The snow was always cold.
A sans- treading through and leaving footprints behind in trails. Dressed in comfy clothes- red, black, and white in color. A dark veil was draped over his eyes, causing an eerie feeling to those who would wander by.
The cracks on his skull- certainly prominent. The sans had stopped after a bit of walking, seeing a lanky, tall skeleton with a short human also draped in red.
"Sans! Where did you run off to?" The short human approached the veiled sans, as if seeing an old friend.
And they weren't wrong. They had spent many timelines together, after all.
"Ah! Camaline! Good morning, my shaken up fellow. As always, you appear pale and cold as ever." The sans spoke, pointing out the obvious about the human named Camaline.
"Yes, Papayrus was saying the same." Camaline turned their head to the taller skeleton, who was silent and had a blank slate of a skull.
"Pap, c'mon. Smile more." The sans smirked, a grin on his boney features. His skeletal hands were locked in his pockets, seemingly unmoving as he leaned against nothing.
"Sans, I don't have the time today. I have to figure out a puzzle for our human to decode!" Papyrus exclaimed, turning his skull away and walking off to use a stick and draw in the snowy ground.
"You heard the skeleton, Sans. Gotta go help." Camaline walked away, picking off a snow-ridden stick to help Papyrus.
Sans wondered where it all went. Where the time went. Reset after reset. A few genocide runs here and there, but only occasionally to satisfy Meldrid.
If it wasn't bad enough, it seemed his universe collapsed under his feet. Camaline and Papyrus were safe, sure. But barely surviving now that they sat in what seemed to be a white void.
"It seems we'll just turn into dust out here." Sans mumbled, glancing down at Papyrus and Camaline's injured figures as they rested.
That was until, maybe days or weeks- a black skeleton found him.
Blue, dripping tears. A glitchy voice and error particles never once faltered. Then- the distorted voice spoke, those miscolored red, yellow, white, and blue iries staring down at the red covered Sans.
"Who the fuck are you?"