Chereads / BEASTY BOYS / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1


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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1


‎The light in his dorm room was dim and even though he couldn't see his roommate, he could hear him as he snored softly in the bed across the room. It was his first year at college and it was all he had hoped.

‎Finally, he was free from the noises and the throngs of people of the large city where he grew up; life in rural Wyoming was just what he had always dreamed about most of his life.

‎But what kept him awake tonight was, he knew he would have to go back home for summer break if he didn't find some reason to keep him here. His Father had already told him that his summer job was waiting for him. Well of course it was, it was his father's factory, and he was the owner's son. But he hated every minute of it and needed a reason to stay in Wyoming for the summer.

‎It was several days later, while having coffee in the student union, that he saw the ad 'Summer help wanted, long hours, little pay, but Experience of a lifetime. Apply in person to the Knottingwood Ranch on State Road 16.'


‎It had only been a year since he graduated high school, and already he was bored with his life. While working alongside his father in the local auto repair shop, he could see his whole future in the old man's eyes. He knew he had to get out of there soon, but with no money to speak of, where would he go?

‎The newspaper was stuffed between the seats of the Toyota Camry he was working on. It wasn't from around there, but the word Wyoming caught his eye. So he rolled it up, and shoved it in the back pocket of his dingy overalls.

‎That night while lying in bed, he read the ad repeatedly. Did he have the balls to just get up and leave his life behind and work at Knottingwood Ranch.


‎The night sky was so clear, thousands of stars spread as wide as he could see as he sat under the tree that he would call 'home' tonight. It had been two weeks since he ran away, and the nightmare of that last night with his parents still haunted him.

‎His parents were going to dinner with their best friends, which usually meant they wouldn't be home until at least 10 or maybe later. For Tripp, that meant one thing and it couldn't have come soon enough.

‎Like all high school senior boys, he was constantly horny, beating off 4 or 5 times a day. But tonight, it would be special as it was every time he was able to be alone with is best friend.

‎Tripp had been taking the knot of his dog since he was 12 every change he got. And tonight was another one of those times that didn't come all that often. So even before his parents' car had left their driveway, Tripp was completely naked, and ready to get on all 4s.

‎Unfortunately, he didn't hear their car return about 20 minutes later. He was gasping loudly as he was tied tight to the knot of his best friend, feeling each and every jet of K9 cum that was being pumped into his ass. His head was lowered as he submitted to his 110 lb. Doberman that was on his back, with his front paws clamped tightly around his naked waist.

‎The closing of the back door instantly brought Tripp out of his sexual bliss, and into a state of complete panic. But there was nothing he could do, he was a bitch right now, he'd been in that position many times before. So, when his Father walked into the living room, and saw his only child getting fuck by the family pet, Tripp started to cry.

‎His father pushed his mother away, and told her not to come in. And then he just sat there on the couch watching his son in total disgust. For 20 minutes he sat there watching them breed. And when their dog turned, and they were ass to ass, he just stared, still not saying a word.

‎Later that same night, as Tripp lay in bed, the words that his father finally spoke echoed through his mind, over and over again. And it was those words that still haunted him tonight as he fell asleep under the star filled sky in rural Wyoming.

‎It was still a bit chilly the next day when Tripp finally got the courage to walk up the dirt road to farm house and ask for something to eat. He hated begging, but he was broke and starving. He hadn't showered since he left home, and the clothes on his back were caked in grim and dirt. And as Tripp stood on the porch, trying to get the nerve to knock on the door, he heard someone walk up behind him.

‎"Can I help you?" Curtis asked, as Tripp turned around.

‎"Hey, I was wondering if you might have any work I could do for you for food. I haven't eaten in two days, and thought that maybe you would...."

‎"Dude, what's your name?" Curtis asked

‎"Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Tripp". Tripp said as he walked down the stairs of his porch to shake his hand.

‎"Okay Tripp, my name is Curtis. Let's get you out of those dirty clothes, and while you take a shower, I will make you something to eat and we can talk about work on the Knottingwood Ranch.

‎The spray of the hot water felt great as it splashed against Tripp's naked body. The soap was harsh but was doing a good job of washing the weeks of dirt off his young body. He couldn't believe his luck of finding someone that was welcoming and not bad looking either.

‎Curtis had a hot, ranch-hand type body, and as he stood on the ground looking up at the porch, Tripp immediately noticed his bright blue eyes, and his dirty blond hair that was quite disheveled atop his head. His body was tight, and muscle bulged, not like gym born muscle, but hard farm working muscles. And those tight wrangler jeans he wore made it obvious to Tripp that Curtis was a well-hung guy, with a nice sized package to prove it.

