Friday had finally came, and Quincy couldn't believe that this day is finally here for the last past two days, he has been tossing and turning, and always looking at the clock hoping that each minute he took to look at it would be Friday already.
There he was in his bathroom preparing himself, the date hadn't even come close to starting yet, he still had to go to school for the whole eight hours. Quincy still wasn't sure what Drake had told him was true or not, his excitement was that obvious.
So he never took the chance and opportunity to check if his sources were correct or not, but something did give him hope, for the last two days Jade was really friendly with him and sometimes when he passed their class he'd see them looking at him and giggling.
Yesterday on the last class of school they were in Chemistry, Quincy was sitting up front and Jade and her two new friends were on the next row behind him.
"So that's the guy?" Evelyn asked Jade.
"Yeah that's him alright." Jade responded.
"He's cute." Holland blushed.
"Hush! He might hear you." Jade poked Holland with an elbow.
"Ouch! What? I'm serious if you don't make any move, he's going to be all mine." Holland teased.
Quincy could hear them very well, but there was one slightest problem he wanted to look back and see them talking about him, yet again he didn't want to make it that obvious because if he did it was going to be certain that he heard them.
And maybe if he did they would change their minds and choose someone else, so he didn't want to jinx it.
Like all good things happen, and proof that there is a God after all. Their Chemistry teacher Mrs. Dobberfield handed them pop quiz papers and instead of going around handing everyone their paper, she just handed it to the first row.
"Please take one and pass it to the others."
Talking about lucky stars Quincy took his paper and realized that he can give Jade the paper himself.
"Here you go."
Quincy turned around and handed Jade the paper.
"Thank you." Jade said shyly.
Hearing her say that did something to Quincy, he felt butterflies in his stomach and his skin got goosebumps, to make it even seem more unbelievable was the reaction of Holland, who got all excitement and and mouthed.
"Hi" While also waving her hand.
Jade put her hand down and got all embarrassed, she just smiled at Quincy and gave Holland a stink eye.
Quincy just smiled and faced up front again.
Back to today, being the day that he was anxiously awaiting for and praying for and also dreaming off.
Quincy was in his bathroom humming and whistling while trying all kinds of different hairstyles he could think off like; making his hair go all the way back, tying a ponytail, trying to give himself a gothic look.
He tried everything, but none seemed right and suited him.
Lunch break came, and usually Quincy sat by himself in the corner while picking out the food he didn't like out of his sandwich, so focused he didn't pay attention to anything else at all.
"Mind if we join you?" An articulate girl's voice asked.
"Sure help yourself out." Quincy didn't look to see who was that person.
The girl did join him, and the way that he was so distracted and so occupied, there's a high chance that Quincy probably thought it was Lacey Danvers, one girl in the whole school who had a major crush on him.
While removing everything he didn't like, the girl took the sliced tomato from Quincy's lunch. Lost and confused, probably thinking that Lacey just put her filthy hands in his food.
Quincy raised his hand planning to give her a piece of his mind, upon raising his head to his surprise. It wasn't Lacey who he expected, it was Jade, Evelyn, along with Holland.
"Hey!" Quincy couldn't finish the sentence.
"Did you want this?" Jade puts the tomato in her mouth.
Quincy couldn't believe what he was seeing, so he tried to rub his eyes to make sure that he didn't lose too much sleep, that he'd actually start hallucinating.
"What are you guys doing here?" Quincy shocked.
Holland chuckled, "What kind of question is that? Isn't it obvious, we are sitting here."
Quincy just looked at them, "You guys do realise which table is this right?"
"Yes, it's yours." Evelyn answered.
"And, you do know who I am right?" Quincy trying to understand any of this.
Jade feeling a little flattered by just seeing his face expression, "Yes Quincy, we know it's your table now shut up and let's enjoy lunch."
Quincy couldn't respond back as he was struck by what was really happening to him, right now at this moment.
That wasn't the only time that Jade, Evelyn, and Holland hung around with him. They spent the whole day with him, after their classes they'd sit together in English, Math, and Spanish.
***"Please note that the following are in Spanish.***
"Hey Quincy." Jade called.
"Yes." Quincy trying to focus in class.
"What time do you plan to show us around?" Jade asked.
"I don't know, since I'm the tour guide. Why don't you guys discuss it among yourselves on what time do you think is right." Quincy whispered.
"Hey, why are we talking in Spanish?" Evelyn without a clue.
"It's because granny pants over there, doesn't allow any language other than Spanish during her class." Holland took this one.
"And how the hell do you know that? You came to this school the same time as me." Evelyn said.
"Because I read the class rules, before I came to class." Holland shows her the rules.
"Oh, right." Evelyn saw them.
Quincy and all the girls just laughed.
School came to conclusion, still Quincy was walking with the girls.
*Back to English*
And they were all discussing and trying to figure out the right time that they should all meet up.
Everyone came up with their own time and it looked like this wasn't going to be resolved that easily, Evelyn suggested 5 pm, Holland would disagree and suggest 5:30 pm, and that didn't sit well with Jade who suggested 4:30 pm.
As much as Quincy enjoyed walking with them and listen to them bickering about what time was the best one, he knew that he had to intervene for their sake.
"Ladies, ladies, ladies, as much as I love seeing you fight over me and decided where we are going to go. Why don't we go all those places that you want to see, plus it's Friday. Meaning no school tomorrow." Quincy suggested.
The girls were so excited that all of them were going to get what they wanted, so when they were all going their different ways. The girls decided to give Quincy a little thank you present.
They all kissed him on the cheek, and he froze.
Quincy went home to prepare himself because the time that they all reached and decided to go with was 5 pm, now Quincy was facing a dilemma of choosing which clothes should he wear.
His mother came into his room.
"Knock, knock, hey honey." His mom entered.
"Oh, hey mom didn't hear you. Please come in." Quincy welcomed her.
Seeing what her son was doing, she already knew what was going on. Instead of saying anything, she just said what she came here for.
"Uhm, look honey I know today was supposed to be movie night, but something came up at the station and you know being the new detective. My job is never done."
"Mom, you know you don't have to explain much to me, I understand that a detective's work is never done. Plus, I forgot to tell you that I also have plans for tonight." Quincy feeling a bit relieved that his mom was bailing on him instead of him being the one who does.
"Right you are sorry." Not believing a word he was sayin'. "Anyway let me get going, food is in the fridge or should I say order some pizza." His mother smile.
"Mom." Quincy catching up to his mother's mind.
She just laughed, "Anyway I think that you would look good in that black hoodie, it makes you feel mysterious."
She left and Quincy was now left alone staring at the clothes that he laid out on his bed, usually like most teenagers Quincy wouldn't even consider taking his mother's advice on what to wear but today was kinda different and so he wanted to impress.
So he just stared at his hoodie.
He dismissed that thought, but then again something convinced him that his was the best solution.
"Perhaps." He picks up his hoodie and puts it around himself.
Already he was convinced that this was the outfit to go with when going out with the girls.
A message notification popped up on his phone.