"This is my very first story written in English, so I want to apologize in advance for any mistakes that might appear throughout the text. I'm still learning and trying to improve my English, and I understand that there may be some errors in grammar, spelling, or word choice. I hope that, despite these imperfections, you'll still be able to enjoy the story and follow along. I really appreciate your understanding and patience as I continue to work on getting better. Thank you so much for reading!"
It was a normal day in the life of our protagonist. He was leading a quiet student existence, if you can call it that, after years marked by certain torments. He spent much of his time alone, being independent and, in a way, isolating himself from society. His past experiences had left deep scars, giving him a bitter view of people.
He felt a kind of trauma that led him to prefer isolation. In his opinion, most people were simply selfish, false and too superficial for his taste. For this reason, he chose to stay away, navigating his life in solitude. However, this decision was not without consequences: the distance he put between himself and the world made him feel even more disconnected and isolated from others, and this also influenced his personal relationships.
Our protagonist's routine was simple and monotonous: study, eat, and sleep. That same routine had accompanied him for several years, a constant repetition that seemed to have no end. He had no hobbies, no passion that motivated him, or anything that made him feel alive. However, everything changed when, in a moment of curiosity, he discovered something that would capture his attention for a long time: the world of anime. Every anime he watched was a unique experience. Some had good things, others had aspects that could be improved, but they all managed to keep him intrigued. As time went by, he became a constant viewer, enjoying series after series, one after another. He became so excited about this new world that a thought formed in his mind: What if I created my own anime?
That idea excited him briefly, but reality soon hit him. He didn't have the material, the technical knowledge, or the resources necessary to carry it out. Instead of giving up, he decided to look for alternatives. It was then that, while researching, he discovered something that would open a whole new door: the world of fanfics. Fanfics were alternative stories created by fans, a space where everything was possible and where the rules were set by the writer. Reading some, he felt inspired. Here he didn't need great resources or expensive tools, just his imagination and his ability to put it into words. Excited, he decided to give it a try.
And so began his new routine, very different from the previous one. He spent long periods writing stories, exploring alternate worlds and creating tales that, little by little, gave him back a spark of joy. He discovered that writing was not just a hobby, but something he really enjoyed.
But the biggest problem or defect of our protagonist apart from his indecisions could also be...…
.—-End of Narrator—-.
"How lazy, really…" I refuted while lying on the bed, face up, staring at the ceiling. "I'm supposed to have written some story by now. We're on vacation, but laziness gets the better of me almost every day. Well, I'd rather keep watching more anime." I continued muttering to myself, letting out a sigh of resignation.
Suddenly, I remembered something that had crossed my mind a while ago.-"True, I had in mind a story based on Boku no Hero Academia... but I don't remember many details of the arc I wanted to work on," I said to myself, squinting as if the ceiling were going to give me the answers.
The summaries I had found on the Internet did not convince me. They were too general and did not explain the facts in the detail I needed. I became a little frustrated, but soon came to an inevitable conclusion.--"What can I do... I'll have to watch the anime again. I think it was the sports festival arc, or rather, the second season."
Although I was feeling somewhat apathetic, I heavily got out of bed and walked over to my desk. I plopped down into the chair and turned on the computer. Without much enthusiasm, I began searching for the aforementioned anime.
I finished watching the first three episodes of that season and woke up excited."How epic!" I exclaimed enthusiastically, while jumping a little in place. "I didn't remember how amazing that part was. And the musical band… uff! Without a quirk, it beat the others. Hahaha, it was simply amazing." I added with a wide smile, still excited by what I had just seen.
However, my excitement soon gave way to reflection, and I remained pensive for a few moments."Although, now that I think about it, there were others who had much better quirks to take advantage of in those situations, and they didn't use them well.
Uraraka, Kuroiro and Monoma, especially Monoma, for example…".- I muttered, remembering the details of the chapter.- "He could have found some quirk that would allow him to go faster. If he had investigated a little more, he probably would have avoided being so far behind. 36th place! It's a complete disappointment" .- I said to myself, shaking my head in some frustration.
I crossed my arms, assessing the situation as if I were in that world myself.-"If I were there, I'm sure I would have come in first… or even won," I said with absolute certainty, sensing a slight hint of arrogance in my words. Although it was mixed with some confidence in my ability to analyze situations and plan strategies.
"Are you sure?" a mysterious robotic voice asked.
At first I didn't react. I nodded instinctively, as I was absorbed in my thoughts, lost in the idea of what it would be like if I were there, in that world that fascinated me so much and in characters that, although secondary, had particularly useful powers. But suddenly, something in my mind clicked.
"Who the fuck is there?" I asked nervously, feeling a cold current running down my spine. Despite the fear that was beginning to set in, I didn't hesitate to grab a baseball bat that was nearby, ready to defend myself from whatever.
"Are you sure?" the voice repeated again, this time clearer, more insistent.