‎It was those thoughts that caused Tripp's cock to harden slightly as he washed the dirty and piss from his junk. The soap felt good as he stroked his hardening cock clean and tossed his low hanging balls around with his hand.

‎"Hey, I brought you some clothes to wear while I washed yours. I think we are about the same size" Curtis said as he walked right into the bathroom without even knocking.

‎He looked into the shower and saw Tripp's naked body. What a find, he thought to himself, as he looked at the slim figure standing in the shower. His dark, wet, straight hair hung down, falling just above his shoulder, and as much as Curtis could see, that was the only hair on his body, other than the stubble on his face, the hair in his pits, and pubic hair around his semi hard cock.

‎"I hope you are okay without underwear?" Curtis asked

‎"Sure dude, whatever you've got it's fine; I just really appreciate all that you are doing for me." Tripp answered sincerely

‎"Good, cause I'm not sure I have a pair in the house." Curtis said as Tripp was turning off the shower.

‎Tripp had never been a shy person, so when Curtis handed him a towel, he didn't cover up his body, as most teenagers might. He was proud of his thick, 8 inch cut cock, that was now soft and resting on his large egg-shaped balls. And as Tripp dried his hair, Curtis scanned the boys clean, naked body, causing his own cock to harden slightly, wondering why a cute, clean-cut guy like Tripp was a drifter.

‎'Finish up in here, and I'll put your breakfast on the table. There's a razor and some cream in the cabinet, and if you like some deodorant, it's on the shelf." Curtis said as he reluctantly left the naked boy to finish up.

‎So, Tripp shaved and put on the clothes that Curtis had hung over the towel bar for him. The overalls were a bit loose, but perfect in length. And as he walked down the stairs, he could feel is junk swinging between his legs, which made him bone once again.

‎And as he ate breakfast that was laid out on the table for him, Curtis told him about the ranch, hoping he could convince the hot drifter to stay on for a while.

‎"We're running a 'Stud Farm' here." Curtis began, while Tripp wolfed down the food on his plate. But stopped long enough to give him a questioning look about a 'Stud Farm'

‎'Yea, we raise purebred studs here on the Knottingwood Ranch, and hire them out for a fee to our clients that want to breed their bitches or mares. We only deal only in the large breed dogs, with a few thoroughbred stallions as well. Do you like animals?" Curtis asked as Tripp was scraping the last of his breakfast up, with the last piece of toast.

‎"Seriously? I fucking love animals, especially dogs." Tripp said, hoping that there might be a job for him here.

‎"Well, if you're looking for some work, it doesn't pay much, but it's 3 meals a day, a warm place to sleep and if you love animals, we've got all the dogs and horse you can handle." Curtis said, hoping Tripp would accept.

‎"Dude are you kidding, I would so love to hang here for a while. What would I have to do?" Tripp asked.

‎"Well of course there is the feeding and cleaning up after the dogs and horse. And on occasion you would be required to travel with one of the studs to another farm for breeding." Curtis explained, as Tripp just stared at the blond headed stud sitting at the table with him. "And then just the general cleaning and keeping the animals happy"

‎"Fuck dude, when do I start?" Tripp asked

‎Curtis showed Tripp around the farm, including the horse stables, and the breading paddock, along the dog shed, and their breeding pen. And they ended up in the bunk house above the barn, where he would sleep. It was a wide-open space, with 8 bunks, four single wooden cots against each wall.

‎"You'll sleep here, but all meals are in the main house. So what do you think, are you into some hard work for the summer? Curtis asked, hoping Tripp would agree.

‎"Yea, but am I the only guy? It seems like you've got a lot of beds up here." Curtis asked, looking around the bunk filled room.

‎"Oh I've got a few other guys that will be arriving tomorrow, and then my cousin will be arriving in two weeks, you'll all work and bunk together." Curtis explained

‎"Fuck yea, I'm in!" Tripp said, already fantasizing of all the dogs roaming the property freely, and what he would do with them tonight, and any chance he got to be alone with one of them.

‎"Great, Mark and Ben should be here tomorrow, but for now let's get to work." So for the rest of the day, Tripp followed Curtis around, helping out where he could.

‎That night, as Curtis laid naked in bed, jerking his hard, 9-inch cock, he thought about Tripp. The kid obviously loved animals and knew his way around. He was going to work out great, Curtis just hoped that he would help him keeping his dogs and horses relieved.

‎And just as his balls tightened and his cock jerked as his pent-up load spewed across his chest, Curtis heard a noise outside that was quite familiar to him. So, as his warm jizz oozed down his chest, Curtis stood by the window, listening, hoping.... Yes, there it was again.

