The sea howled,piercing the ears of all the sailors on the vessel, like a 12 gauge shotgun shooting through the air, I call her the misfortunes bounty , she was a nice build almost like the small and compact boats back during the Portuguese and Spanish conquest for spices and silk. "Alright crew get a hold of yourself s we are almost at the spot we will set up camp at this island" , "alright captain" we beamed our floodlight making sure that every bit of light scattered on the oceans surface to make navigation easy. But suddenly we and my first mate ended up noticing a hand reaching out of the sea , we couldn't hear anything but it was clear he seen us and needed help , he gasped for air as the violent currents plunged him back and forth in the water almost like bobbing apples in a Halloween carnival . "Captain nadakhan you need to unlock the lock on the life rings"
"I'm on it soto"
123465, I dialled the numbers fast but too fast that I made a mistake , I tried again but failed "shit" one more mistake and the rings will go under lockdown .
"Hurry up nadakhan he's dying", I dialled but this time slowly with control breaths, "okay nadakhan you got this" I whispered to myself
123467 , suddenly the alarm went off flashing deep red lights almost like when you burn strontium under a flame ,
It repeated the words "intruder,intruder,intruder in section 02"
Suddenly I rushed out of the room as my body trembled in fear.
"Was I going to be the reason someone innocent dies , I haven't slept or eaten in two days can I just let it be someone else's problem ,just for a second ????
No I can't it's my duty , I walked out the captains room holding onto dear life and the railings as the rain trickled on my rain coat , the alarm killed out all the noise as I desperately held on trying not to fall off the ships deck.