Antonius strode like a mighty wave,
With loyal men, their spirits brave,
Banners unfolded, colors bright,
Marching forth, hearts full of light,
In the gleam of triumph, they took their stand,
Victors forged by a strong hand.
Antonius halt in the front of senate,
Welcomed by the men who he called friend,
Consul Lucius friend of Antonius,
Applause him by his victor conquest,
Antonius was both general and consul,
That makes him even powerful person.
Senate meeting is done and Lucius',
He had invited Antonius privately,
As soon as they leave, piercing eyes,
Dark atmosphere, killing intent,
The senate is anxious and terrified,
Seeing his growing power and popularity.
In the villa of Antonius, a grand vision unfolds,
Where towering trees rise within,
Their branches cascading like silken waterfalls,
A procession of servants bows in reverence,
Antonius was welcomed by his kinsfolk,
Praising his victors and glory.
They enter in a huge suite,
Covered of many volumes and tome,
They sat and talk about the senate,
Lucius' was bothered of something,
As Lucius tried to talk, bang of knock interrupt,
Doorway slowly opened, as they stop talking.
A boy with light brown curly-haired,
Age around fourteen years old,
His name was Marcus Remus Septimus,
Nephew of Antonius, Antonius is',
Was like his father figure, Marcus',
As soon as their eyes met, a warm embrace given.
Antonius excuse Lucius to continue in other day,
Marcus smiled as his uncle gave his time,
After a few hours of talking of his triumph,
Marcus was amused by his glory,
It inspired this child, by his bravery,
Leadership and popularity, therefore he will be one.
Days have passed, Antonius has returned to the Senate,
Friends, he began, voice steady and clear,
The senators listened, their hearts gripped tight,
On the other hand, Lucius aware,
That there are shadows lurking at the night,
Lucius, beside him, nodded with pride,
Yet deep in his heart, he could not fully abide.