I looked around frantically, searching for the source of that strange voice. I turned my head from side to side, scanning every corner of the room with my eyes wide open, but I found nothing. There was no one.
Then my gaze turned upward, as if something was pushing me to do it. And there it was. Above me, hanging from the ceiling, was a bright sign displaying the same words I had just heard: "Are you sure?"
I stood frozen for a moment, the bat shaking slightly in my hands, as I tried to comprehend what was happening.
"What is this?" I asked out loud, as I looked carefully at the sign again. My mind was still trying to process what was happening, but before I could think too much, that voice spoke again, repeating the same question: "Are you sure?"
Without much to lose and wanting to find out what was going on, I responded decisively:.-Yes, I'm sure.-
I waited for a few seconds, looking around, but nothing happened. The silence stretched out, and tension enveloped me like a shadow. I couldn't explain what it was or where it came from.
Suddenly, the voice broke the silence again, but this time with a clearer warning: .-Are you absolutely sure? The changes won't be restored until this is all over.-
The room seemed to get colder. My heart was pounding, and my hands were sweating as I held the bat. The question was not only strange, but it had a weight that I couldn't quite understand. My somewhat restless mind began to formulate logical answers, the first option was a joke in bad taste but taking into account that he lived alone and only had friends at a distance it was unlikely, the second option that came to mind was a very meticulous scam but taking into account that if they entered private property they would be violating people's rights it was somewhat unlikely, so the third option remained which was that a cosmic being like in the web novels I had read was out there naming some catastrophic paradigm for the world, although everything was quite unlikely. But something that human beings have inherent in their capacity was their curiosity, with that comes the saying curiosity killed the cat and this phrase brought back bitter memories of one of his ex-partners, omitting the latter he wanted to get to the bottom of this matter.
"I'm sure," I replied, with some doubt in my voice, as I anxiously waited for that mysterious entity to say something else or for some significant event to occur around me.
The voice took a few seconds before speaking again, its tone cold and mechanical."Request accepted. Changes made. Immersion of the last named character."— he declared.
"What? Changes? Immersion?" I repeated, totally confused and worried, as I tried to analyze and process those words. My mind was working at full speed, but before I could put two and two together, something happened.
A portal began to form in front of me, a bright, spinning vortex that gave off an indescribable energy. I had no time to react; the portal began to draw me in with a force that was impossible to resist.
"No, wait, help!" I screamed, desperate, as I tried to grab onto anything within reach. I stretched out my arms, trying to grab the edge of the desk or any nearby object, but it was all useless. The force of the portal was overwhelming, and my attempts to resist were in vain.
Finally, the portal swept me away, plunging me into a maelstrom of light and darkness, while my mind couldn't stop wondering: What is going on?
We were in a large UA center, a place where tests and training seemed to never stop. There, some girls were desperately trying to help wake up a young man with blond hair, who was lying completely injured and unconscious. This boy, now in such a deplorable state, had suffered an incident moments before. While walking down the hallway leading to the second chivalry test, he had an unfortunate encounter with a person with an explosive temper.
The confrontation began with a series of insults from the blond, who, apparently, did not know who he was dealing with. His attitude provoked the other person, who responded with an explosion that reverberated in the hallway, hitting the young man directly in the head. The blow was so strong that it knocked the blond out, alarming several of his classmates, both from his class and from others. Now, these girls, full of concern, tried to revive him while the echoes of the incident still resonated in their minds.
.—-End of Narrator—.
"Ouch... why does my head hurt so much? It's like I have a terrible hangover," I muttered, bringing a hand to my forehead as I slowly opened my eyes. I was barely able to focus my vision when I felt someone helping me up.
"I apologize for my colleague's behavior and his aggression," I heard a soft, polite female voice say. In front of me was a young woman with jet black hair and an elegant demeanor, who spoke to me kindly.
For a second, I was stunned. It was Yaoyorozu Momo, accompanied by another girl with pink hair and a lively expression: Mina Ashido.
"How...?" .- I whispered to myself, still a little shaken. My mind was in chaos.- "Am I hallucinating?" .- I thought, trying to find some rational explanation for what was happening.
I closed my eyes tightly and breathed deeply, trying to calm the whirlwind of emotions that was overwhelming me.This can't be real, right? I thought, trying to convince myself that it was all a figment of my imagination, perhaps a strange effect of the blow to my head. Still, deep in my heart, a small part of me wished with all its might that this was real, even if it seemed completely crazy. The possibility that the impossible was happening filled me with a mixture of wonder and inexplicable excitement.
However, to my surprise (and relief, but also confusion), they were still there, staring at me intently. I could clearly feel Momo Yaoyorozu's touch as she helped me up, her firm yet gentle hand on my arm. This wasn't a dream or a trick of my mind. This was real. I tried to form some words, anything that might express my amazement or my thoughts at that moment. But try as I might, the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth. It was as if my brain and tongue had decided to stop working at the same time.
My state of nervousness grew with each passing second. Although I tried to hide it, my surprise was evident, and the confusion only intensified."How is this possible?"
