lucien's full real face. The time stopped as everything went into trance

"Jamie, Jamie," Lucien call when he notices Jamie's nosebleed

Jamie being called back to reality felt ashamed and embarrassed, he hurriedly tied back Lucien's mask, looked around quietly and careful to be sure no one had a peek on his husband face, he cleaned his nose ashamed and quick

Lucien laughed at Jamie's expression and action, Jamie ran to the bathroom embarrassed staring at the mirror it felt like he forgot something


Meanwhile, in Von Nightshade manor guest room, Felix sat comfortable and bewitched, his gaze completely lewd and weird, wrecking the lone vampire's body beside him.

Though Adam seemed cold, he was uncomfortable with that gaze. Such a pervert, why don't this human have restraint

No one knows how hard he was holding himself from attacking this pervert of a human