Sorrowsworn: a class of shadow creatures considered to be manifestations of the Shadowfell itself. Some were embodiments of the different kinds of emotional suffering caused by the plane's effects on those who entered it: the angry, manifesting anger and conflict; the hungry, representing the unsated; the lonely, reflecting isolation; the lost, for anxiety, confusion, and fear; and the the wretched for, well, wretchedness. Others where fragments of death incarnate that preyed upon feelings of grief and loss. Three kinds were known: soulrippers, the stealthy assassins; reapers, the brutal slayers; and deathlords, their dread leaders.
Babau: Babaus stood about 6‒7 ft (1.8‒2.1 m) tall and weighed 140 lb (64 kg), their height accentuated by their elongated form. Their bodies were so gaunt that they appeared skeletal, covered in a form fitting, black, leathery skin. A thick, dark red paste was secreted from their odorous pores that was both slippery and acidic, but their talons specifically were coated in blood, filth, and rotten flesh, resulting in their terrible stench. Contrasting their emaciated forms were their oversized extremities, as their hands, feet, and head were more appropriately scaled for a hill giant.
Like the rest of them, their skulls were tall and long, with pointed ears and jaws filled with so many jagged teeth that they took up half its head. Jutting out from the back of their skulls was a single, long horn-like growth that curved forward and downward. A babau's glare was particularly menacing, causing their eyes to start glowing red. Strangely for a demon their movements were fleet and mechanical, making them somewhat alien even among tanar'ri.
Zamtrios: Zamtrios is a large, quadrupedal monster with grey-blue skin and yellow fins. It is superficially shark-like in appearance, with a long, pointed snout and a mouth filled with multiple rows of sharp teeth. Zamtrios is sometimes seen encased in an ice-like armor, which forms many spines and horns all over its body. As the adult form of Zamite, its limbs are powerful and fully developed. Its skin is extremely elastic in order to accommodate its inflation abilities.
Baggi: Baggi resemble small theropod dinosaurs called dromaeosaurs. Their hide is primarily blue, with a grayish underbelly and a streak of yellow between. Patches of black fur can be found on the back of the head, above the shoulders, and especially the tail.
Hornetaur: Hornetaur resemble crickets of the real world. Like the related Vespoid, they are highly susceptible to poison. Due to their small size, many find them difficult to hit directly. Hornetaurs will frequently attack the hunter in groups, making it irksome to fight other monsters in the area. If hit with normal weapons, these monsters will frequently shatter completely.
Zamite: Zamite are small, shark-like creatures with relatively large mouths that house many rows of sharp teeth. They have been observed in various stages of development. Some have fully developed legs, while others slide on their bellies.
During battle, Zamite can grow larger when it ingests bodily fluids. These fluids also allow Zamites to grow legs if they are ingested by the individuals without limbs.
Rodent: The rodents, also known as hamsters or tushkanos, are some kinds of mutated rat, hamster or jerboa. They have lost all their fur but gained sharp and long claws. They live in large groups and eat almost everything. They might seem to hardly present a threat at first sight, but that kind of thinking can get you in trouble. When in large numbers, they can surround you and start scratching from all sides, slowly tearing apart your equipment. Many stalkers who underestimated the rodents found themselves overrun and quickly brought down.
Nemean Lion: The nemean lion is a ferocious beast that seeks to be left alone to curse its fate. Those who dare to face it and disturb its solitude will meet a fate worse than the lion's by far. Some people suspect the creature's existence, yet do not fear him. Those who don't are often dead or have gone missing in the wilderness.
DinoDog: DinoDogs are rare beings that appear as dogs of any breed with patches of scales, plating down the stomach, on the paws, horns, slit pupils and possible feathers of bright colors and patterns. Additionally, they are 1 foot tall or smaller and are bipedal. They are thought to be a product of a failed experiment from an inexperienced wizard, but no one really knows where they came from. They can speak common, and if they are part of society, they're probably an adventurer's companion, as they rarely fight, and prefer to explore and learn, since they are quite curious beings. They have almost absurd strength, being able to lift boulders 100 times their size above their head with ease.
Rajang: The imposing, solitary rajang is a massive horned ape and the master of the mountains it calls home. Only the most powerful of creatures can even stand a chance against a rampaging rajang, which defends its chosen territory fiercely. On the rare occasion that the rajang encounters a foe that can truly pose a challenge, the fur covering its entire body turns golden and it enters a terrible rage in which it somehow becomes even more dangerous. If the rajang's tail is severed, it can't use this ability and is returned to its original state.
