I was finally feeling better after a week in the strange room the man and the lady kept checking on me and giving me strange stuff.
Whatever it was seems to be helping me I could finally move my hands and I could and sit on the bed.
I could speak now but for some strange reason I was scared to talk to them .
The nurse came inside she was really nice she will come sometimes and talk to me even though I couldn't reply.
I really do enjoy her company her name was Fiona .
She had blonde hair and big blue eyes, full heart shaped lips and chubby cheeks which made her look adorable and cute.
How are you Amelia she said as soon as she got near my bed.
You must be bored I this place right, well don't worry you will be discharged very soon and allowed to go home she said
I felt sad upon hearing this I didn't want to go home neither do I want to see anyone from my family.
I was grateful noone came to see me but upon hearing this I felt as if a big stone was on my chest and it was suffocating me.
But I don't want to go home Fiona I whispered
Fiona stared at me sharply this was her first time hearing my voice and I I could see a smile coming up on her face.
Wait did you say something that means you can finally speak this is really good at this rate you might get discharged today itself.
Have you heard anything from my mom I said
Oh yeah she is coming tomorrow to take you home she will be so elated to see you can finally speak Fiona replied .
I felt a lump in my throat as I heard that.
Don't worry your mom will take care of you , she loves you very much she said
She might not know my mom like I do but she was everything except loving and caring.
I kept silence waiting for my faith tomorrow there was nothing I could do I thought to myself.
The middle aged woman came to my room again, she changed my clothes and made me wear a big top and a big trouser , I didn't say or do anything the entire time.
I couldn't see my mom where was she I thought was she even coming.
They put me on a chair which seemed to be moving on its own I had never seen anything like this before.
It was the first time I was leaving the room once I got outside I could see a white floor and saw people wearing the same clothes like the doctor and Fiona.
I saw some people as well who weren't wearing those clothes
They seemed to be people like me as well who came to get treated I thought.
The woman kept moving the chair till we got outside there I could see the sky it was very cold outside I shivered as soon as I got outside.
I wish I could wear an extra cloth or I could ask for one but I kept silent and just kept staring.
We went to a big black metal box I thought and there seem to be someone inside it as soon as he saw us approaching he came ou and opened the door.
Which I had no idea the black box had they carried me and put me inside on a chair.
The air inside was warm so I didn't mind.
The woman came inside as well and sat beside me while the man went to the front and started turning a circular object and before I knew it we started moving I was shocked.
It was unlike what we had at my kingdom whereby we made use of horses and attached them to the carriage for transportation.
But this box made use of non and just kept moving I was still bewildered.
How are you Amelia the man said jotting me up from my thoughts
I am fine but who are you and my name is not Amelia I said
The man just kept quiet not saying a thing
I turned to the woman next to me
Mam when will I be able to see my mom is said
The woman just stared at me puzzled and shocked
I am your mom she replied with a sad tone looking at me
No you are not , I don't know who you are but you are definitely not my mother I said feeling agitated what you as wrong with people can't they recognize to their kids anymore
Okay she said looking away from me
I was bewildered what does she mean by okay
Ashiras p.ov
I still couldn't get rid of the fact that my daughter Amelia fell from the balcony.
I was in my office when I suddenly got a call
Hello: I said
Is this Mrs ashiras Fernandez the voice said
Yes who is this and how may I help you I replied
Your daughter Amelia has been admitted to first care hospital we would really like if you can come now mam
What I shouted in shock what happened to her I said
She fell from the balcony and has really lost a lot of blood the voice replied.
I will be there immediately I said running out of my office not even bothered about what my boss would do if I left without permission.
My daughter Amelia admitted I couldn't bare the thought I drove immediately to the hospital.
I walked to the reception and asked where my daughter was .
After getting her location I went inside not even caring how I looked or behaving I just wanted to see my daughter.
I saw her lying there on the bed as the doctors attended to her .
I screeched loudly Ameliaaaa what happened to you I was about to go to her when the doctors stopped me and asked me to leave.
I just want to check up on her i said
I am sorry mam but you have to leave we can't treat her if you are here please get out the doctor said sternly.
I went out feeling anxious I just hope she gets better soon.
I said pacing in front of the door waiting to see the doctor to ask about my daughter.
The doctor came out of the room and I immediately walked up to him.
How is she sir, she's going to be okay right I inquired not giving the doctor a chance to reply.
She's finally stable but unfortunately has slipped into a coma but luckily the fall wasn't that high and her brain was not damaged .
She will get better soon with time the doctor said .
When will she get better I asked unable to keep my calm
We will have to wait and see but there is a problem there seems to be presence of hard drugs in her system.
Which might delay her recovery but we've flushed it out we just have to wait and see when she regained consciousness the doctor said
I was bewildered hard drugs but Amelia is a gentle and timid girl she can never do that I said
You can never say since you are not GOD I mean no child will tell her parents that they take hard drugs he said
But doctor she is going to be okay right I said
We will have to wait and see the doctor said walking away leaving me there.
I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact she fell from the balcony and the fact she takes hard drugs.
I thought, I just pray she gets better soon.
FEW WEEKS LATER she regained consciousness and I just couldn't hold my tears back when I was show pale her face was.
She was no longer the sweet and jovial girl she used to be . It was as as if all life had been drained from her i eyes was distant and scared as if she didn't recognize me.
Don't worry Mrs Fernandez it's normal in her case she must have been scared and the event might have been traumatic for her.
So I guess maybe her brain went into selective amnesia whereby an individual intentionally forgets her memory. Just to not get hurt again the doctor explained to me after I asked him why she felt distant to me.
I felt weak and I went pale immediately I she going to get better soon doctor I chipped in
Yes she should if she receives good rest and care and feels safe her memories will come back hopefully but no matter what she must not undergo any stress he said.
I felt relieved after hearing that and couldn't wait to take her back home.