Sweet and soft on the inside but ruff and hard on the outside. You see skittles aren't just a sweet tasty snake you can enjoy. skittles come in different shapes,sizes,and colors but they are all the same . You see, you can take a Skittle nd saver it , care for it , or even get it changed a Lil,. But a skittle will always be a skittle no matter how many time you try and change that skittle...that one lil skittle will fade into dust and there will be nothing but ash.
Welcome, i do hope you enjoy
Vol 0 : WHAT "IF'S"
If we ever where to cuddle I would press up against you as your warmth wraps around my body nd as we lay there I would place your dick between my legs as I slip it between my lips nd grind your tip on my clite while your hand grop nd pinshes my breast's as the other hand wraps around my throat tilting my head a Lil to the side as u lick nd place kisses down my neck in pleasure all while I slip ur dick in nd out from behind me ur tip hinin my clite making me even wetter then what I am. Finally slipping it in nd letting it go deep with in me. As I tosted and turned in my sleep I wake up "uaah" what type of dream ?. But then I wonder what if that was real ? What if I actually did that with someone else other then..... as I pause at the Realization of being in a long distance relationship with a boy who stole my heart with a smile. A smile so gorgeous It makes me feel .... so .... at ease like a baby when it first looks at its mother no his smile sends me into a world of peace nd a hint of love, "like I know what love is" (lol).
As I get up to start my day , I start by going to the bathroom turning on the shower nd getting my Lotion nd Deodorant. Setting the shower temp to warm/hot while I let the shower run for a bet, I relief myself nd let bubby outside so he can do the same, all while making me nd him something to eat before we go on our Lil walk to the store.