Hi, My name is kunal. I am a 47 year old man. I work in Intes Cooperation Pvt. Ltd. Although it's a big cooperation, my salary is very low. I am still unmarried because my mom had last stage cancer and I did spend all of my time taking care of her, but she died last year. I have neither any relatives nor any friends . I am completely lonely in this cruel world. My seniors always burden me with a lot of work and shout at me always like I am trash. My colleagues always laugh at me for my looks. I know my life is trash. So I took a vacation....mmmmm yeah, you can say a permanent vacation, yes my boss fired me last week , so I came to the Himalayas to live the rest of my life there. It's already 1 week since I came here , now I am climbing the Himalayan range to end my life peacefully.
Kunal- Currently I am on my way to the peak with other tourists and a guide but I have no plan to go with them. Because I have to separate with them to climb to the peak alone and to die in these sacred mountains.
[After a few minutes]
Now, is the correct time, everyone seemed busy. I have to go now.
[After that Kunal started his last journey on his way after a long walk he found a cliff.]
Ahh!! It's not a happy ending I know but..... Finally I can at least rest in peace.
[ After that he jumped from the edge of the cliff but he called on a lake and due to high pressure and extreme cold his body broke into many pieces, suddenly!!! a symbiotic-like creature sticks to his body pieces.]
[ A frightening scene, a man sitting on a bloody throne with the fear in his audience's eyes.]
Kunal- Ahh!! What the hell??! Why are doctors here ? Where am I?!
[ Suddenly someone says, congratulations mam, you became a mother!!]
What!!! Why are my hands so tiny? What!!! Why am I in a child's body !?
( After 15 years)
Kunal- what's going on here guys?
(Suddenly a tall young boy comes)
The boy - hey what's up kunal, here take this, newly flavoured chips, it's so damn amazing.
Kunal- ( in mind)..... Hmmm. It has been 15 years since I was reborn and this time also coincidentally my name is Kunal. I have been reborn in a wealthy and famous superstars family , I am a single child and my parents love me a lot.
In this life I have a strange power, I can't understand it properly but it feels like I can scan or fully learn the books or surrounding things. I can convert it into my mind or all the power that thing contains or all the knowledge that , that vessel contains and can convert it into my own power or knowledge. You can say that I was born a genius with a golden spoon, because of that at the age of 2 i started talking like an adult , I can scan all the books because of that I ranked top in my school.
The earlier tall boy's name is Shubham, a friend of mine .
Shubham - Hey! Hey! Bro??, where are you??
Kunal- Ohh sorry, nothing special.
Sachin- Hi guys ( a big fat boy but cute, he is very strong , he loves his beloved ones, a good friend of kunal)
Akshita - hey! Hey! Kunal,
(A beautiful girl but has a stupid mind)
Kunal- slowly, Akshita! What happened?
Akshita - You fool, Vinni is present today!
Kunal- oh, okay.
( With a smile trying to control it)
Sachin- hehe ! You dummy!
( Everyone laughs)
[ Because of kunal background, most of the girls liked him but Vinni is the only one, who never shown any interest in him, Vinni's mother and Kunal's mother both are best friends]
Teacher Harsh- ( He is class teacher of class 2-A May town high school.)
(Everyone was enjoying suddenly teacher Harsh entered the class and all the noise silenced, students feared him)
( He is a great genius but has anger issues, his age is something about 34-38 years and unmarried, he got cheated by his wife and his girlfriend dumped him, this scenario is famous in the whole school)
Teacher Harsh- Silence all of you. Ravi did you do your homework? Shweta , a student caught you in the boys washroom with Aryan, met me in my office, came to my office after class,
Now, today's topic is about the universe, what is the universe, the size of universe, do you ever question yourselves where do you live where do you stand in the universe? Are there any other civilizations besides Earth , are they powerful and if yes , what will they do with the us?.
( After 3 hours)
Ohh! I almost forgot to tell you all about the trip to the Himalayas next week . Prepare yourself for it.
Kunal- ( hmm, Himalayan, is this how I will met my past self....)
Sachin- what are you thinking Kunal? Are you excited?
Kunal- yes buddy...
Vinni- I have a plan today, would you come with me Kunal, for shopping?
Akshita- of course! He will come right now! Right kunal?
Kunal- hmm , of course.
( At kunal's house)
( He is getting ready to go with Vinni but then suddenly he got shocked and fainted.
Before falling down a deadly scene comes before his eyes
A sight, everything is burning children are crying, ashes, blood, scene full of fear, as scene as bloody as hell)
Kunal's mother -( after kunal opened his eyes)
Are you okay dear?
