" The night was a suffocating shroud wrapping itself around the heart and squeezing tight. The sky was a deep foreboding indigo, and the stars twinkled like ice-cold tears. The moon, a silver crescent, cast an eerie glow over the landscape, as if searching for a soul lost in the darkness.
In this haunting night, the world seemed to hold its breath, waiting for a cry that never came. The wind whispered through the trees, a mournful sigh that echoed the despair of a young heart, brutally silenced in the darkness. A lone wolf howled in the distance, it's haunting melody a lament for the lost child. A pair of crows preached on a nearby branch, their black silhouettes like messengers of death, their eyes gleaming with a mournful intelligence. Even the trees seemed to mourn, their branches creaking and swaying in the wind, like natures own dirge. The shadow danced on the walls, like dark specters, mocking the fate of a child, abandoned and forgotten, left to bleed in the darkness, his whispers for help, lost in the void".
In a dark room a young boy around 20 years old was lying on the cold, damp floor, his body weak and trembling. Blood trickled from his mouth, forming a small pool beside his head. His eyes, once bright and full of life, now seemed dull and unfocused, his breathing was getting slow with each passing moment.
Suddenly, the door creaked open,and a figure slipped inside. The room was too dark to make out any features, but the newcomers footsteps echoed through the space, growing louder with each step. As the figure approached, the boy's condition became apparent. The newcomers pace quickened, and he dropped on his knees beside the boy.
"Young master, what happened?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with worry. "Please, wake up!" Open your eyes young master, please don't close your eyes!" The boys eyes fluttered open, and he gazed up at the person who approached him with a faint smile.
"Butler uncle...I'm feeling sleepy," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "The darkness...it's so heavy...I can't breathe..." The butler cradled the boys head in his lap, tears streaming down his face. "No, young master! Don't say that!, he exclaimed, You must hold on! I'll get you out of here, I promise!" But the boy's eyes closed, and his body went limp. He held him close, rocking him back and forth, and called out for his master.
"Master, please! You must come quickly! The boy's condition is deteriorating!" He cried, but his master's voice was cold, detached. "Is he dead or alive?" he asked bluntly. The butler hesitated, his eyes darting to the boy's pale face. "I...I don't know, Master. He's barely breathing".
The master's voice was like a knife to the his heart. "If he's dead, it's good riddance. One less burden on my shoulders." I felt a chill run down my spine as my eye's fluttered open, and heard my father's words. Butler saw his young master face that contorted in pain hearing his father's word's, and his body went limp.
"No, Master!" Butler protested, but it was too late. The boy's eyes closed, and he was gone. He cradled his lifeless body in his arms, tears streaming down his face. After few moment later adapting the news butler whispered "He's gone, Master," but the master's voice was unmoved. "Good. Throw him in the river. Let the currents take care of him". But the butler couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he secretly buried the boy in a peaceful place, under the shade of an ancient tree.
As he covered the grave with soil, he whispered: "May your innocence and purity be the guiding light in the darkness that consumed your life".
And he thought to himself:
"Cruelty of fate: where innocence is punished, and love is a distant memory".
Is these the end or the new beginning of something that will shake the world?