Uraraka wanted to scream into her pillow.
Why, oh why did her life have to turn out like this? First she was so fucking wealthy that she practically needed to support her parents(who she dearly loved, but was starting to hate with how often they asked if she had found someone yet). Then she had to deal with Katsuki's angry, dickheaded ass every other week(Despite the fact a part of still adored that man for how brave, strong and devoted he could be and missed having him absolutely annihilate her), but to top it off Himiko had gotten involved with yet another fucking weirdo who she'd inevitably have to deal with(regardless of her finding him admittedly cute and seeing something of a decent person in the guy and wishing the best for the person she regarded as her greatest success as a hero and one of her best friends).
It was all on her to deal with and right now she wished she could just relax in her chair with a bottle of bourbon in one hand and a menthol in the other, preferably with a partner waiting for her in bed, but she couldn't. She was Uravity, the savior of goddamn everyone and so that was all she was. Her chances of having a normal life or just having friends who weren't scarred or mental wrecks were gone the second she got into UA.
She didn't regret it and loved her job, but sometimes she wished she could have gone into modeling or computer science. At least then she could have gotten to know people who weren't fucked up. Sighing, the heroine laid herself down on her couch and closed her eyes. Work was coming again in ten hours and then there was Himiko's check up and the charity thing to deal with later on in the month. Thinking, all the brunette could find was her research on Himiko's new flame.
That was the only thing in her life right now that didn't directly relate to her work, even if the guy had no idea about the stuff behind the scenes. He was nice enough, but had the aura of a beat puppy which surprised her that Himiko even put up with that kind of person since she only dated those she "admired". Maybe Greenie had a big cock or was just willing to put up with her sexual tastes, whatever the case he wasn't too much of a creep, but there was something off about him.
Not in a dangerous way like Himiko, but more in the "I'm in horrible pain" way that she'd seen all the time in her career. He spoke the world of Himiko last time they talked so that was likely going well and wasn't one sided or abusive. Though Uraraka couldn't help feeling jealous of that blood sucker. She cared about Himiko, but she managed to get a partner and there was always that saying Grandmama had about tiny men, quiet men fucking the hardest and the most passionately.
God how long had it been? Katsuki was the last person she'd been with and that was years ago. She knew getting a hook up would be easy but she wanted a boyfriend, not some fling she'd regret the day after. It wasn't like there were a lot of men interested in loving her and not Uravity. She had a fan club and even knew of a few pornos that used her outfit, but she tried to be a dignified example for people.
Sometimes she'd find someone who didn't know who she was and they'd hit off, but then the guy would just fucking ghost her. Part of her suspected Katsuki was behind it, but he had some faith in him not to stoop that low. After all, he was still a hero even if he was flawed.
Sipping the water on the coffee table the antigravity hero bemoaned herself at the prospect of another night alone and overworked. She was still worried about whether she'd get the chance to even have children at this rate with how her life was going. Fuck, Himiko had a better chance of becoming a mother and getting married then her now. Shit, she might even be getting laid right while the girl who did everything right was becoming a lonely old lady.
Opening her eyes and glaring at the walls around her, Uraraka huffed at the unfairness of it all. She wanted a life, a husband and two kids at least, maybe more, but her job had taken it. Katsuki had his mind wrecked from the war, she had to work around the clock and might die at a young age from it and everyone was either out for her money, fame or her body.
It was fucking unfair, it was unfair that cunt was getting everything while she was stuck here to silently suffer. Where was her prince charming or broken bad boy or put upon geek? Where were her gaggle of friends she could talk bullshit with and watch each other's kids while their husbands worked? Why didn't she get anything? Didn't she do good?
Inhaling Uraraka buried some of her angst and sipped her water. It wasn't like complaining would do her any good, she was still in the prime of her life with her health in good condition, fertile as a member of her family can be and wealthy enough to retire if she wanted. So she had options and a future. Though at the moment all she wanted was a good talk, some dinner with someone and a mean dicking.
Christ, that just would melt her issues away, wouldn't it? To just release all her fears and frustrations to another person who loved her with all his heart only to then bare herself to him like a nasty little demon, oh she would pay for that. Still, she had responsibilities and those came first. Yet for some reason her mind drifted to Midoriya again. He was a string pole of a guy with barely an ounce of muscle and a slightly below average height, but for some reason she could stop picturing what his junk might look like, after all that length had to go somewhere.
She must be truly desperate, but he was the only guy she knew that didn't either have a history with her from the war or just wanted to be seen with Uravity. If anything he was pretty damn chill and if she hadn't needed to look out for Himiko's interest then she had no doubt he'd be something to look into, even if he was a little weird...or maybe that was the years long dry spell talking. He didn't seem like a degenerate or a bad person and she learned to spot those signs. Then again that guy had the honor of being Himiko's longest lasting relationship and that girl always let her tastes be known so there had to be a little off with him.
