Life had always been rather cruel to him, being born in an abusive family in itself was like hell but being hit by a truck right after coming home from graduation was straight-up brutal.
Blood splattered all over the road as a young man in his early 20s lay dead on the ground. His once hopeful eyes were now unmoving.
The young man's body although it was right in the street engulfed in chaos, His soul had already moved to a higher plane of existence.
As he looked at the hovering screen in front of him, he realized that he had died a rather strange death; he could never have imagined that he would be hit by a truck on the biggest day of his life and meet his end.
[Because of the error made by [REDACTED], you met your untimely demise. To amend the mistake, [REDACTED] has offered you two options:
1. Move to heaven
2. Reincarnate [With your memories]
What would you like to choose?
His mind had been racing for too long on what he should choose and he soon decided he had unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled goals that he had to complete so he would choose the second option.
'The Second Option'
When he chose the second option, the screen changed and generated another line of text.
[Congratulations! You will reincarnate in the universe you are most familiar with. Due to [REDACTED], you cannot access your home universe. Choosing alternative.Selected...Reincarnating...[ERROR]...[ERROR]..Due to [REDACTED] you cannot be your original race. Choosing an alternative race...Selected..Reincarnating]
And just like that, the lone soul disappeared from the void, the screen in front of him generating another line of text.
[Good Luck!]
[HIS Pov]
I came into being once again, the unknown time I spent in the void had numbed my mind to a certain extent. My location remained unknown, yet contrasted with the bleak isolation of the void, my present state felt heavenly.
It felt like being in a haven of warmth and safety, a unique type of energy or aura, revitalized me. It felt warm.
My mind raced back to the time before my death. I never got to experience what was real happiness and the day that I was really happy, I died.
I was born and my mother passed away after giving birth to me. My father was an alcoholic and drug addict.
So yes, my life was hell.
Time passed and soon out of boredom I realized.
'Do I have a cheat?'
The realization dawned on me as I realized that the situation I was in was just like fanfictions I used to read.
So, I called out.
Nothing popped up.
'Activate System'
I sighed, what was I expecting?
A cheat-? Pfft-I was not some dark and manipulative protagonist of a silly fan-fic. This was real life, not a fantasy crafted by some kid.
Even though I said that, my mind still fantasized about what if I was really reborn in a different world? In a fantasy world with guilds and adventure or something more cyberpunk.
But slowly reality hit me when I realized I still did not know where I was.
Time passed and I realized where I was.
My mother's womb.
Author's Note: Word count will increase from the next chapter.