The rajang is noted to have similarities with a great ape encountered in a distant land, but no evidence suggests that they are related.
Snapworm: The massive snapworm is rarely seen above land. It is usually buried quietly at the floors of seas, lakes, and swamps, awaiting victims who swim by. This massive worm has a thick, tube-like body covered in chitinous scales and lined with small, pointed legs. What is most notable is its head, which hides a grotesque pair of jaws. When hunting, the snapworm inverts its pharynx to expose these assets, giving it an alien appearance as it burrows in the sand and waits patiently. When prey swims by, the worm can snap with amazing agility, spearing its victim within its jaws and thrashing it to death before ultimately consuming it.
Blood Crystal Golem: In those places where blood crystals are mined, darker minds may turn towards complicated purposes of the crystals. A skilled sculptor who knows the properties of blood crystal and their magical capabilities may be able to hew a golem from it, one that is particularly resistant to magic, and which contains the crushing gravitational force necessary to compress carbon into crystal.
Helhest: It was the steed of devils, torn straight from the bowels of the Nine Hells, screeching all the while as it fired nauseatingly powerful balls of fire and destroyed everything that surrounded it in a feat of absolute annihilation and strength. It was beastlike, but not in the same way that an animal is beastlike - it was imbued with demonic energy and burst into flames and breathed cinders through its deformed muzzle.
Yahurei Wolf: The yahurei wolf is a very large beast that lives in highland mountain regions that are filled with forestry. They tend to have blood red fur with a tan belly, bright yellow eyes, very large ears bearing tan fluff, a white nose, paw pads, and claws, and a thin strip of silverish-black fur along their back from the base of their nose to the tip of its tail. The inside of their mouth is inky black with pearly white teeth.
Blind Dog: These dogs have, through generations of mutations, adapted to the Zone. This led to the enhancement of smell and hearing, but a complete loss of sight. Relying more on their senses, blind dogs instinctively avoid anomalies and radiation. Knowing stalkers use this to their advantage. If you see a pack of dogs running one direction, but then suddenly stopping and going a different way, this means that somewhere there is an anomaly or an area of radiation.
Canyon Viper: The larger and fiercer cousin to the pit viper, canyon vipers are ambush hunters who lie in wait for their prey in chasms and ravines. They prefer to stalk their prey at night, utilizing the loreal pits near their eyes that give them the ability to see heat signatures. Canyon vipers will eat pretty much anything that they can squeeze into their mouths, although they do tend to prefer the eggs of large birds if they're available. They'll live anywhere you can find a large pit, from dense rainforests to the most barren of deserts, even underground if that's where the food is. They tend not to like cold climates, though.
Ampibious: The ampibious is a laterally flattened, bioluminescent, fast-moving amphiboid able to generate an electrical current and a constant supply of highly conductive slime. With its thin, lightweight body and sucker-tipped digits, the ampibious can move with blinding speed in almost any surroundings, darting up walls and slicing through water like a bolt of ghostly blue-green lightning, an appropriate comparison for a creature which also hunts by electricity. Physical contact with an ampibious can be extremely dangerous, as the monster is capable of unleashing an electrical shock of up to a thousand volts at once. Of particular concern is the conductivity of the transparent, adhesive mucus the creature can secrete from its sucker-tipped fingers and toes, allowing it to produce electrified slime trails and even semisolid webs.
Bog Stalker: A bog stalker is both beast and plant, due to its creation. Typically, a bog stalker is created by a Swamp Witch, who captures animals and forces her malformed plants to grow inside the animal. Thus, the bog stalker is formed and ready to defend its witch from intruders. Bog stalkers are usually formed with bamboo or other tree plants for legs, and stand 8 or more feet tall. Bog stalkers are considered kings of the swamp and rarely if ever attack alone.
Dire Harpy: Dire harpies are a larger subspecies of harpy that most commonly dwell close to northern mountain peaks. Equally as predatory as their smaller cousins, dire harpies make use of their larger size and diving tactics to take down cattle, beasts, and unlucky trespassing humanoids, carrying them off to their high-altitude nests to be consumed at their leisure.
Lacking the alluring songs of their smaller kin, dire harpies instead make use of their ear-splitting shrieks as deadly sonic weapons, softening up their victims before raking them with their razor-sharp talons.
Flinger: Flingers are dangerous monsters that shoot spikes at their enemies. They eat prey while the prey is still alive.