‎He walked naked towards the barn, his cock, once again hard, led the way. He knew what he was going to find, and couldn't believe his luck, as he rounded the barn. Yup, he had chosen well, Curtis thought, as he saw his Chocolate Lab pounding his hips against Tripp's naked ass.

‎Although it was quite dark, Curtis' eyes had adjusted enough to see the beautiful site before his eyes. Tripp was completely naked, on his hands and knees with his back covered by the body of Buddy, his Chocolate Lab.

‎Curtis could see the grip Buddy had on Tripp's waist, as his hind quarters jack hammered away at Tripp's ass, waiting for his knot to form. While Tripp was grunting and gasping for air, as his ass was getting pummeled by the dog.

‎Curtis quietly watched them mate, until Buddy's knot took hold, and he eventually lay dormant on Tripp's back. It was quite obvious to him that this wasn't Tripp's first K9 fuck, even though Buddy wasn't the biggest stud on the ranch, his cock was quite long, with a good-sized knot. Anyone taking that for the first time would be screaming loudly.

‎"His knot feels nice, yes?" Curtis asked when he finally decided to reveal myself to Tripp

‎"Oh fuck!" Tripp said, as he raised his head up to look at him. "I..a ...a. I aaaah, oh fuck, I'm sorry dude!"

‎"Don't be fucking sorry man, this is great. My studs require constant relief and there are a lot of them, and I can't do it all by myself." Curtis explained

‎Tripp looked at him, wondering if he actually heard correctly, that Curtis liked to fuck his dogs too? It was then that Tripp realized that Curtis was completely naked, and his cock was quite hard, towering above his really large, low hanging balls.

‎"Oohhh FUCK me!" Tripp moaned loudly as Curtis watched Buddy maneuver himself, twisting his body, until he and Tripp were ass to ass.

‎"Dude, how long you been taking the knots?" Curtis asked, as Tripp lowered his upper body, and rested on his elbows, with his ass still high in the air.

‎"Since I was 12 or 13, when my parents gave me a dog for Christmas."

‎"Fuck dude, that's cool. What breed?" Curtis asked, still standing in front of him.

‎"A Doberman, with a huge fucking cock." Tripp answered breathlessly, his head down between his arms as he submitted himself completely to Buddy.

‎The heat from Buddy's cum was radiating through Tripp's body, as the dog continuously dumped his seed inside his bitches ass. The feeling of warmth throughout was making Tripp horny as hell. His cock was tight with blood, and even after shooting off two loads while being fucked, his cock was still hard and leaking cum profusely.

‎"Dude, I don't know if you're into this, but a....." Tripp began to ask but was nervous.

‎"What the fuck Tripp...ask me." Curtis said

‎"Dude, can I suck your cock?" He finally asked. Even though he had never touched another man's dick before, he knew he need more right now. And with that big 9-inch hard cock standing right there, he had to give it a try.

‎"Fuck yea dude, suck my junk dry!" Curtis said as he moved up to Tripp's face, and pulled his standing cock down, placing it in Tripp's open mouth.

‎The hard, flesh covered cock slipped into Tripp's mouth with ease as Curtis moaned with pleasure. He couldn't remember the last time a human had sucked his cock. His dog's loved to bring him to an oral orgasm, eating every ounce of cum that spill from his cock during his eruptions. But to have his cock engulfed by the warmth of this guy's mouth, well let's just say Curtis could hold back.

‎"Oh fuck I am going to cum....oh ahhhh" Curtis cried, as he arched his back, shoving his hard cock deeper in Tripp's mouth, and shot off 4 or 5 large jets of his creamy, white cum into Tripp's throat.

‎Tripp swallowed hungrily, savoring the thick, warm liquid that was collecting in his mouth. It was slightly salty, but surprisingly not watery and sweet like his own. But none the less, he fucking loved sucking his cock, and continued until Curtis had to pull free as shivers were shooting throughout his body.

‎"Fuck dude, that was hot. You suck a mean cock!" Curtis said as he pulled away, letting his now soft cock fall over his balls once again.

‎"Nice load, thank you." Tripp said licking his lips "How long does Buddy usually breed for?

‎"What, you've been knotted for 15 minutes, right? Can you still feel his jets of cum?' Curtis asked.

‎After a moment of concentration, Tripp knew he was still being bred, as his ass was still being flooded with dog cum. So Tripp nodded affirmatively

‎"Yea, I 'd say you've got a good 10 to 15 minutes more, Buddy is a nice fuck! Curtis said looking down at them. "So dude, I'm going back to bed, I will see you in the morning. You better get some shuteye as soon as he releases you, breakfast is at 7:00 sharp. And there's a lot of work to do before the other work hands arrive.