The cryopod hissed, a long, wheezing sigh that broke the silence of centuries. Its lid slid open, revealing a chamber bathed in cool, sterile light. The air was thick with the smell of metal and antiseptic, a stark contrast to the numbing chill of cryosleep.
My eyelids, heavy and sluggish, fluttered open. I winced, shielding my eyes from the sudden brightness. "What the fuck...?" I muttered.
The smooth surface of the cryopod lining pressed against my back, a strange sensation. My limbs felt stiff and heavy, like they were encased in lead. A dull ache throbbed in my temples.
A melodic voice echoed through the pod's comms, "Welcome, Aurora-12. You've been in cryosleep for 375 years, 4 months, and 22 days."
I rubbed my temples, trying to process the information. 375 years? That was fucking impossible.
The voice continued, "You are one of the select few chosen for the Aurora Initiative. A global pandemic, known as the 'Great Upload,' ravaged the world in 2035, wiping out nearly 90% of the global population."
I sat up, my heart racing with fear. The Great Upload? That sounded like some kind of fucking nightmare.
The voice explained, "The remaining survivors formed the New Earth Coalition, initiating the Aurora Initiative to preserve humanity's future."
I looked down at my arm, seeing a long, thin white scar running from my wrist to my elbow. What the hell had happened to me?
Panic set in, cold and sharp. Too early? Was the world even ready for me? Had the New Earth Coalition survived?
I asked the voice, "What's the state of the world now?"
The voice replied, "The world is...different. The New Earth Coalition has established a new society, vastly different from the one you knew. But be warned, Aurora-12, dangers exist. There are those who would exploit your unique situation, those who see you as a relic, a weapon, or a key."
I looked around the chamber, seeing rows of sealed cryopods. I was alone, adrift in a future I didn't understand.
The cryopod's systems beeped, and a holographic display flickered to life. The interface was sleek and unfamiliar, a language of light and symbols I didn't recognize.
The voice said, "Aurora-12, you have two options. Await rescue and integration, or venture out into the unknown."
I stared at the display, my heart pounding in my chest. Rescue or risk? Which path would I choose? Which world would I face?
"Fucking hell," I muttered, feeling like I was staring into a fucking abyss.