Kunal - yeah mom.
Doctor - just a sudden shock due to fatigue, he is fine mam. You don't have to worry mam.
Mother - rest well son, I will come back later, Let's go doctor.
Kunal- what the hell was that scene, it's so frightening, what's the time by the way..... Ohh shit!! It's 9 p.m. I had a plan with Vinni, shit...!
( Next day at school)
Kunal- hey Vinni, I am so sorry about yesterday, I had an urgent issue .
Vinni- Don't, don't come closer to me , I am not talking to you .
Kunal - please listen, I didn't do this on purposely.
( Vinni ignores kunal and gets away)
Shubham - Now, what did you do ?
Kunal- nothing Special..( in a slow voice)
( After 1 week , the Himalayan range)
Teacher Harsh - All of you stay in line, no one will go out of the line, don't do anything stupid without my permission.
[ Then suddenly the guide comes]
Guide- Hello everyone my name is Mishika, Welcome to Himalayan range mountains and our goal is to climb this mountain to the target peak.
Teacher Harsh- no one, exactly no one will break the rules, all of you have to follow Mishika mam rules.
( After 6 hours)
Mishika - now, get your camp ready kids, the rest distance we will follow tomorrow, Now rest well.
Kunal- ( looking deeply towards Vinni.)
Akshita - what happened bro? Why is she upset?
Kunal - it's my fault bro...
Akshita- don't worry, now you go and rest.
Kunal - yeah...
( At midnight kunal hear a voice, a Sweet voice but can't able to understand , the voice is attracting him.)
( Kunal goes outside from his camp and goes towards the voice, kunal follows the voice subconsciously and when he realised that the voice is stopped. He realised that he was at the same cliff where he jumped in his past life , Kunal shocked in fear and when he moved his body towards back ward suddenly a bear, triple of his size appears in front of him, kunal didn't realise where the hell that bear came out but he knows only one thing at that situation , that the bear is going to attack him. Kunal runs with his full strength and the bear is still chasing him, at a point he still skipped from the cliff and it was also the same cliff like in his past life, he was in fear and hoping that somehow he can live and then suddenly that bear also jumped from the cliff towards him and a creature with unique shape came out of it with the tearing of bear body and then stucks to Kunal.)
Sachin- kunal wake up! Wake up!!!
Kunal- yeah! Whatttt!!!, what happened, where am I ??
Shubham - he has lost his mind , we are at camp and due to weather changed we have to go back to school, we are getting late because of you , get up!!
Kunal- what the hell , I was died back then.
Sachin - yeah! We all will die because of you!!!
( After that , they returned to their school)
( Outside the school)
Kunal- Vinni, please stop, I will never do it again. Sorry, Let's go to shopping at evening.
Vinni- Don't follow me , I am sick of you.
( Some thugs come towards Kunal and Vinni)
Thug 1 - hey loser why are you following her?( In a laughing way)
Thug 2- ( start touching Vinni's hair and irritating her)
Kunal- don't come near us, FUCK OFF!
(in a slow manner and in a strong voice)
Thug 3- ( comes towards Kunal and punched at kunal's face)
( Vinni feared and shouted but unknowingly nothing happened to Kunal's face)
( Then aggressively Kunal smiled and punched at the thug who punched him and then he fell back at the of a car and the gate also collapsed with the lot of bleeding from the mouth of the thug.
Then Vinni takes Kunal's hand and runs away from that place.....)
Vinni- how do you do that??
Kunal- I don't know
( Kunal really didn't understand what happened to him.)
(At the residence of Kunal)
Kunal- ( in mind)
What the hell happened to me,
( Looking at the mirror )
Then at the washroom he throws some water towards his face, )
( His eyes got blurred, then we see Kunal as a adult)
( The time has passed now, 8 years later)
( After high school Kunal became more talented somehow, and have gains muscular power stronger than any average human, he cleared majority of the toughest exams in the world and did almost every profession till the age of 23 after that he started his family legacy and became an successful actor. Akshita became a great singer, Shubham became a lieutenant in Army and sachin became doctor, Vinni also became an actor and also both Kunal and Vinni are in relationship now.)
( Somewhere an event is ongoing, all of Kunal's family members and friends are present there and on the stage Kunal and Akshita are hosting and performing the show.)
Kunal- are you ready audience!!!???? Your and muje favourite singer and my dearest friend, The Akshita is going to sing your favourite song!!!
Akshita - naa... You are embarrassing me ! Let's begin.
