Mentally preparing himself he walks towards the ledge watching as everyone is working hard to keep the crowds attention on themselves. A single mistake could result in one of them being left behind with nothing.
"It seems that we'll have to do some extra stunts today Aero. Unless you want to eat grain" Screw jokingly says to Aero, a Peregrine Falcon, his best bud.
The crowd roaring with cheers as each act preforms. The fat balding man, Director Vickers, then steps up and speaks in his announcing voice;
"Ladiess and Gentlemen! I would like to announce our last act of the night, at a staggering 4 inches tall, with the strength of 10 burly men, and speed of a cheeta! Screw the tiny man!"
As soon as he says that, Screw jumps off the ledge. He has done this act so many times before that he lost his feelings of fear.
'It's better than going hungry' Screw thinks as he falls trusting that Aero will come and catch him like always. On cue, Aero then leaps off going straight for him, adding a loud cry for dramatic effects. 'He's always so dramatic.'
Getting his fishing pole ready, Aero then grabs the hook. He then swing himself to be onto Aero's back where a makeshift saddle is. He then hitches his shoes into the slots so that he doesn't have to hold on with my hands. B-lining for the crowd Aero then curves so that they can see his back. Screw waves to the crowd as they pass by.
Moving towards the center, they spin a bit before Screw jumps off onto Fluffy the lion. Running down his back Screw uses his pole to hook onto one of the steps on the ladder close by. Jumping off, he swings over to Rody, a male Kitsune in his fox form, who's messing with the other acts.
Jumping on his back Screw says, "being mischievous as always?"
"Hell yeah, it's so funny seeing everyone get surprised that I'm running to them. But shouldn't you be on Aero?" Rody says teasingly. Looking over at Aero who's staying higher up so that Vickers doesn't notice that Screw is not on him.
"Oh well, wanna help me up there?"
Rody then sighs and turns into his human form. Seeing this, Aero come swooping down landing on his shoulder. Screw quickly gets on, and like it was all planned out, Rody then grabs Aero and throws him. Unfazed Aero just spins and starts flapping his wings. Aero then flys by Rody's head in which Screw glares at Rody, who is laughing.
Continuing on with their act, Screw and Areo proceeded to spin through circles of fire and fly though the jaws of the big cats. Wrapping up Screw waved to the crowd then Aero flys up to the ledge where they were originally.
Waiting for them, Ariana, an ex act who's only still here to help with finances, was sitting. She was sitting on the ledge watching to make sure nothing bad happened.
"Why'd you disappear mid performance?" Ariana said to him confrontingly.
Smugly, Screw responds, "just wanted to talk to Rody, wanted to see if I could figure out what he got for my birthday tomorrow."
Ariana laughs "Hah! As if you could figure it out. This time it's extremely special. The one thing that you can't get living here."
"Ain't that right" sighing, Screw jumps off Aero, who was just patiently waiting to get un-harnessed. Without saying anything, Ariana takes Aero's harness off and puts it in her bag. "What are you doing," Screw says looking at her weirdly.
"This is involved in your gift," Ariana says while winking. "Anyways you should got to bed early tonight. Vickers is running from the cops again. So it's going to be a rush."
"Fine, gently lock Aero up for me will ya."
"Sure, sweet dreams" Ariana smiles waving while Screw leaves. "Sigh, I hope he forgives me in the future."
'Ariana is always so cautious, even when it comes to birthdays' Screw was thinking when he got to the doll house.
When he first was found by Ariana as a baby, Vickers locked him up here every night in order for him not to leave. He just got so used to it that he saw nothing wrong with it.
Going inside, he see all the familiar marks left by his younger self trying to get out. The old smell of blood lingering in the air. He used to try anything to escape back then, only to realize that he wouldn't know where to go afterwards. Thus making him helpless.
Going to his room he sees a messy bed with a bunch of colorful clothes around. They were his costumes from all the shows he was a part of. Vickers never had him wear the same outfit so he just threw it to the ground at some point. Not that he'd want to wear such uncomfortable outfits.
