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Chapter 1 - Tarkin

9 AFE ( After the Formation of the Empire)/10 BBY

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"Grand Moff Tarkin…." He called out, alerting the man to his presence.

"Within the dredges of society, there is only one language that all living beings share, fear. A fear engendered only through force and power"

"Your manifesto has indeed been interesting to read, Senior Lieutenant Titus, so have your exploits," Tarkin said, turning his gaze from the transparisteel viewport to face the imperial officer.

Said officer stood straighter with pride at his superior's commendation.

"Thank you, Grand Moff Tarkin," the captain said promptly.

Tarkin subtly waved a hand before approaching closer, just an arm's length away.

"Not many have done what you have or could've. To apprehend a group that has evaded imperial forces for years and even the republic for more," Tarkin admitted begrudgingly.

The Zyger Pirates along with the Black hand pirate group, which were originally apart of the Q'anah pirates had been caught and executed on Senior Lieutenant Titus's direction and order.

Many would question why one of the most influential persons in the Imperial Government would take notice of some simple backwater pirates.

Well the answer to that question had started decades ago.The Greater Seswenna was a region rarely patrolled by the Judicials , and made for easy pickings for the Marauders. Q'anah rose to the head of an alliance of various pirate groups, and working in tandem they were able to prey upon convoy shipments of Lommite ore from Eriadu, the homeworld of Moff Tarkin, to the Core Worlds. She developed a unique method of attacking the convoy's "shepherd vessel" and any security ships, while targeting five specific slave-rigged lommite cargo containers. The containers, unslaved from the convoy and then slaved to a pirate vessel, were selected by varying combinations of the digits 23416, the date of the Q'anah festival, which became the group's signature tactic.

Even with her cunning and strategic aptitude Q'anah was eventually captured, along with many of her associates. The captives were then placed onboard a cargo container which was programmed to fly slowly towards the system's sun, and the architect behind their capture and execution was none other than Wilhuff Tarkin the man that forged a deep rooted hatred for the group after their harassment on his families business.

That incident was over 30 years ago, and even now the remnants of the Q'anah pirates survive, scrambling around the galaxy freely like the cockroaches they are, robbing, murdering, smuggling, and engaging in any illegal activities that would gain them profit. But their time would come to an end just like their former leader.

Senior Lt Titus Aurellion had luckily come across the pirate groups while on routine patrol in the outer rim and he was able to track them after weeks of studying their patterns. Which were Identical somewhat to the one Q'anah used when raiding cargo ships.

According to stories, Titus made them watch as he leveled their refuge into cinders, and then had them lynched in the hangar of his ship.

Tarkin hearing of this incident and seeing reports of the remnants of his hated past enemy being destroyed was utterly pleasing; hence Titus's summons here on his own ship, the Imperial 1 Class Star Destroyer, Executrix.

"Before coming here, I had a meeting with the board, and many, along with myself, have agreed that a promotion for your service along with your crew is in order. Your diligence and ability have long been overlooked but no longer," Tarkin addressed.

"We will be making our way to your regional command in the next hour, and I will personally see to your ceremony and arrange your transfer to more accommodating environs, one worth your skill set where it is most needed." The Grand Moff finished with a smile that made Titus anxious.

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"It worked as I said it would"Titus informed his friend.

"I see you trust in me hasn't wavered" he added ,grunting in response at his seconds manner.

"I trust you all right, but matters such as this are beyond the boundaries of risks. Our lives are what is on the line, or have you forgotten about the rumors of the Grand Moff," His sub lieutenant stated anxiously.

"I forget nothing and remember that you need this more than I do, great risks are expected as we discussed " Titus argued, as his expression morphed into a frown.

"Ahh yes, the son of a wealthy and prominent man I forgot how easy your kind can rise through the ranks."

"Easy now Blackwater, you might over step" Titus warned

"I've been overstepping since our academy days, and thats why you and I are friends, because of my honesty which is second to my abilities as a navigator."

"Now you make me want to regret our friendship." Titus snorted

"I doubt you do; you merely just want me to stop pestering you about particular decisions, but sorry to tell you that it isn't going to happen. As long as you lead and I follow, I can't see you driving off a cliff and not telling you to stop; I would be as foolish as you. I told you, I am that restriction to that massive ego you think you don't have, Rommel added.

"Well rest assured we have moved pass the cliff, or any danger of that matter. We are on our way to a better direction, and I do not have an ego," Titus uttered , as he now held his hands behind his back.

"Of course you do everyone does, especially the rich ones. Yours just doesn't show until a certain point," Rommel divulged with a smirk.

"And what point is that?"Titus questioned

"The point where you think that all will go according to your plan, even though it does do so 99% of time, due to your meticulous planning but things will happen that we have no control over, or circumstances not seen. Or do you forget that it has happened before."

"Don't remind me, Blackwater; I remember!" Titus grumbled as he tore his gaze from the darkness of the void.

"Now, I won't tell you again. Shut up or I'll have you thrown through an airlock, Junior Lieutenant ,"Titus said in finality.

Not wanting to push anymore, Rommel raised his hands in defeat. He was a man who knew when to speak his mind and when to stay quiet, especially when Titus was on the brink of anger. Titus was not one to always tolerate nonsense as witnessed by the Black hand pirates.