( The event is ongoing meanwhile somewhere in the Milky way galaxy, in a space ship)
Unknown 1- We are receiving the signals more frequently, the signals are coming from a planet near star 000C1n.
Sir , shall we start the engine?
Unknown 2- We have been searching for roxon power for the last few decades, and finally we found it, Milzad will be happy.. start the engine.
( Meanwhile in the event, the performance is ongoing)
Kunal- Finally, this is the last song of this event! Are you excited!!
( And at the same exact moment the laser like missiles fired from an alien ship and many families ,friends and people from the audience were killed, including Akshita and Sachin, Kunal fell from the stage due to sudden impact and is bleeding from head.)
Kunal's Mother - ( with tears in her eyes) son are you alright? Wait a second..
( His mom tears off his clothes and starts doing bandages )
( Kunal didn't understand anything due to shock and was looking towards the dead bodies of Akshita and Sachin, he wasn't able to adapt to the situation at that moment.)
Kunal's Father - Do that later, we have to go!!
[ Then suddenly the spaceship went down and two aliens who are wearing some type of uniform with a humanoid body and with a face of a skull without eyes came out of it. They have spear like weapons with them and before them , there standing a body with the size of a bear with a unique armour and a humanoid face, looking like the senior of them. ]
Solider 1- ( the 1st alien) ( pointing spear towards Kunal) sir , we are detecting the roxon power from that inferior creature standing between them.
General -( the big alien) go get him!!!
( Then the soldier 1 ran towards Kunal and held his neck)
Finally!! We get the power!! ( With the deep and exciting laugh)- general
( Then Kunal's mom hits the soldier with a stick to save his son, the soldier leaves Kunal in anger and cuts his mom head with his hand only, because of her death , Kunal's Father came and tried to kill the soldier with his punches, then the soldier punched him in his stomach and due to punch impact, his stomach gets a hole and the alien hand gets stucks to Kunal's father body, after throwing the Kunal's father body)
Soldier 1- insects..
( He laughs)
( Due to the death of his parents Kunal loses his mind , he cried loudly and suddenly took the soldier 1 weapon and throw towards the soldier who killed his parents, the spear pierced through the alien body and he died on the spot. The second soldier run towards Kunal but Kunal also killed him with that weapon. Due to rage , the general kicks Kunal and he falls down back to stage and starts bleeding from his mouth)
General - you didn't awaken the roxon power fully yet you were able to kill my elite soldiers.
Truly marvelous!!, but for a mere human only.. don't worry i will end your pity life.
[Then the general comes towards Kunal while shaking his head and with a smile, he wanted to torture Kunal, firstly he holds Kunal's. Neck and rip off his right hand thumb]
General - Feel the pain human, because of you we roamed galaxies to galaxies in order to find you , our roxon power. This pain you are suffering and will suffer till your death will be my fruit of hard work.
( The general started to cut off Kunal fingers one by one then after the right hand he crushed his left eye .)
( Kunal was in extreme pain both mentally and physically, then suddenly Vinni fired at General with a weapon of soldiers and the general got hit by the laser and fell towards the alien ship. Vinni throws the weapon and comes closer to Kunal and hugs him tightly, Kunal hugs her with the tiny hope he has left and cries in her arms loudly.)
Vinni- Shh!! I am with you.. don't worry. I am with you.( She was also crying)
Kunal- Mom , dad, Akshita, Sachin, they all are dead! Why!!?? Why Vinni??
( Then suddenly General came and jumped towards Vinni and Kunal and holds Vinni's neck)
General - I think she is the last person you cherished, How about I also kill her in front of you , poor Little girl,
( Vinni can't able to breathe perfectly)
( Suddenly Kunal cried loud)
Kunal- yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
( And a black colour beam , a attack with full of lights mixed with red lights and waves comes from Kunal's hand , Kunal shooted towards The General head and the head blast completely. The general died on the spot, all of Kunal injuries healed and a dark black aura surrounded him his eyes got dark black and he is shouting louder and louder.)
( Then suddenly a new space ship also enters the atmosphere, came near Kunal's place , but this spaceship looks different than the previous one , it is more shiny and big. Hundreds of soldiers who looks like somewhat humans came out from the entrance of the space craft, then a tiny monster who is flying in air also came out)
[Vinni is scared]
( Then the tiny alien throws a bracelet like object towards Kunal and that object sticks to Kunal's hand like a
( Suddenly Kunal collapsed)
( Vinni is crying, there are only noise of death and dead bodies everywhere, blood is flowing like river, there are crowd all over tha stadium and place)