André 3000 is Omegon. Yeah, I knoooooooow that sounds WILD as shit and by sheet, I'm talking sheet music of a maned lion but hear me out here before you get me out here and by outta here, I mean blow my brains outta my head. Yeah, I'm that heady. Yeah, I'm that confident in my head-canon. Now, onto André 3000.
Remember that whole, and I'm paraphrasing here, the whole "Alpharius first met Omegon during the Rangdan Xenocides on the planet Bar'Savor" thing? That's just Big Boi first meeting André 3000 during high school. That's equal to the Rangdan Xenocides by the way oh yeah, shout-out to Bar'Savor. Tri-Cities High School truly did give the world an incredible duo.
Moving on, there was, if one remembers their Alpharius: Head of the Hydra, a part that describes, and I'm paraphrasing, the meeting between Alpharius and Horus where Horus is overjoyed to have found his last brother, introducing himself as Horus and his brother and asking for his name, in which Alpharius had replied with 'I am Alpharius' which was a lie because Alpharius was not Alpharius but actually Omegon.
Oh yeah, and the whole being discovered thing has been staged by Alpharius and Omegon and by staged, I mean that Big Boi and AndrĂ© 3000 went on stage with AndrĂ© 3000 delivering the now famous words "The South has something to say," words as famous as 'I am Alpharius.' That they are, equally famous for it was the same person who said them but moving on to the words "The South has something to say," they need dissection and analysis. This analysis begins with The South.Â
What is The South? For those who don't know and it would be shocking for one above kindergarten not to, The South is a direction, one which goes further down, furthest down among its direction siblings so to write and by furthest down, I mean it always comes last and by last, I mean twenty out of twenty. As for 20, that's the XXth Legion. As for "has something to say," the South which is the XXth Legion has something to say. Indeed, the XXth Legion had something to say and they would say it. In other words, the Ghost Legion would no longer stay silent in the shadows but come out into the open as the XXth Legion which they did under their twin primarchs, Omegon and Alpharius. Also known as Alpharius Omegon. That is OutKast and as for Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik, those are all the activities of the Ghost Legion while they were still in the shadows.Â
So now the Ghost Legion has officially come out into the light as the XXth Legion (Alpha Legion) but what of its Legion colours. Blue, Silver and Green were the colours. Look at the ATLiens cover. Do you not see blue, silver and green? You do, don't deny it. I know you do and that is what ATLiens is all about. All about their exploits during the Great Crusade. The exploits of the Blue, Silver and Green Legion. Then comes Aquemini. Taken from the zodiac signs of Big Boi (Aquarius) and André 3000 (Gemini), André 3000 is a water bearer and so is Omegon. Going on a tangent for a second, the water bearer is Ganymede of Greek mythology, a boy who was whisked away by a large bird to the heavens to serve as a cupbearer to the gods. Bringing it back to Omegon, was he not taken to Eolith? Was the large bird not John Grammaticus? Were the gods not The Cabal? Was his service as a cupbearer to the gods not Omegon's service to the Cabal and their plans? Yes, yes, yes, yes it was!! Omegon, and Alpharius both served the Cabal but the whole adventure, beginning from the Nurthene War (Hold On, Be Strong) to the decision to join with the Cabal and what came after (Liberation) is the entirety of the the Aquemini album. As for the last song titled Chonkyfire, that is the Dropsite Massacre. They was fire, lots of fire, so its pretty apt, right?
Left to your own research, you would eventually reach this conclusion but let me just spell it out for you here and right now: The public face of OutKast was Big Boi. In other words, Alpharius was the public face of the Alpha Legion while Omegon was the brains behind. Yes, André 3000 was the creative one, a creativity that, by the recording of Stankonia, was moving beyond traditional rapping to a more melodic vocal style, an approach to which Big Boi was initially unaccustomed. Yep, Omegon was beginning to think of acting separately from Alpharius but more on that later. As for right now, Stankonia. Also know as the Drop Site Massacre: Alpha Legion Edition, Stankonia was the planning and execution of the Dropsite Massacre, one which was extremely successful, as successful as Stankonia was in music (one might say).
Saying that, or rather, having said that, lets go back to that whole Yes, André 3000 was the creative one, a creativity that, by the recording of Stankonia, was moving beyond traditional rapping to a more melodic vocal style, an approach to which Big Boi was initially unaccustomed. Yep, Omegon was beginning to think of acting separately from Alpharius but more on that later. As for now : "After the Dropsite Massacre, Omegon did act separately from Alpharius and by that, I mean he infiltrated the Raven Guard, causing horrible damage to their plans before vanishing. Not only that, he also initiated the mission the destruction of the asteroid facility named Tenebrae 9-50 without Alpharius knowing. That is The Love Below for you, courtesy of André 3000. As for Big Boi, he was busy was Speakerboxxx. Known as the mission to tell the Cabal to f**k off, it can be said that Alpharius succeeded with flying colours. That being the first part of the three parts that is Speakerboxxx. As for the other two, these were the Battle of Alaxxes Nebula and the Shadrak Meduson deception. The latter was a success while the former was a failure which is why Speakerboxxx is not as revered as The Love Below which was 2 out of 2 on successes compared to its 2 out of 3."
Three heads is the Alpha Legion's Hydra but they are only two primarchs. Who, or what is the third head then? Food for thought but speaking of thought, eat this: It is Alpharius who is killed on the Pluto. After Pluto, there is only one prim arch. After Pluto, there is only Omegon. Omegon who had to refer to himself as Alpharius. So yeah, AndrĂ© 3000 had to be Big Boi after Idlewild. Sounds weird right, even implausible, except, the Big Boi is not actually Big Boi but big boy. In other words, AndrĂ© 3000 had to remain a big boy after OutKast was no more (no creative burnout). Wonder how Omegon did it? By leaving the Solar System, that's how. Sounds cowardly but I assure you, it's not for leaving the Solar System and disappearing into the vastness of space is analogous to disappearing from the rap game for a time. That is what AndrĂ© 3000 did, with his next appearance being as a featured artist on Devin The Dude's "What a Job". What a job Roboute Guilliman did by killing Alpharius who is actually Omegon!! Except, everyone knows that it was actually AndrĂ© 3000 who killed that verse and so everything is cast into doubt. Is Devin The Dude Roboute Guilliman or it's actually Snoop Dogg who is credited as the Ultramarines? If AndrĂ© 3000 killed the song, then why is Roboute Guilliman still alive? Was Omegon who is disguised as Alpharius being killed actually him killing the song, so to speak? Who really won that Battle of Eskrador? Also known as What A Job, what a job Omegon did to fool Guilliman for that is what he did. He did die, yes, but only in the sense that Alpharius no longer existed.Â
Extinguished from life, Alpharius (who is actually Omegon) is free to become anyone and that is who he became, anyone no one can know or defeat. Okay, maybe not defeat for he was captured and put into the Dark Cells which is a defeat of a sort so yes, AndrĂ© 3000 was out-rapped in one song. This is Scientists & Engineers. So what came after? Death? Nope, it was New Blue Sun. Yes, big boy Cypher escaped the prison and ended going to the Throne Room of the Emperor with the intention of killing him, only to be told by a Custodian to "Wait." Not yet the time to make a rap album, AndrĂ© 3000 obeyed Epic New Records and turned his back on the shining, transcendent raps and, vanishing into the silence of space. Also known as New Blue Sun, it was a silent album.Â
Having escaped, Cypher is once again pursued by the Dark Angels, leading to clashes so yeah, expect more features.Â
PS: The Lion Sword that Cypher holds is in reality, a double flute.Â