Glavenus: The fearsome glavenus prowls craggy foothills, primordial jungles and foetid caverns alike in search of its next meal. With its fiery breath and wicked tail, this brutish therapod devastates prey and rivals alike.
Lightning Bird: A lightning bird is a large black and white hawk-like bird the size of a person, which is said to summon thunder and lightning with its wings and talons. They are vampiric creatures associated with witchcraft, often as the servant or familiar of a witch or witch doctor, which attacks the witch's enemies. They have an insatiable appetite for the blood of sentient creatures, as they find the blood of animals to be somewhat distasteful, though they can survive by drinking only animal blood.
Mirrorwyrm: A miracle of evolution in itself, the mirrorwyrm is more than just deadly. The Varanus Specupellis is a very large climbing reptile, found sulking in the various caves and late at night near them.
The most striking feature you'll notice, if you even manage to see the lizard itself, is the perfectly reflective material that coats its body, the appearance of small shards of glass running up and down its body. However, further evolutionary strangeness comes from its near magical immunity. Almost every magic user that has seen it, likely only a dozen people, has been completely unable to harm or hinder it with spells, and more often than not become harmed in the process.
Preyton: Preytons are a savage and hateful breed of creature that haunts the forested lands of the world. So renowned is their ferocity that sightings of preytons will draw adventurers from many miles around, seeking to prove their valour by slaying the beasts. Mighty and winged creatures of evil, hybrid in form like the chimera, preytons bear upon their vaguely equine heads a pair of blackened and serrated antlers, which have caused foolhardy warriors to mistake them for majestic Great Stags, much to their fatal error. The beasts, possessed of a dark cunning, will lure such adventurers into the depths of the forest before revealing their blood red eyes and rows of savage fangs when they leap forth from ambush to rend and tear their prey.
Rat Ogre: The hulking monstrosities known as rat ogres are one perfect blend of death dealing creatures, made through a mixture of foul crossbreeding and sorcerous surgery. In their artificial making, many beasts are literally stitched together, the impossible feat accomplished through the fusing powers of a powerful warpstone-derived balm, the infamous skalm. A rat ogre combines the speed and ferocity of a skaven with the sheer brawn of an ogre. Somehow the desperate hunger of both races has been magnified as well for the rat ogre is a truly ravenous creature, forever seeking to gorge its fill on fresh meat.
Thunder Child: Thunder children, also known as storm children, night rattlers, and lightning kin, are mischievous, malicious creatures that come out to "play" during violent thunderstorms, especially at night. This game is quite harmful to other creatures.
These "children" are shiny black, gaunt monstrous humanoids, with slender limbs and vestigial wings. Their faces are human, though they have tiny horns on their temples and pointed ears. Thunder children have pupil-less eyes that flash like lightning. Thunder children have their own variant of the Auran language, which consists of crackles, howls, and booms. Many also speak Common and are experts at mimicking loud sounds. The most ingenious manner in which a thunder child attacks is by subtle, psychological ways.
Umbral Stalker: Hulking black bipedal lizard-like creatures, umbral stalkers lurk underground and prey on anything they can find, tearing prey to pieces before devouring it and returning to the darkness that they came from. They tend to hunt in groups, with one member luring prey towards it while the others wait in ambush, using their keen sense of smell to find their way around in the magical darkness they can conjure.
Argos Hound: Argos hounds are large dog-like or lizard-like creatures that are occasionally found in the tunnels surrounding the lair of a beholder. In place of a normal head, they possess a mass of one hundred eyes each alert and searching for the slightest oddity or movement. Around the circumference of their neck they have three vertical slits—two are nostrils that allow them to breathe and smell, and the centered third is a maw that allows them to eat and drink. They have no hair, instead having fleshy or scaly patches covering their bodies.
Choker: These small greyish-black humanoids generally roam underground in old caves and abandoned dungeons. They have long tubular limbs with tentacle-like fingers, perfect for latching on to unsuspecting prey in the darkness where they hunt. Chokers are generally solitary hunters and are very patient when it comes to ambushing targets.
Deepspawn: The deepspawn is a horror of the Underdark—a subterranean monstrosity that routinely spawns many other varieties of monsters. A single deepspawn can make a vast area dangerous even for alert, well-armed adventurers.
