The old economy is now unsustainable, new ventures are required to maintain the new economy that was apparently being established by the people of the South of the the once proud Empire, but now, a Kingdom that minimized itself of its territory.
In here, as a developing domain filled with people that didn't lose much. King Hamliton reaffirms himself of founding a new station to introduce his glory. Though in other domains he is detested, in here, his lackeys and guidepoles have secured the understanding of what is best for the new Kingdom. His trusted allies, and his best of lieges are here, making sure that the Old Empire stays afloat out of war, but now, only needs to sustain the Kingdom to ensure they never are defeated.
The problem now lies in the old thinking for which everyone affirmed. Accordingly, to the Baron, Baron Bill Henreich, he advises the King to form alliances here to reestablish his growth. It is not, for the new policies to have the crown or title give out influence and power but the action of which that sustains the environment of power. Thus, no longer he may be of royal status to the other four domains, but if he so wishes to do his job and spread his influence. He might do well in making sure that the Empire is again restored and secured.
First, is the knowledge of how they may sustain all the others in these domains, without much creating a conflict or war. But for the time being that they are under the pitfalls of wars and troubles of wars, they just need to sustain themselves for the time being.
Thus, they deemed of a worthy successor to the old economy. The new economy does not finance itself of wars but of power of connection made through the masses in connection with their cooperation with one another into sustaining a great and wealthy economy and Kingdom.
Baron, introduced the need to secure these investitures as a means to guide the power not based by the strenght of the factions but by the strength of its ties to the others in person and wholly as a nation.
Thus, he is reinventing policies that will make sure growth in his domain and now newly found Kingdom while exuberantly looking for people he can trust in the following scenarios that might play out and is beneficial in case that a war might steer out of control.
In it, one of the new policies is the excessive need to stay away from the money structure as the supplies of money are well extended and concept of which is too thin to be applied momentarily. There simply any much resource or opportunity given under the supply of money as the economy is well stagnated. Thus, they reach for overseas help not by the use of money but by the need for contracts for safe biddings. They install new policies for the need to be able to create projects in return give out new resources for which they will sustain themselves of the new upstarting of companies not derived of money or money system but by a system of trust and crowdsourcing and funding for new opportunities laid out in non-messy and actually well coordinated plans and efforts by a well sustained government. It sounds like old school to King Hamilton, but when he saw how beneficial it was, he redeemed himself of the effort of saying congratulations for the Baron.
The next thing they all did is the need to unite under peace entricements and treaties the need to not wage war and instead envelop themselves in new opportunites made out by new connections of those that can produce and gain new wealth through new efforts of policies of businessmen and not as warlords that no longer can sustain the old economy well. As the ventures of war is ceasing and the ventures of business is growing. Much learning envelop the whole country at that time. Acting fractured, but with the new learning system, are acquiring pace in the new founding of powers. It is in the momentary impulse to secure wealth that will save the country from terror, not violence itself depicted in the old standard of power and wealth, as well as influences.
Thus, a new brotherhood was formed to reestablished the need of the new founding fathers of the 5 domain system of the country. In here, new powers are arising in the field of knowledge, business, and wealth. No longer of martial artists but prime time influencers and businessmen.
The old system of ravaging wars are being ridiculed and new systems of business are being innovated to new efforts of new standards of business and well funding mechanism. So much so that the warlords became well educated crowdfunding and lending, of their monetary wealth into becoming leaders of progress and efforts to make that progress into a new dictohomy of power.
It was a new age where peace was prospering more than war and building structures became the foundations of the new ways. Thus, in due time that everyone one was satisfied, the empire became united again under the King, King Hamilton. From this, the Baron, Baron Bill Henreich, was awarded the title of the Purple Rose and rose in rank and stature to that of a Duke. Now commanding the south domain with his league of alliances and connection. He gave way for a peaceful return of the Kingdom and saved it from an awful detention that might have lead to war. In that, he was awarded for, and in that he made the kingdom rich again. Thus was the case for the Kingdom of Pontylemme, and was for the Southern Borders of Hushii.
--the end--