Sophie's Pov:
Same as last week Monday my cousin Susi
Left for school before breakfast maybe she had her reasons being who she is,and of course her mom ( my aunt Mrs Elizabeth) wasn't just gonna let it slide like she did last time
It was her one and only child ,she gave her everything she asked even without being told ...
So I was asked to go to her Highschool and deliver her breakfast ,luckily the government highschool I attend wasn't in section for almost a week now
I didn't argue even though I had a lot of things running through my mind
How am I supposed to go into her classroom with alot of spoilt rich kids..ಠ︵ಠ
While all these were running through my mind I was already in the bathroom
As usual I had to use cold water to bath ,I quickly got it over and done with, taking my bath with cold water was always a hassle
After taking my bath I rushed over and skimmed through my sack bag of clothes got a big black joggers I had with an oversized orange T -shirt I didn't even have the time to look in the mirror
I quickly headed for the dinning table got a hold of her breakfast already packed into a lunchbox
I met my aunt in the her clinic which was right in front of the house, told her I was done and ready to go deliver the food to my cousin in school she gave me TP(Transport fare) I quickly wore my crocks and dashed outside the house