A deepspawn appears to be a rough, rubbery sphere about 15 feet in diameter, covered in dozens of retractable eyestalks, with six large, strong tentacles. Three of its tentacles are dextrous enough to wield weapons, while the other three end in large, toothy maws. It speaks through its tentacle-mouths, with eerie, high-pitched voices.
Fell Beast: The fell beasts were described as large, winged creatures without feathers. Its pinions were in between horned fingers; and its body gave off a stench and fell beasts were powerful creatures and were deadly offensive predators, especially with the black riders on them. They could choose either to bite their prey (less attacking radius but increased damage) or swoop down on them (larger attacking radius), scattering enemies apart or outright crushing them. If a fell beast snatched a soldier, it could easily fly high into the air and drop its helpless victim to his death far below. Fell beasts were feared for their ferocity and speed.
Foul Seeker: Foul seekers are horrid abominations that inhabit the Underdark, for they hate the touch of the sun. They resemble humans, though their legs are far too short, causing their abnormally long arms to drag along the ground. Perhaps most disturbing of all are their unnatural faces, with eyes and mouths much too big, and noses and ears freakishly small. They also have tails far too short and unwieldy to be used in normal combat, though they are very heavy, and are used to devastating effect on unwary opponents. They are thoroughly mad, though this madness allows them somehow to avoid the worst of magic, and to see that which would otherwise be unseeable.
Jaguar Lord: Jaguar lords are horrid creatures native to the forests and swamps of Southern Maztica and Lopango, sometimes thought to be tabaxi touched by the Far Realm. They are often considered a form of parasite, lying and hypnotizing their way to the top of tabaxi tribes in order to drain the tribe of resources, even demanding blood sacrifices of its people, sometimes as part of or under the guise of offerings to Zaltec. When a jaguar lord has nearly destroyed its tribe, it will choose a tabaxi to mate with, the product of which is always a male jaguar lord.
Brownie: Brownies are small supernatural beings commonly found in workshops, especially those kept by dwarves, for which they were created. In many ways, brownies are to solars as lemures are to pit fiends, though without the element of transformation of human souls. They are capable of creating a small broom in seconds out of seemingly nothing and can diligently clean impossibly large areas in a matter of minutes.
Cait Sidhe: are a branch of fey that adapted to the Material Planes better than their relatives. Their inherent appearance, which resembles a slightly large cat, helped them blend into the humanoid society, especially human society. Many cait sidhes benefit from their "owners", who pet them without even realizing that their "pet" is actually much, much older than themselves.
Some cait sidhes become a bit too attached to the caring hands of humanoid creatures, to the point that they sometimes forget that they are not an ordinary cat. In the darkest corners of the alleys, cait sidhes make a shady trade among themselves for the finest catnip and state-of-the-art scratching pads.
Fire Sprite: Fire sprites reside amongst volcanic regions, syphoning their power from the earthly oven of molten rock. Rather than their forest glade cousins, these sprites look first to battle and care not about the true nature of their opponents.
Kappa: The river is a symbol of beauty and life. Its constant flow invites a feeling of calm and serenity. However, rivers are also dangerous and parents warn children of going too close to the river, not only because of drowning but also for the creatures that lie beneath the surface. One of the strangest by far, it is not wrong to call the kappa an enigma.
Bog Wader: Bog waders are terrifying monsters that dwell in the corrupted swamps below the jagged cliffs as well as deep in the cavernous realms below Athas. They have various razor sharp pines growing on their bodies and they even emit an explosion of glue-like mucus when near death. They are formidable ambush predators that lurk near lakes, swamps and rivers.
Charred: Near death creatures born from those killed in the Great Fires that swept across the realm. Their flesh turned to char, the only thing keeping them alive is the fire within them, forever burning and sizzling away. Desperately seeking to reclaim their original visage, they take beasts, humanoids and whatever they can find, skin them and affix that skin onto themselves, this is however a temporary satiation as the skin eventually bubbles and blisters away, and they return to their bitter aggressive selves once more. The charred are noted to smell like cooked meat.
Feral Human: Humans gone more than mad, as their minds are effectively gone and nothing is left of them but an urge to kill anything that moves. They hate and despise ordinary humans, as they remind them of what they once were, and what they have become.
Morlock: Degenerate humans long lost from the world of light, morlocks have regressed through years of subterranean dwelling into ravenous, barely thinking beasts of the endless night. They no longer remember the civilized lives their ancestors led, although many morlock tribes still dwell in the shattered ruins of their ancient homes. Ironically, in many cases morlocks worship the statues left behind by these ancestors as their god. A typical Morlock stands just over 5 feet tall and weighs roughly 150 pounds.
