Have you ever heard the old saying, "for every action there is an opposite or equal reaction." What would happen if a person has done so much good in their life that an opposite reaction would occur when everything you know turns upside down and you just don't know what you did to deserve it… And you start thinking, what is it that I can do to change that outcome? More good like saving people, or heinous crimes to get that opposite reaction. Well, ever since that day it's been like I've been stuck in an infinite loop of what I could have done to change the outcome… To change fate.
It's 8:30 in the morning in a brimming classroom full of students. Of course I don't always work to be the most enthusiastic, but I'd rather be the most normal one out of all of them. In turn I always sit in the back in my own desolate environment. My name is Sora, Sora Sanano… I'm around 15 and I guess if there's one goal I have in mind it's to become acknowledged. And not by any normal means, but by being the smartest and strongest… That's my dream and that's who I want to be.
Off in the distance, across the classroom you could see a girl with short and brown dazzling hair walking up to me with her hands at her back leaning forwards. Preparing herself to say hi to me, the desolate guy all the way at the back of the class.
She approaches me and tells me, "Hi Sora!" I quickly tell her with a serious expression, do you always have to act like one of those Cliché anime girls around me? She quickly fixes her manner and tells me, "You don't watch that stuff anyways, so how would you know." I respond with a sigh and follow it with a, "You know every guy knows where those poses come from… right, Kuzu..." After that quick remark Kuzu looked at me with a disappointed face and said, "You're no fun" As soon as she said that I responded with a "sure, whatever you say Kuzu."
After that response I told her, "Hey Kuzu, thanks for always helping me out when I'm all alone. I know I'm awkward sometimes but it means a lot." After that Kuzu's mood changed from a disappointed look to a gleeful expression telling me, "It's only natural since we're friends, right Sora?" I looked down at my table and I told her silently, "I guess so..."
I proceeded to look out the window with a happy expression telling myself that, "I guess it's because of the way Kuzu is, she is packed full of energy, so much so that she never seems down, and on top of that, she's able to put up with my shenanigans..." I started to look back at her with the same expression and as she stared at me she told me, "Hey Sora, are you okay?" I responded with, "Of course I'm okay."
As soon as I said that the bell rang and it was about time we moved to our next class. I stood up and Kuzu told me to hurry up. As soon as I walked to the front of the class I decided to tell Kuzu to go to the next class and I'll catch up. Reluctantly, she said, "Sure, whatever you say..." And moved on. I waited till the teacher was alone and I started to chat with her.
After all, she is my favorite teacher. Her name is Ms. Bree. She has been helping me in most of my classes since she graduated from Harvard. To be honest, I don't understand why she'd want to be a teacher since she graduated from that place.
But, she keeps on telling us that having 24 students go to Harvard is much better than having 1 graduate student go into the working field, she'd rather teach the next generation than help herself.
I started to tell her about my grades and how math is becoming harder and harder. And of course she acknowledges my worries and tells me, "Listen Sora, you're one of my best students. You can do this, just believe in yourself and work hard. With that you can accomplish most things in this world." Following those words, I told myself, "She's telling the truth, I'm this strong and this smart because I believed in myself and worked hard this whole time."
After telling myself that I stare at her and tell her with a smile, "Thank you Ms. Bree, you're the best." After cutting the conversation short I dashed towards the door and said, "Kuzu, wait up!" And then I looked back for a second to see Ms. Bree waving at me and telling me, "good luck." I looked forward once again and ran across the halls thinking to myself, "I really am lucky to have such a great teacher like her.