Chereads / Originals{Damian} / Chapter 1 - Date with god


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Chapter 1 - Date with god

There are a lot of things that usually I can handle being a special force operator for the USA and one of if not the best operatives

I could usually handle anything hell compared to rest of the world I was borderline supernatural/ superhuman whatever you wanna call it why? because the amount of missions I've completed against impossible and even more impossible odds thus granting me several monikers but one that stuck apparently was Black Death.

So what is the thing I couldn't handle well imagine my royal suprise when I go into a cave that was part of a contract mission just to find out there was a fucking family of vampires living.. fuck my life so anyways they toyed with me and then decided "fuck it" and drained me of my blood and that was the end of the best special force operative the world has ever seen pathetic doesn't even begin to describe how I feel but that's beside the point

Im guessing you're god huh?

Oh are your finnally done with your monologue? the god quipped

Me not necessarily giving a fuck about the remark said "yeah I mean I've seen some crazy things done even more crazy things but to walk in on a family of vampires on a random contract mission then the next moment meeting a god that's saying he can transport me into a world that was just a tv show in my world which not to mention is full of vampires the same thing that just ganked me with 4 wishes as a gift to help survive that world I would say me monolouging instead of having a melt down right now like any normal person would, I imagine is already something to be thankful about seeing as your average asshole would be having a mental breakdown and not reevaluating his life choices"

I accept your suggestion god what should I do now just start saying shit?

No and watch your mouth child anyway you have four wishes use them now and come to my office so we can customize your background and appearance also do you want a mix up of worlds?

Hm lemme think yes I'll go with van helsing the tv show I watched on Netflix would be a good choice

Okay consider it done now on to your wishes what are you thinking

Okay I wish for both the enhanced original vampire and upgraded original vampire powers from the tv show interesting combination granted I want a system but I want it to be a mixture of a sign in system and lust system that is under my control granted

Thinking back to what happend on that contract mission I say I want extreme luck granted and I want to be able to master everything granted

Now make your background and appearance

Okay I made myself filthy rich like black panther rich, with a deceased father with my mom still being alive and two little sisters why? because I couldn't protect my family once and I missed the feeling of having a thing called family to come back to

Yea im getting a little sentimental so what? bite me.

Anyway after that i made myself look like Alucard from castlevania but instead of his golden hair i gave my self silky pitch black shoulder length hair and velvety golden eyes my skin flawless my physique 6,2 muscular and lean body that looked crafted by the Greek gods with 10 inch little brother while on soft giving way to an impressive 13 while hard

I also made it to were I have interactions with the main cast of both worlds so I can already have a starting platform as far as building relationships go.and would be able to skip getting to know them as we're now friends.

So you're done you're quite something now

But Damian.. Yes god? Please try to live life to the fullest without regrets my child.

I will god even if u didn't say anything but thanks for everything and I mean everything

🙂your welcome my child now go and enjoy

As he says that I wake up in what could only be described as a dream like castle in a room that's way to big to even be called a room it was like having 3 whole houses as a room

I get up look to the left to see what I presumed to be my phone on a dresser by my fortress of a bed I look in it and go to my contacts where I see numbers of all the main casts of both worlds

Rebeka Elijah,Niklaus,Kol,Frey, Vannessa, Scarlet, Axel And the rest of the import cast on my phone next I check my cash app and everything else and boy let me tell you the amount of zeros couldn't even fit on the screen with a smile I look up things to buy while getting out of my bed and walking to my bathroom I begin splurging buying Sam and deans iconic car from the movies and a rolls Royce while buying motorcycles and also getting some shares from Big company's like Apple Jordan's , Gucci, Prada , Raulph Loren, Polo And Nike.

I then proceeded to buy some clothes sometimes copying a certain person from a manga I once read overseas that levels up and looked cool while doing it after all that I put my phone down hop in the shower to blow off some steam and think. After washing up I brushed my teeth and all the essentials I then looked in the mirror and boy handsome doesn't even describe it I was celestial inhumanly beautiful so much so that being called beautiful is like an insult *Ahem*

Enough of the self glaze I walk back into my room go into my closet where I see a change of clothes I put them on I was now wearing black dress shoes black suit pants, a black long sleeve suit shirt with black leather gloves looking forward towards the challenge of today and the rest of what would be my eternity I walked out of my room.