Skaven Clanrat: Clanrats are the common warriors of the skaven clans, forming the bulk of any skaven army.
Mainly due to cowardice and lack of discipline, lone clanrats are not formidable opponents except when they are attacking a weakened or crippled enemy, preferably from the shadows. Banded together in large numbers, however, they are ferocious warriors, attacking without hesitation even against obviously superior enemies.
The clanrats do their part to ensure the skaven hierarchy is maintained, keeping down the class below them (namely the skaven slaves), while profusely humbling themselves before those of the ranks above them.
Skink: Skinks are a small and nimble breed of lizardfolk.
About 4 feet tall, fast and amphibious humanoid creatures with long tails and prominent headcrests, skinks are the backbone upon which lizardfolk society is built. Extremely agile and highly intelligent, they are unusual amongst the various different types of lizardfolk in that they are skilled in diplomacy with other races, scouting and learning magic.
They are excellent communicators and often use not only vocalizations but also body language and subtle changes in the coloration of their crests to convey their wishes or needs to others of their species.
Troll: Trolls are born from the darkest thoughts and desires of humanity's collective subconscious, and embody all of them to the fullest extent. Their ability to craft and use weapons is rudimentary at best, leading to most being scavenged from their enemies' corpses. Ravenously hungry, they are as likely to eat human and troll corpses as anything else. Due to the nature of their formation, trolls cannot be reasoned with, living for violence.
Alghoul: Alghouls, while can be found alone, many more can be found within packs of normal ghouls, leading them and using them to their advantage. They will generally try to have the normal ghouls distract you, while sneaking up behind and pouncing.
Alghouls differ from normal ghouls in size, strength, coloring, and, most importantly, intelligence. Whereas ghouls and graveirs are primitive creatures unfit to plan even the simplest ambush, alghouls and their kindred (such as cemetaurs) are capable of forethought, and are thus much more dangerous.
Bloated Zombie: Slowly shambling, brain eating and unstoppable, these monsters have been glorified by pop culture, and other sources. This stat-block is a representation of your average zombie, cold, dead, and hungry. It spreads its unnatural plague by biting victims and is very good at hearing and smelling blood and fear.
Bloodbound: Bloodbound are creatures created by vampires as servants. Bloodbound are translucent bloody red with purple and black streaks, though this is not because they drink blood. Rather, it is because a bloodbound is created using the blood of a willing minion who was a priest at one point in their life. Some vampires welcome priests who fall from grace into their courts with the ultimate goal of manipulating them into embracing existence as a bloodbound. As part of the bond between vampires and bloodbound, bloodbound who are defeated can retreat to the resting place of a vampire to regenerate.
Flinthusk: Made from elemental magic mixed with necromancy, a flinthusk can only be created from a humanoid that died by falling off a rocky cliff or into a ravine. Jagged, razor-sharp stones protrude from the dirt-caked flesh of a flinthusk, each one embedded deep into its skin and causing it to bleed out. Its eyes are as glassy as two dark jewels. The penetrating smell of rotten meat mixed with foul earth emanates from a flinthusk, causing pain to all who breathe it in. The undead menace can shake the earth around it with a pound of its stone-bladed arms, potentially knocking the opposition right off their feet.
Necrolyte: Necrolytes generally look like ordinary civilians with pale skin until they die. When they die, they come back to life but with more of a rotted or decayed appearance which gets worse the more they die and come back to life until they just look like walking corpses.
Necrolytes are humanoid creatures who were infused with necrotic energy before birth which usually kills them and their mothers. If they are buried with their mothers, they grow in the womb until they dig themselves out of the womb and the grave. After they are "born" they rapidly grow over the course of several months into a full-size necrolyte.
Ashen One: Rituals most vile can warp a humanoid into a creature of pure evil: an ashen one. An ashen one has a partly corporeal body of smoke and ash covered in small spikes, while clouds of smoke constantly billow off of its form.
Ashen ones remember little of their past lives, though reminders of significant events can cause them to become temporarily lost in thought.
Barghest: A barghest is a lupine fiend that can take the shape of a wolf or goblin. In its natural form, it resembles a goblin-wolf hybrid with terrible jaws and sharp claws. Barghests come into the world to feed on blood and souls to grow stronger.