Maybe she could save him like she saved Himiko and tried to save Katsuki? After all, he did seem like that lonely, bullied geek who'd jump at getting a woman's attention. Getting to know him wouldn't be bad in any case and if his personality was more attune to her and something went wrong between him and Himiko...well, he could certainly be a back up plan to try if she was still single.
Personally, she adored the idea of being that disgusting hick who just enchanted some broken soul and had them wrapped around her finger while they unleashed themselves on her. Heck, she rather liked the thought of getting screwed by that scrawny fuck assuming he had the gusto.
Ah, what the hell was she saying? This wasn't her, she wasn't this needy, horny, bitch who jumped at the potential for a relationship that was likely never going to happen with a man she barely knew. She had more self worth and respect for herself than that. Besides, that guy could be worse than Himiko. That was one type of crazy she wasn't going to tolerate in her love life, no matter how lonely she was.
Or maybe he's actually a really lovely guy who fate shat on for forever and that's why he ended up with Himiko of all eight billion people in the world. Or maybe Himiko's perfect for him and she was just being a backstabbing cunt who didn't have faith in her friend?
Should she ask him out, just to get more info on him to find out what he's really about? She didn't believe Himiko would get violent with her of all people, but...she was really invested in this guy from what she told her. She actually risked giving up her chastity to this man and that was beyond important to the girl. Maybe this was Himiko's chance to finally be happy, if it was and it worked out then Uraraka would cheer them both on all the way.
If it flopped then she'd scoop him up and make sure her friend was okay...assuming he wasn't a complete freak.
A silent, truly scared part of her that feared she'd be alone forever because of Katsuki and her own choices in life whispered the question of whether Himiko would be willing to share him with her if he was a match for her. Since at least that way she could have children and a husband who wasn't a danger to himself or her or their potential children. Himiko was always a lonely freak who admitted to being sexually attracted to her and she was submissive to her demands so...it might be a possiblity if she really had no other options.
Maybe if she was single by thirty it could be a plan if she had literally nowhere else to go, but for now she had to get a grip and look at her abilities as a person. Then there was work and that drained 85% of her energy every fucking day. Would she actually have to enter into a weird three way relationship with Himiko and this guy? It was disgusting, but she knew she'd be safe and the sex would certainly be crazy.
Fuck the thought of being subjected to those two repressed perverts almost made her excited in a fucked up way. She had kissed Himiko one time when she was drunk after she broke up with Katsuki and she kinda liked it, but there was too much of a professional quality to their friendship. Though it wasn't completely unheard of for sponsors to date their charges.
Ah, there she goes with the crazy talk again. It was getting late and she needed to sleep, being up this long was making her delirious. She didn't know a damn thing about this guy and Himiko firmly called dibs(though she could always just...use them both since Himiko wouldn't mind). Why did she have these thoughts!?
Goddamnit, it Katsuki wasn't so fucked in the head then she wouldn't have to worry about being alone, but she wasn't good enough to help him! She just couldn't do it and made things worse even though she loved him more than anyone! It just didn't work out and she hated herself for it, but what was she supposed to do after he got so damn crazy that he said he'd off himself if she left!? She was a hero, he knew that and even if she did want to be something of a housewife and a mom, she had seen too much bad to not keep going.
Besides, it would have gotten worse for them both. Katsuki never laid a hand on her, but he'd smash things all the damn time and wake up crying and screaming. Then there was dealing with his bitch of a mother, honestly how the fuck could that bitch blame him for what happed to her husband, his father!?
There were times that she wanted nothing more than to be in his arms again when it was cold or ask him to take her like he did in their highschool days, but she loved him too much to be that selfish. She would have stayed by his side until it killed her for how wonderful he made her feel, but she knew it would end in one of them dead and she knew it wouldn't be her even if she would have accepted that.
So she was by herself, childless and overworked because the man she adored was too broken despite her wishing it were otherwise. They both needed to move on and she was doing her best to forget those feelings, but they were ungodly strong. Kastuki was her first...everything. He turned her from a hopeful into a hero and a girl to a woman and there would always be a part of her that worshiped him as her scared little puppy that only she could understand.
But she was wise enough to know that would only end very badly, otherwise she wouldn't have ever left his well toned ass. So she had to deal with reality and try to salvage some of her life like Himiko had. If this Midoriya guy was who was left for her to take then so be it. At least she'd be able to forget the pain by then.
It was getting close to bed time now and so she banished most of her thoughts, leaving only the itch between her legs that irked her. Disappointed at herself Uraraka moved to her bedroom and opened her bottom drawer where she kept her things. They were a gift from Midnight Sensei when the vixen had found out about her relationship with Katsuki when they were caught doing it under the stairs by the very same woman. Sadly it was one of the only things she had to remember the hero who helped her learn so much about herself and how to have a healthy relationship.
Setting herself on the bed and removing her pants the heroine shifted herself into position and once again saw Midoriya's face and more staring back at her while she worked to manage herself. As she did so Uraraka couldn't help but tear up at how her life had gotten to this point before just closing her eyes and letting her mind drift away from her worldly troubles.