But no matter how hard I tried to find a rational explanation, everything around me seemed so vivid, so palpable. The feel of Momo's hand, Mina's curious gaze, the atmosphere of the place... everything screamed at me that it was real.
Behind me, stood the president of Class B, Itsuka Kendo, who was watching the situation closely. Noticing that I was not responding and that my expression reflected a mixture of caution and surprise, she did not hesitate to quickly take action to save the situation and avoid appearing rude to Yaoyorozu's question. With her timely intervention, the girls, although still a little worried about me, decided to leave. The tests were about to begin, and they knew they could not afford to be late.
Once they were gone, Kendo turned to me. There was genuine concern on his face. In a soft but firm tone, he asked me, "Are you OK?.-
Watching the girls from Class A walk away, I managed to react a little, shaking my head as if trying to clear it. It was then that I heard Kendo's voice speaking to me, which made me respond quickly, almost by inertia.-Yes, thank you, I said, trying to sound firm, but in reality my mind was still in chaos.
I still didn't understand how it was possible that I found myself in the world of Boku no Hero. The idea filled me with unease because in later events that I still remembered from my past life, a great war would arise and thousands of people would die, but I decided not to mention anything that was going through my mind. If this was real, I didn't want to raise unnecessary suspicions.
To my surprise, the president of Class B, Kendo, looked at me with some bewilderment. I could see a slight mix of disbelief and curiosity on her face. Had I said something strange? Then it dawned on me: to her, I was Monoma, and the original Monoma would never have thanked her for anything. That gesture of gratitude, as simple as it seemed, was something totally out of place in her perception of me.
Kendo seemed about to ask something, probably intrigued by this unexpected change in my behavior. However, before she could utter a word, bells rang throughout the place, signaling for all students to head to the field where the test would be held.---It's time! We have to go to the field.-Kendo said, with a determined tone, as he began to walk quickly towards the exit.
For my part, I had no idea what was going on. I was more lost than someone on their first AP physics exam. My mind was still trying to process where I was and what I was supposed to do, but I didn't have time to stop and think. Everything seemed to be moving too fast.
With the sound of students rushing towards the field, I decided to follow Kendo, hoping to understand what was going on. The only thing that was clear was that, for now, the best thing I could do was try not to draw more attention than necessary.
And most of all, I needed to place myself at what point in the story we were at. Although by looking at the Kendo uniform, I could tell that we were at the Sports Festival stage, I still wasn't sure what specific point in the events we were at. As we walked towards the field, I tried to connect the bits of information I had. My mind quickly went over what I remembered from the festival arc, but I still couldn't quite place myself.
Finally, we arrived at the venue where the tryouts would be held. The UA Memorial Tournament was about to begin, and the stands were already beginning to fill with excited students and spectators.
Everything happened so fast that I barely had time to take in the atmosphere. Within seconds, we were on the field, surrounded by a sea of noise and energy. Now more than ever, I needed to stay calm and figure out exactly where I was in the sports festival.
"Kendo, could you tell me what happened earlier and what this really is?" I asked, trying to sound as natural as possible. For a moment I was about to ask exactly where we were in the story, but I stopped myself. That might raise suspicions. Better to say that I don't remember the events well and blame the blow to the head. With that, I would have a reasonable excuse for my lack of information.
"Don't you remember? We're at the UA Sports Festival, in the second round: the chivalry test, 'Monoma'. It seems that blow affected you more than I thought." – answered Kendo, with a mix of concern and seriousness.
"Don't worry, when this is over, I'll take care of reporting a complaint about Katsuki Bakugo's behavior. Even though you were upset, there's no reason for someone to hit you like that" .- she added, with indignation evident in her voice.- "Does he want to be a hero by acting like that? It's unacceptable" .- the orange-haired girl complained, crossing her arms while maintaining a firm tone.
As Kendo spoke, I processed the information quickly. The second round, the knighthood test. That finally made my temporal location in history clearer. Plus, it was clear that Bakugo had acted as usual: explosive and aggressive. This was useful for maintaining my alibi. I nodded slowly, pretending to half-remember the events.
My mind began to work at full speed. Thinking deeply, I remembered that this stage was where Monoma was eliminated. This meant that, somehow, I could change the course of history.
"Interesting…" I thought to myself, as a spark of determination began to ignite within me. I felt a slight resentment towards Katsuki Bakugo; not only from my perspective as a viewer, but now as a character within the anime. I had always detested his arrogant attitude and impulsive behavior.
However, my priority right now wasn't to confront him. My real goal was to get through this round. I knew Monoma was perfectly capable, and I had always said it out loud: if given the chance, he would do much better than the original. And now that chance was mine.
I looked up at Kendo, who was still watching me with a mix of concern and confidence in my abilities.
"Thanks, Kendo. I think I'm slowly remembering it," I replied, trying to sound calm.
Although my tone was calm, inside my mind was already planning each of my next steps. This time, things would be different.