Deep in the woods lies an out post carved within the Blackstone mountains years ago by the goden lion Exitium the first king loyal beast. Extitium was an extraordinary animal with fur bath in golden light, teeth as sharp as a great sword and claws as strong as the dragons he consumed he destroyed kingdoms at the first king word and would follow that man's every command. He made the first king invincible, untouchable unknowable and for too powerful, but even with all this power, this control, this influence.
There was one thing that always managed to send a chill down the spine of that damn rootless wretch of a king. You see Extitium though the kings pet from birth was once a normal lion until one day he bath with a strange liquid that was pouring from the moon it self. While he wasn't the only animal transformed that day this wasn't the kings fear after all those other beast couldn't hold a candle to his precious golden lion . No he fair if someone one else got a hold of that power if man was bath in the moons waters. Could you imagine that power in the hand of man they could take all that he work soo hard to conquer.
This made the king mad with rage and pride he set up guard around the the pool were the moon poured his water and he laid In the pool waiting for the moon to bless him with unimaginable power while his minister ran the kingdom in his absence. Day pasted with no avail until one night's the moon turned red and the liquid poured once again but so thing was different this time the water had more color than last time and it flowed fast .
The moons waters drown the king and spread throw out the world blessings the world with power and blessings the king with all he wanted you see the king didn't die from drowning in the liquid he was transformed into something for from man he grew two more arm four more eyes , his skin was a porcelain white and the white of his eyes turned pitch black but despite the warped appearance he saw when he looked at his reflection in the water he couldn't help but laugh cause he got what he wanted power.he could control the elements his body could warp into tree branchesand and in his mind was a voice now as the magi a voice of wisdom that told him all he needed to no about his new powers. He was soo overjoyed he failed to realized he wasn't the only one blessed by the moon. The magi gave him wisdom about the the origin of this power and why the moon leak it's waters on the world but immediately as he heard that the whole world gained this power his blood boil wit anger.
' No No No No NO NO NO!!!!!! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY POWER MY WISDOM MY WORLD !!!!' He screamed from the top of his lungs his voice howling with arrogance and rage. ' I'll be damned before I allow the worthless wretches of this world use this power to take my throne' his word were firm and filled with distant. Then the king asked the magi who are the most powerful of those blessed by the moon and were do we stand among the ranks the magi replied ' You and your precious pet stand as the strongest but I can senses that doesn't bring you comfort cause you know no matter the gap with this power spread among the world you cannot keep your throne forever, you know the nobles will betray you, you know they have the power to kill now .
Mad with anger the king ran a top of his beast Exitium and slaughtered his guards and with his powers he planned a seed in there bodies the seed grew taking over there bodies turning them into monsters known as ghouls that followed his every word he too his undead army and killed every last one of the people in his kingdom including his nobles turning them into monsters of all kinds and then the magi whispered an word in his ear 'path chosen demon lord you must retreat to the caves for you are now banished by sun light and cannot with stand it's rays' . The king screamed 'You tricked meYOU TRICKED ME!!!!!' . Barking and screaming he fled to the out post his beast carved into the mountains years ago he ordered the beast and his monster to digg deeper into the mountains with his powers and his beast he transformed that mountains into an underground city know as the relam of twilight light the first dungeon and the kingdom of Kronos the father of destruction and the first demon lord.
Years past and the whole world has been bath in the moons blessings. Those with the common powers : fire, water, air, iron and earth are all commoner, slaves and maids the lower class while those blessed by the moon with extraordinary powers such as the crystal mages , light guard ,shadow walkers , and dragons borns are the nobles and knights while the top of the food chain the scum of all scum are the ones who hold the power of the golden wings a power know to destroy mountains and leave dragons in fear the power of the royal family. As you can imagine the royal family and the nobles could care less about us commoners and would rather die than let us join the ranks, unless you make yourself worthy and become of use to them that why many commoners become adventurers in hopes that one day they reach the class of X other wise know as a Kai.
This story is about one of the damn fools who tried to reach this rank and how his journey didn't fix this world but changed it whether For Better or For Worse.