As whelps, barghests are nearly indistinguishable from wolves, except for their size and claws. As they grow larger and stronger, their skin darkens to bluish-red and eventually becomes blue altogether. A full-grown barghest is about 6 feet long and weighs 180 pounds. A barghest's eyes glow orange when the creature becomes excited.
Screamer: Speeding blurs that leave shimmering trails of change-magics in the air behind them, screamers streak across the skies with a wailing cry. They slash foes they pass with razor-sharp horns and fins, before darting down to savage their chosen quarry with gnashing teeth.
The bite of a screamer is fierce, their fang-filled maws able to gouge out large chunks of flesh.
Wretch: The wretch, also known as a soul maggot, is the weakest of all known fiends, fitting for its name and stature. Resembling a red maggot roughly as long and thick as a human's thumb, a dozen or so tiny red spikes on its back and four round red eyes are the most intimidating features of this puniest of fiends. However, one should not underestimate it, for as much as it lacks in combat power, it makes up for in potential. A wretch's sole motivation is to consume the rotten parts of a soul, just like real maggots eat the rotting parts of corpses, and in doing so, the wretch leaves only pure souls in its wake, but this is entirely unintentional, as a wretch only seeks to fill its stomach in preparation for its metamorphosis.
Cave Wyvern: These pallid, elongated lizards can generally only have their draconic ancestry deduced by noting the multiple joints and unusually high placement of their powerful pectoral fins, or by observing the spark of intelligence that lingers in their sunken, beady eyes. Cave wyverns are an unusual breed of dragon, related to the more common aerial wyverns but even further removed from conventional dragon anatomy. In order to navigate the cold subterranean rivers found in the karsts and aquifers they frequent, their tails have elongated and flattened while a pair of broad fins have developed from atrophied wings; dolphin-like undulation allows them to chase down blind cave fish or even leap out of the water.
Dragon Frog: Dragon frogs are found in forests and swamps, where they lurk among the treetops and submerge themselves beneath the mud and murky water. A dragon frog's body mostly resembles a frog, though covered in scales with a long tail and draconic wings. Most dragon frogs are brown or green, but those found in tropic regions may be bright blue or red and are covered in vibrant markings. These tropic dragon frogs tend to be smaller, but they are also much more poisonous.
Veil Wurm: Veil wurms reside in frigid regions of the world, diaphanous wings wrapped around their bodies like elegant shawls. Among wurms, they are the fastest and most graceful in the air and also the most comfortable with flying. Veil wurms are nocturnal, emerging on frosty nights and particularly when an aurora can be seen. During the day, they bury themselves beneath the snow and sleep.
Flight is not the only ability granted by the veil wurm's wings, as they can also fire thin icy blue beams from their tips that freeze whatever they strike. The wurms enjoy freezing their food before they eat it, though their innards are also bitterly cold.
Toad Dragon: Toad dragons are huge, brooding, primeval horrors. They are, thankfully for the fate of many, blessedly few in number, and largely confined to the trackless, otherworldly swamps known as the Cold Mires under the coruscating skies of the far west. These huge beasts are mindlessly violent, very hard to kill, and have a dire repute in the legends of the Northern Wastes which name them for their appearance and raw power, when in truth they are perhaps far closer to the lumbering dinosaurs that inhabit the jungles of the far south than the true and ancient dragons.
Pygmy Dragon: Pygmy dragons are small brown-scaled dragons that live in secluded caves and hidden vales. They are swift and evasive, ambushing prey before devouring it. A pygmy dragon prefers to hunt on the ground, using its flight to escape larger predators, harrying them from afar with acid.
Arrowplant: so, named for their incredibly sturdy branches that are perfect for creating arrows from, are small shrubs that contain powerful toxins. Some creatures cultivate them to use them as guards for lairs in heavily forested areas, though the toxins rarely do much to deter especially powerful creatures.
Cactuar: A cactuar, sometimes called a cactite, cactoid or cactrot, is an animate cactus known for its peculiarly humanoid appearance and its incredible speed and agility. They are elusive creatures, rarely glimpsed by desert caravans as they sprint across the sand dunes.
Rooter: Foul plants that sprout from humanoid corpses, rooters attack humanoid settlements indiscriminately and communicate with a form of complex movements and gestures. They are vaguely humanoid in appearance, but they have no noticeable facial features, all looking more or less identical, save for the arrangements of growths and vines that carry vile pollen that infects humanoids and creates new soldiers. They consume humanoid corpses, leaving a few of their victims intact to sprout new soldiers. They are frightened of fire, and avoid open flames.