The endless expanse of white was the first thing I can remember; it was blinding—my eyes, or what I think are my eyes, were burning. I felt a warm liquid run down my smooth skin, leaving a tingling sensation. I could taste the saltiness of my tears, but the flavor was also sweet like a maple apple. I don't know who I am; I don't know what any of this is, but I feel at peace. I looked around, trying to see something, trying to see anything at all. It was all for nothing; there was only a blinding light and me. My mind started into a frenzy; I was confused and scared. My chest tightened and my face scrunched. I brought my hands up and placed them on my head. I dragged them through my hair and felt the softness of my scalp. My breath began to regulate, and my heart started to slow. I took it all in and just breathed. I breathed in, and I breathed out. I shut my eyes and focused on myself and my surroundings.
I began to feel something—a pulse, something wanting me. I began to move forward; following the pull, I walked on nothing, taking steps on an invisible floor. I feel it, and I want it. I take a step, and then another, one after another, the pull getting stronger. I keep going, and I reach it—a wall. I inched closer to it and stuck my hand out. I touched it, caressing its smooth surface. It felt invincible, like a wall made of solid steel, unbreakable, unyielding. It pulled at me; it called for me; I pushed, and it answered. It collapsed, and it started to absorb my hand; my eyes widened, and I pulled back in fear. I tried to escape, but I couldn't break free from it's grasp. I began to fall deeper in, my body being pulled farther into it. I tried to scream, but I couldn't find my voice; my throat felt parched, and my lips began to crack. I felt my body begin to break down; the white that was surrounding me began to go black. I looked down, watching my own body dissolve, my entire life being at the mercy of this wall. My eyes flowed like a dam, tears seeping down my face. My eyes shut, and I accepted that it was all over; the blinding light I had just begun to grow comfortable with disappeared, replaced by an endless darkness.
I awoke, my surroundings being all so different; everything seemed blurry, and the ground around me seemed all so real. "Is this real?" I questioned.
I had just been somewhere filled with blinding lights; now I seemed to be in a gloomy cave. The walls were jagged, the floors were bumpy, and the celling dripped a liquid. I felt the world around me as if I belonged here. The ground below me was a mush of vegetation, making every step feel like a marsh. I felt my hair start to soak from the constant dripping above; the cold liquid drenched my skin and sent shivers throughout my body. Where am I? My eyes began to adjust to the dark, and I started to look around. The cave seemed quite empty; nothing stood out. Except for one piller, an unnatural sight. I walked towards the pillar, and what I found upon it shocked me. What was placed upon the altar-like stone was an orb, an orb of pure darkness. It created some sort of dark fog and was surrounded by a ring of yellowish plasma. It was like staring at the abyss itself; I was sure that if anything entered, that it would be lost forever.
My eyes were glued to the sphere; I was drawn to it. I reached forward and placed my hand on top of it. I felt a warm feeling and a slight prick. Blood began to drip from my palm and leak onto the orb. The instant the blood fell into that abyss, it had sealed my fate; the black fog grew and expanded. It engulfed my entire body and began to blend into my cells. I could feel it; from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, the fog was soaping into all my pores. I was afraid, but the pain that I had expected never came. Instead, there was warmth; a feeling of bliss washed over me. I could sense that the orb and myself were becoming one. The remaining fog disappeared, intertwining with my body. I felt a change; the dark cave I was in was now lighter, and I could see it to its fullest. I looked around, and in front of me was a dark blue screen. It read, "Welcome, Core Master."
I blinked, looking dumbfoundingly at the window in front of me. The words changed again, now saying, "You have become one with a core; the core is now your life; if it is destroyed, you are as well."
I read the words and looked back at the black orb, "I will die if it is destroyed." I thought
"Indeed" The screen read, as if it heard my thoughts.
"Protect it at all costs." It told me
I looked at the ball; I could feel our connection; I knew the screen wasn't lying. I felt it's smooth frame and exaled. I looked up at the window, and it had new words once again. "What is your name, Core Master?"
"I don't have one." I replied
"Choose," it read
I began to think of a name. What could my name be? I closed my eyes and thought. My mind flashed with memories; I heard laughter; I could feel the touch of grass on my skin; then a loud bang flooded my ears. I felt a pain in my stomach as I fell forward, a warm liquid flowing out of me. I looked down at my hand, grasping at the pain; it was covered with a red liquid, blood—my blood. My body was trembling, and my mind was filled with fear. I heard a woman screaming. She was saying something. What is she saying? My ears were ringing, and I couldn't make out the words. Her voice was beginning to get louder, and finally I understood.
"What is your name, Core Master?" the window read.
"My name—my name is Atlas." I told it sternly.