Seeing Daniel's current school, or rather, what was left of it, from a bird's eye view, one could see such a terrifying sight, like the deepest areas of hell.
Dozens of mutated people were swarming all over the school grounds. If someone wanted to count them, they would find an enormous number, almost two thousand. Every person – whether a security guard, a teacher, or a student – whether dead or alive, had become so terrifying that most people would wet their pants if they had to face this thing alone. Not even alone, as groups of dozens of people, even armed, could die at the hands of these mutants.
But strangely, none of them went beyond the school grounds, walking around and not attacking anything, moving like zombies. However, after some time, something started to change.
Since the last time Daniel had his eyes open, two and a half hours had passed when…
The mutants, overwhelmed by a sudden and mysterious change, became relentlessly aggressive, attacking anyone who found themselves in their line of sight.
After almost 10 minutes, the area of the school was so demolished that even the fences in the eastern part of the school, which were still standing, were destroyed, leaving only ruined materials behind.
From the original two thousand, barely five mutants survived.
TEN MINUTES! That's all it took to turn their entire hellish pack into bloody scraps. There was no mercy, no sides—everyone rushed at each other like starving beasts, tearing their own species to shreds.
Hands sank into bodies, tearing skin and muscle, claws dug into bellies, ripping out steaming intestines that had just moments ago kept them alive. One mutant sank its fangs into the throat of another, drowning its wheezing with its own wild scream. Another, with the smile of a madman, smashed the enemy's skull against the stone floor until the gray mass splattered in all directions.
A battlefield? This wasn't a battle—it was a massacre, a ritual of self-destruction, an orgy of torn guts and the moans of dying monsters. Each one desired only one thing: to destroy, rip apart, annihilate.
When silence finally fell, only five remained from the bloody slaughter. Covered in the blood of their own kind, amidst a pile of shapeless corpses.
As it turned out, they didn't stop there. Now, even more mutated beasts, measuring four meters tall, looking like blobs of meaty muscles—if their appearance were to be described, two elephants could be placed on top of one another. That's how terrifying these creatures were now, moving at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour, destroying everything their thick legs touched, shaking the ground with every step. They threw themselves at each other with an incredible wildness in their eyes.
The bloodthirsty intentions radiated from them so strongly that anyone unfortunate enough to cross paths with these beasts would die from shock alone, just from the intent to kill.
After another two long hours, almost five, since Daniel lost consciousness, the fight… no, not a fight—THE WAR—ended. Standing on two dead mutants, the six-meter beast roared at the sky, announcing its victory.
It was not an ordinary roar—it was something more. Triumph and madness. Pleasure and despair. It was hell dressed in sound, ripping the air like a blade dragged across bare bone.
The mutant's throat stretched unnaturally, releasing a sound so powerful it could have cracked a stone, so full of fury that even the dead would recoil. It was the scream of a victor who had no one left to fight. The scream of the last of its kind.
Searching for its next victim, it only saw in the distance two more mutants, already dead for over an hour.
Suddenly, the fifteen-year-old boy's eyelids opened, revealing the possibility of seeing the dark blue sky before him.
"What is that sound?" Daniel thought. Wait, what!?
The boy sat up, confused. He hadn't even had time to look around when something made him turn. That's when he saw it. The body of something monstrous—huge, like the most famous basketball player in the world, and as massive as the strongest bodybuilder. The monster lay motionless, but even dead, it was terrifying.
He heard it. He heard it very clearly. From the spot where its brain should have been, blood was slowly trickling, dropping by dropping. Every sound was clear and loud.
What's going on? He didn't know what should surprise him more—whether the fact that he felt no pain, and his eardrums had magically healed, or that… FUCK, this wasn't the only body! Around him, in the dead silence, lay hundreds of parts of these damned creatures—some larger, others smaller.
Was it the flickering of a red-dark screen, like from an RPG game, that made him take a loud and very deep breath?
Scanning the surroundings, he saw nothing. Only the bodies of the beasts and the destroyed parts of the school, or uprooted trees. Emotionally exhausted, he slowly sat down, using his left hand to prop himself up.
Do the Gods and Demons think this is some FUCKING joke!? he cursed.
Trying to calm down, he looked at the persistent red-black screen, like a hologram, constantly appearing beside his line of sight.
[show details]
Daniel noticed the button, focusing for a moment on the word. Subconsciously, he clicked it.
[race description]
"What the hell is this!?"