Sighing, Screw falls face first into his bed. Tossing and turning while trying to relieve some stress. After a while he gets up to change his clothes.
Walking towards the closet, he opens it up and takes out some small doll clothes that Ariana made for him. Screw shivers remembering how long he had to stand for Ariana to get his measurements.
After changing he plops himself on the bed again and falls asleep.
"Psssst! Psssst Screw!" A very quiet voice whispered right out his window. "Screw wake up."
"Augh... Who's waking me up so late" Screw yawning says. Looking over he sees Ariana fidgeting with a key. "Ariana? Why are you here this late?"
"Giving you your birthday present. Happy 16th!" Ariana smiles as she opens the lock. "Weedle should get you to the animal carriage, there Aero is all suit up. There's a map in his bag, go there."
"Huh? Wait what's happening? Why is Aero suited up?"Screw frantic by what's happening.
"There's no time to talk, quickly put on your gear I made last year and run. Just know that Rody and I love you and that we'll miss you" Ariana not explaining anything left the room.
Screw realizing something is wrong, did as she said. He quickly got changed and jumped on Weedle, Rody's pet mouse, and set to go to the animal carriage.
As they were crossing carriages, he started to figure out what was going on. There was a snitch. Someone revealed the location of the train and cops were chasing as they moved. It was pure chaos, and the animal carriage wasn't even better.
"What the hell..." Screw said amazed of how loud it was.
Monkeys were screaming, the Elephant was stomping, the doves were screaming, ect. In short terms, loud chaos.
Using the Weedle, he almost managed to get to Aero, who was perched inside his cage freaking out on the top shelf. Using his fishing pole, he threw the hook all the way to Aero's cage. In response of seeing the hook, Aero immediately grabbed it with his claw sticking outside the cage.
"Sorry Weedle, it seems this is where we part ways" Screw says as he got off Weedle and gave her one last head scratch before he started winding up to Aero.
While he was going up Vickers came in. He seems really pissed and frantic.
"Shut up you dumb animals! Stop making noise!" Vickers roared. Hearing this Screw winded up even quicker than before. He didn't want to think what would happen if Vickers caught him here.
Just as he was thinking that he heard a familiar voice say "Forget about the animals, all that matters is you getting out of here. You can find new talents!"
Looking over he saw Rody. "Rody?" Screw whispered to himself. He could tell this was another mask Rody made for himself. It must be the mask he uses in front of Vickers.
"Don't you dare tell me what I can do- Shut up you dumb animals!" Vickers yelled kicking the cage of Fluffy. Screw using the distraction managed to get to Aero. As quietly as he could he opened up Aero's cage. While this was happening Rody was trying to get Vickers out of the room.
"Director, you and I both know that you don't need these "beasts". You already have a lot of attractions that are way more popular than these things. Take me for example." Rody says gesturing to himself.
Vickers took a second and then agreed by bobbing his head. "You're right, I don't need these mutts. As long as I have the mythical attractions, we'll be fine." Saying that, they left the room laughing.
Taking a second to make sure Vickers was gone, Screw then got on Aero's back. "Alright buddy, we need to get out of here."
As if he could say ok, Aero squawked.
Flying out of the cage they could slightly see the sunrise coming from a small window. Right when he went to fly towards it Vickers came rushing in again. He looked more enraged than last time.
"YOU BRAT I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE!" Vickers screamed. Right when he said that, Aero flew right next to his ear scratching it.
Enraged Vickers tried to grab at Aero, but Aero was faster and bolted towards the window.
"CLOSE THAT WINDOW!" Vickers roared to whoever could hear. But before it could get shut Aero and Screw curled up into a bullet and got out.
Flying higher they could here the muffled screams of Vickers getting quieter and quieter and quieter. Until they couldn't hear it. Looking around Screw couldn't help but focus on the sunrise. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
It was at this moment he realized what his birthday gift was. It was freedom, and with this freedom he threw away his name Screw. In hopes to find a better name for himself.