The bell rang insistently, announcing the beginning of a new school year at "Al-Marfaa Al-Aali" school. The cold air coming from outside crept through the open windows, carrying fallen leaves as if they held a mysterious message about the changes that were about to occur this school year. Everyone was rushing toward their classrooms, each one carrying dreams and hopes in their hearts, while Sami's gaze observed from afar.
Sami had grown accustomed to change, perhaps even to the point where change had become a part of his life. After his parents' divorce, he moved in with his grandmother in a house far away from the rest of the family. To him, school was just a place to escape from his family problems. Yet, strangely, he felt that this school year would be different from any other.
He entered the classroom cautiously, observing every detail around him with eyes that didn't hide their amazement. There were many new faces, but his eyes were focused on a girl sitting in the corner. That was "Layla," his old schoolmate, but somehow, there was something different about her gaze. She wasn't the same Layla he had known in the past; she carried something mysterious, as though she was hiding a big secret.
"You're here at last?" Layla said with a smile mixed with reservation. Her voice was familiar, but it now seemed strange, tinged with something Sami couldn't quite explain.
Then came "Adam," who entered right after Layla. He was, too, mysterious. He looked as though he didn't belong in this place, as if behind his stern features, a secret lurked that could change everything. But he wasn't alone in this classroom. There was something invisible connecting him to Layla, something Sami couldn't yet define.
"Are you ready?" Adam asked as he walked to the seat next to Layla, and darkness seemed to envelop him, clouding Sami's thoughts. Nothing was as it appeared. There was a hidden truth behind those innocent faces.