In the old Medieval Kingdom of the Hearts, somewhere of a fictional world of Royals and Nobles, lies the parallel world of Agastasia. Where magic exists and where fantasy rule all!
In this world, Goddess Agastasia lived with her seven selves, in those seven selves lies her seven hearts, which shall accomplish seven days of triumph in the world of Agastasia.
Thus, this Medieval era became known as the Kingdom of the Hearts. For they are the true kings and queens of the world of Agastasia and lived for them to call upon Lady Goddess Agastasia and protect the world as her seven swords and shields within seven difficult days.
One of the Hearts, Mellinova, the Heart of Struggle, saw that the world is indeed evil and filled with chaos. Thus claim her destiny as a warrior of her own fate - A Heart. To cleanse it with her soul, to cleanse it with her spirit. To activate the hearts of the Goddess and rid the world of its evil.
To reestablish control of this Kingdom, Mellinova must establish a Guild far fearsome than the foes she will ever face. The Guild of Mellinova, the Guild of Hearts.
It is a Guild that shall prosper and eliminate all evil and cleanse the world of darkness. It shall be a Guild that possess such tremendous power and strength to conquer all that is unholy, that is wretched, and that is evil. It shall be a Guild that surpass all others in its display of courage and bravery in conquering evil. It is the Guild of Love, the Guild of Hearts.
Mellinova, establishes this Guild in Athens, the center of the Civilization thus far. There she establishes her court, upon the invitation of 3 of her retinue, together with her closest of friends, they task themselves the mission of ridding the world of its evil.
These friends calls themselves, "The Hatchet", the right hand man of Mellinova and is said to hard to defeat in battle. Is someone born from the tribe of the Collosus, the Giants of the Americas, and is an American Indian. "The Sorceress Witch", a native of Bavaria, and is said to be the greatest magician of the world. Then last, we have "The Wiseman", a native of England, and is known to have knowledge of everything about the world. A great wizzard is his calling, he lives a life of an old man guarding Mellinova since she was young.
Together, they heed the call of Mellinova to establish a 4 men Guild to upstart the world and renounce the darkness it has consumed.
She uses her property just North of the Athenian Pantheon. Calling it, "The Palace", she establishes the Guild here as a means to cure evil occuring in Athens.
In today's world, nearly every city of the world became corrupt, clearing out the evils in Athens starts the journey of cleansing the world of its darkness.
The problem in Athens lies with the syndicative forces behind the scenes lying in wait to manipulate the politics of the republic by establishing control of the democratic process. There, powerful forces are at play that even "The Wiseman", cannot figure out how they will take care of it alone. So he asks Mellinova to expand the Guild of Hearts of its members for control of the situation, and influence, to control the world by it.
There is a method that the syndicates use to coerce the weak but intelligent men of the democracy of Athens. With them suppressed, the democratic process is easily controlled. The problem here is not what lies in controlling people that were deemed invaluable. But rather, they were deemed invaluable because of their purpose, and that itself added to the value that weighed in their demise. These "Outcasts", so to speak, are people that have freedom of hearts, minds, spirits, and souls. They speak the truth of the world, and are actually helping it by defending against the evil of the world. Thus, they are the first allies of the Hearts, and the first allies of Mellinova too.
There is a fact about this world that people do not know, although some outcasts are evil too, some other outcasts were made evil or said to by mouth to be evil because of the fact that they are kind, because they form a counter to the process of the evil people. These people were blacklisted and treated with misfortune not because they are bad, but because they can contribute to something good about the world. Thus, they were in lined to be suppressed, because they undermine the freedom and intention of the evil ones to the world.
In here, it can be said that one with power is not inherently good, or a good person in that matter of fact. He is a person that recognizes the need to survive, and people that want to survive tend to become more selfish and inconsiderate of the other people's opinions.
Thus, the world, ruled by misunderstanding intentionally and purposely has developed to the unwanting need of creating an evil place. One secluded of the hearts, one secluded of the minds, one secluded of the honour of the peoples goodwill and good intentions.
This is why the Guild of Hearts was established, to ensure that the people will live a good life by eliminating evil by the hands of the good, and produce efforts of the fact by ensuring that faith stand beside them. To the very end, guide them by the least.