CHIRP CHIRPThe air vibrated with the song of the birds as the morning sun cast its warm shadow upon them.Small creatures came out of their abodes, scurrying about, gathering food. While the morning dew began to melt, giving off a fresh scent. The residents of the town nearby would have surely enjoyed the new day, but alas…BloodEverything was covered in blood, crawling out of fresh corpses, hundreds of them, men and women alike. Their expressions ranged across a spectrum, with one's face twisted in fear while others contorted in rage. One had their mouth torn apart as if a demon had ripped it, while another had their spine twisted in an unnatural way and her breasts torn apart.Blood pooled out of their bodies with crimson rivers winding through the streets of the town, with bits of flesh floating in them, giving off a pungent smell. And in the middle of the town, where destruction was at its maximum, where houses crumbled down to make small wooden hills, where limbs were thrown around for the vultures to feast… was a baby. SQUEALBut the baby was monstrous, to say the least. Black veins coursed through his body while black fumes came out of his body as it squealed under the warm rays of the sun.Its nails, sharper than a woman's tongue, dug into the ground as it desperately tried to flee into the shadows. SQUEAL It squealed once more, its voice resembling an army of babies crying all at once. It hated the sun, and it had to get out!It had to live on!It had to decimate all the humans!It had to find that man's blood, and ANNIHILATE THEM ALL!!!CHUCKLEJust then, as the monstrous baby tried to dash into the hill of wood nearby, it heard a chuckle.Its movement froze.SHRIEKIt opened its blood-red eyes with a shriek, snapping its hateful glare at the source of the voice. It was a man… his long black hair soaked in his own blood, his left face skinned with his white bones out in the air. Yet, even if he was missing half of his face and an eye, his other eye glinted as his battered lips curled into a smirk. His right hand tightly held a black, broken sword, rattling as his hand shivered in pain. The monstrous baby glared at the man, its fists clenched as it gnashed its jaws. SHRIEKIt shrieked at the man; it knew it was time for the man, for his lungs heaved up and down as he breathed his last breaths.It knew it had to leave, or it would be the one to die, but it couldn't leave. It had to watch the man die! Yes, it would watch, smirk at him as life left his body. The man's smirk widened; he knew what the demon king wanted. SIGHA painful sigh escaped his lips as he hung his head low as a single tear left his eye as he closed it, "it's... over."…..'Huh….?' the man exclaimed, hearing whispers and feeling the gazes of people around him. 'What? Where am I?' he mumbled inwardly, as his eyes were forced open, 'W-Wha… Too bright!' he exclaimed once more, forcing his eyes shut. But a moment later, he opened his eyes once more, this time slowly, giving time for his eyes to adjust to his surroundings. The sun was high in the sky, its heat radiating in the air, causing him to squint his eyes. Behind him were people dressed in suits and high clothing nibbling on each other's ears as they gazed at him, some filled with curiosity while others, not so. And in front of him was a garden of swords.BADUMPThey were endless, and each stood tall, their ends piercing the ground, their blades glistening under the sun.The man gulped as he stared at the swords; as a warrior himself, he could feel it. No, he knew it as a fact. The swords had spilled enough blood to fill the seas.BADUMPHis heart thumped against his chest; it was all confusing for him. Just moments ago, he had fought the demon king Muzan and died fighting him. He could still feel the pain of his crushed bones, the lingering taste of iron in his mouth, and the excruciating pain from his torn skin.But now, here he was, sitting in a garden surrounded by giant people and swords. 'What is happening?' he mumbled inwardly, his mind spun as he thought about the possibilities. His eyes widened slowly as he came to a realization. Yes, he had experienced this before. It was the one who gave him his past life, and now… has granted him another.'I have transmigrated….' The man mumbled inwardly; his heart pounded against his chest as he clenched his fists, '….again.'But as the man came to a conclusion, he heard a cheerful voice."Go on, young master," the voice nudged; it was sweet and full of love. The man reminisced, recalling his wives who had fallen in the war. He then looked up; it was a lady who appeared to be in her late twenties, her black hair was tied into a bun while she wore a bright smile on her face. '....A nanny,' the man thought to himself as he looked at her dress, a maid uniform. She knelt down beside him, her smile, kind and loving, "Go on, young master."The man furrowed his brows, his mind racing as forgotten memories surfaced back to him.Memories he had forgotten over time, memories of his first life. 'A fantasy world….?' the man mumbled to himself as he looked at the imposing swords in front. As he thought about it further, images of a man flashed in his mind. His breath hitched.BADUMPThe man was tall, his black hair whipped across the wind while his dark, black eyes glinted as if looking right into his soul. BADUMPAnd behind the man was a massive black dragon. Wings almost the length of a small village and its glare enough to scare the wits out of a seasoned soldier. BADUMPWords began to fill his mind, 'Solderet… Murakan… Zipples…'BADUMP'.....Runcandel!'