Chapter 8
After getting inside the forest we started to look around. Yoruichi curiously asked about anything that came to her head and Michel tried to answer hers questions to the best of his abilities. I on the other hand was looking on the ground floor on the herbs to see if there are any valuable to the system.
[Master there is a gem in the vincinity]
'Oh Lucy could you tell me in which direction and how far?'
[About 60 meters from you on 10 o'clock but there is magic beast and it smelled you all]
Yoruichi in that moment stoped and looked in the same direction which Lucy said is the magic beast. She reached towards her sword and took a stance with her posture a little bend towards the front. Hand on the handle ready to fight she look towards me and moved a little to be between me and the danger. Michel looked at her confused at the start but after a second he heard the steps of the beast walking towards us. Ten second later we could see a bear which was just reeking with magic and malice.
„Damn it had to be the bear type magic beast" Michel said. He wasn't actually afraid or something but he was concerned cause he didn't want to take any chances that we would be hurt just to check how Yoruichi would do in the fight. He wasn't a maniac who enjoyed making others lifes miserable.
(A/N: Shin wouldn't agree hehe)
„Retreat, both of you" Michel said „I will hold it of so you could escape"
„We don't need that sort of effort" Yoruichi said and before he could answer that she moved. In the flash she arrived before the bear and when it moved its front leg towards her to strike she moved just behind it and striked once at its neck. Just with that slash she cut the head off the body of the bear and left Michel in stunned state.
„Should we do anything else Michel-san?" She asked him with cute and Innocent smile like the thing she just did was something anyone could do. Michel looked at her than at the bear and again turned his head towards her. He looked at me after that and saw my smile of triumph.
„And why are you so happy Rei? It isn't like it was you who killed that bear right?" he asked with irritation that i could hear in his voice.
„I'm just happy that Yoruichi can train me" I said with smile.
„I have to think about it so don't come to conclusions" he said and i could see that it is better not to say anything else or he really would find something that will stop us from training together in public.
„Should we take it with us?" Yoruichi asked cause she didn't know if we could do anything with the body of the beast.
„Just leave it or you will get your Grandma heart attack that you attacked something like that on your first day without approval" Michel said and started to walk towards the house and shaking his head on the way with the thought 'When did kids got that strong, is world going towards its end?'
When I saw that Michel turn his back towards the bear i walked closer and took its body into my inventory fo sell in the future. Yoruichi smiled at me and hugged me from behind and asked
„Was everything done in the way you wanted?" I smiled towards her and with nod of my head i freed myself from her arms and started to walk behind Michel. In that moment I saw window that gave me a little surprise cause I wanted to check it before.
[Your companion killed magic beast. You've gotten +200 experience]
'Nice. So we can do it like that' I had some ideas in that moment to abuse it.
[Master, you need to be in 100 meter radius to get experience from companion]
'Damn, and here I thought about sending her in the forest to farm monsters ehhh and here went my dream' I thought resigned.
„Ok kids let's go and look at what you have. Girl i already know what Rei's abilities are, so I need to see what can you do in fight. I saw that you are quick and that is good, but speed without stamina or strengh to have good blows is nothing. Show me what you've got when we get to training grounds"
„Ok Michel-san" Yoruichi said with courtesy. When Michel heard her he sighed.
„Little one you don't need to be so polite towards me, just call me Uncle like Rei and Shin do. I treat them like my nephew's and i would like to have a niece like you" He smiled when he told it towards her and patted her head. Yoruichi blushed and quickly wiped a tear from her eye. She nodded and smiled towards him.
After about 10 more minutes we came back on the training ground and i walked towards the back of it cause it is time for a little spar between Michel and Yoruichi.
'Hehe Sword Saint and Flash Goddess who will win the bout?' I thought and giggled to myself. I noticed that Merlin walked out with Shin so i called them to come.
„Grandpa, brother come here and look at what is going on." I screamed.
They looked at themself and walked towards me.
„Brother what is going on? Why Yoruichi and Uncle Michel are standing there?" Shin asked with a curiosity of the kid he was.
„Are they going to spar?" asked Merlin with serious expression.
„Yes they are going to fight because Uncle couldn't judge all skills of Yoruichi" I said with a bit of pride in my voice. Merlin looked at me intrigued and asked with curiosity.
„He couldn't do it in the fight with the wolf? Iss he so good or bad?"
„Wells he didn't fight wolf. She killed a bear in on hit! And it was magic beast!" I said loudly and smiled at Merlin.
„She made it so easy that I thought it was normal thing for everyone. Only after i saw the look in Uncle Michels eyes and his shocked face that i understood she is special case"
„So she is really strong right?" Shin asked and looked at Yoruichi with admiration and envy.
„If we look from our perspective than yes, she is really strong especially between her peers. So learning from her if she is that strong would be very beneficial to you both if you want that." Grandpa said towards us.
„I wanted to learn even before knowing only that she can do somethings. I didn't know that she was so strong and wanted it. Now i want it even more cause i can see this will be really handy in fights. There is only one but. She said it will be hell when she will start my training so Shin you shoud REALLY reconsider if you want it. It can be even harder than Uncles." I said towards Merlin and Shin. When boy heard me he looked conflicted and looked at me then at Yoruichi and again on me.
„Brother are you sure that it will be harder?" he asked and I could hear a little of fear in his voice.
„From what i heard when she talked about it then yeah it will be harder about 5 times then what i was doing with uncle" I said towards my brother and i could see his terror.
„5 times? Really? Than i would have to refuse the offer of the training" Shin said trying to look like someone who knows what he wants.
In that moment we saw that Michel and Yoruichi started to warm up.
„So do we want to have all what we can do in this fight or only physical techniques?" Yoruichi asked.
„Lets go physical techniques cause about magic Merlin would take that part of training of Rei.
„Ok so let's start it"
„That's right let's go with it" Michel answered her with smile and they lounged at themself in that moment.