Chereads / If running from a husband was a sport, I would win! but it's not.. / Chapter 4 - To be a prince charming, or not to be

Chapter 4 - To be a prince charming, or not to be

Golden brown chicken on the left, tomatoes and garlic on the right.


Paprika and saffron, bam, aromatic!

Add the broth, bring to boil, add the rice, mix, mix, then don't touch!

Cook on high, then reduce, cook on medium, then reduce, cook on low, let it go!

Salt the shrimp, add to rice, simmer, simmer, hear it crack!

Poke the middle, is it brown?

When it's golden shut it down!


Jonah took a deep breath of vapours raising from his skillet. Pure perfection, he did it again.

Ever since Noah took him to that Spanish place, he was craving a home made paella. But it took a while to have free time for cooking, as his Father was quite enthusiastic lately, adding new contracts to his pile of tasks. He used cooking to decompress, and he really needed it these days.

He served himself a plate and took it to living room. It was hard to imagine the most eligible bachelor eating his dinner alone in front of TV, but meh. Who would have time to imagine him doing anything but wearing perfectly tailored suits in perfectly decorated offices doing perfectly efficient whatever.

He had no desire to know who would be that bored.

News were also meh, so he switched the channel. Talkshow host was discussing the same meh topics as news, but at least he made it funny.

He picked up his fork and stuffed his mouth with his perfect paella. Heaven. He chewed for a while, tasting the saffron, feeling the texture of rice, finding that he used just right amount of garlic.

He took another bite. Oh, shrimp was absolutely fabulous. He swallowed, drank a bit of water, sat for a while listening to the host interviewing some rising star. Pointless.

He got up, went back to the kitchen and emptied his plate into garbage. Then threw away rest of the paella, washed the dishes, and went to shower.

Brushing his teeth, his thoughts wandered to his soon-to-be-wife. Of course, after that dinner with his brother, he had his secretary hire someone to make a complete file and portfolio on her.

Lady was indeed impressive. Versatile in interests, high in her achievements, and surrounded with a gaggle of admirers. That part was a bit concerning, but it was clear that all her relationships were strictly professional.

Only this last part, employment. She seems to be investing in a start-up with some childhood friend, and it seemed fishy to him. So he asked for more details on the guy. Jason something. Came out of town, so will take a bit to check it all up.

Well, if there was something between them, she would not agreed to this flash marriage with Noah. But still, his instincts rarely failed him.

He laid down, then looked at the ceiling for a while. Well, it was all pointless anyway, so why fretting over it?

In exactly three minutes, he was fast asleep.

When he arrived to his office next morning, his secretary brought him a caffe latte and a plate of canapé. That was supposed to be her way to ensure he does not end up in a hospital due low sugar levels. Again.

Since she almost ended up in hospital as well, as that time he toppled over while standing up from his chair and almost took her down with him, he was in no position to refuse.

"Thank you, Caroline." He was a kind and considering boss. He will eat anything she brings to him, as long it can be eaten in a bite.

Mini quiche, mozzarella sticks, pizza muffins or potato bites, all was fine with him. He drew the line on mini burritos though. Oh, and sausage rolls. He could not stand those. Or anything with avocado.

Really, he was not picky at all. He mostly ate anything. Just, it had to be in small portions or his stomach would revolt and then he would have a whole other pile of problems.

Caroline stood aside, not moving and not talking until he ate half of canapé off the plate and had half a cup of coffee.

Then she placed the mail on the edge of his desk and started morig briefing.

Work, work, gossip, more work, some gossip again. Really, those people had too much free time for his own good.

"Tell me, Caroline," he said after eating one more canapé, "why is the information that current female decathlete champion is running a marathon in Rio de Janeiro this June relevant to me?"

Caroline did not even blink "Because she is the sister of your future sister-in-law, and that event is on the same day as your brother's wedding, meaning she is going to miss her own sister's wedding."

Jonah frowned. "There was no sister in her file."

"File mainly concentrated on your sister-in-law university years. After highschool, her sister moved out of her parents home to pursue athletic career. Most likely due family disagreement with her choice, last five years she was rarely in town." Caroline pushed her glasses up.

"Nevertheless, she is born as twin sister of your sister-in-law who oftens attends the competitions of her sister." Seemed like they were close despite disparity in interests and achievements.

So it seemed weird, even if it was world level event, how it could be more important than her only sister's wedding. Fishy. Caroline looked at her boss for further instructions.

Jonah pondered about it. If he could cinch a good contract on other side of the planet, would he miss his brother's wedding. Of course, not even a question.

Oh wait, he could not. It was his wedding. Pointless.

"Does not matter, families are like that. Blood and tears and whatnot." He tapped his fingers over edge of empty plate, and sent Caroline off, to do his mail summary.

He had a few hours of productive work, when his door opened and Noah strutted in. "Heya brother, you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Jonah was not amused.

"Suit fitting! Did you not read my email again?" Noah was amused by his brother's lack of common sense.

"Why do I need to go?" They wore same size since birth. Any suit that fits him, fits Noah as well.

Noah rolled eyes at him "Mother said that while I have my wedding suit done, you should also get your done. For Janice wedding." He had such a malevolent expression on his face that Jonah shuddered again.

Well great, it was really cemented that this wedding with Petunia is unavoidable. He would marry anyone if it would stop his Mother from insisting on this Janice thing.

Wait. He looked at his carefree brother as a malevolent thought appeared in his mind. If he marries Petunia, and Janice throws a hissy fit.. it might end up with his brother being roped into marriage with that little girlie.

They were rather identical even now, and Janice always had a thing for his face. He smiled, suddenly in a great mood.

"Well then, let's go brother." He turned off his computer, grabbed his jacket and pulled Noah out of the office with him.

"Let's go take my Lamborghini. Where is the tailor shop? We could make a reservation for lunch while at it."

Noah stumbled after him and waved at Caroline in passing. She smiled politely but as soon they were gone she snorted "Really.."

She had a feeling that whoever declared those two to be eligible anything, never actually saw them in real life. Sure, they were handsome and photogenic, looked great in photos. But so do still nature as well.

She found it funny, really. One was a philanderer, but honest and open about it. Not a single girl ever complained about being bedded by Noah. He even had a very good reputation as a skilled and worthy lover.

Great casual option to ditch a boring party with. No strings attached.

On the other hand, her boss was very likely an almost 30 years old virgin. She at least did not notice him having any interest in any kind of affair. Other secretaries handled coordination of wife and side lovers birthdays dates and anniversary gifts, careful not to cause marital issues for their bosses, but she..

She compiled files on his future sister-in-law and that was a first time ever for such a task. She clicked on two pictures and placed them side to side.

On the left, a sister-in-law, prim and proper young business woman with some Art Nouveau jewelry. Very discreet and demure, indeed.

On the right, a sister of sister-in-law, sweaty and flushed running full speed for a finishing line of 1500 meters run. What was even that?

She switched the photo to one standing on podium receiving rewards. Cropped the faces. Yes, this way you could tell they are twins. One very serious, and other very enthusiastic.

Caroline pondered. In fact, perhaps sister of sister-in-law would be a better match to playful Noah. While sister-in-law would be more compatible with her overly stoic boss.

She shrugged. Fate was indeed a fickle little thing.

Printing the photos and adding them to the file, Caroline decided to stop thinking about irrelevant things. Her brother George said he is going to drop by at their parents place for dinner, so she should order some deserts to bring them over.

She paused. Her brother was also a decathlone track and field nutcase. Even though male and female athletes competent separately, perhaps he knows sister of sister-in-law?

Ha, more gossip is never a bad thing!