Different world of Naruto's sexual life

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

The Village Hidden in the Leaves seemed calm and quiet this morning. Birds were singing, the wind gently moved the leaves, and mothers were feeding their babies. It felt peaceful... until...


Okay, maybe the village wasn't so peaceful after all. Uzumaki Naruto groaned as Haruno Sakura, the girl he loved, punched him hard in the stomach. He doubled over in pain and fell to the ground. Looking up, he saw Sakura standing over him, cracking her knuckles.

"S-Sakura-chan..." he stammered.

Sakura glared at him, making him gulp and stay quiet. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't like you! Not like that! I like Sasuke-kun! What makes you think I'd ever like someone like you?"

"B-because you…deserve better," Naruto managed to say, which only made Sakura angrier. She kicked him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him.


"N-never interrupt you," Naruto gasped.

"Exactly! And what did you do? YOU INTERRUPTED ME, AND BECAUSE OF YOU, HE LEFT!" she shouted, kicking him again. She gave him one last kick for good measure, then turned and walked away with a huff.

Naruto groaned, holding his stomach to ease the pain. Just as he thought it was over, another shadow appeared over him. He looked up and saw Yamanaka Ino standing there, smirking. Her long blond hair, blue eyes, and confident stance made her look almost as beautiful as Sakura—but Naruto didn't like the look on her face.

Before he could react, Ino kicked him in the nose, breaking it. Naruto cried out in pain, clutching his nose and trying to stop the bleeding. Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision, so he didn't see Ino pulling her foot back for another kick. But when his vision cleared, he was surprised to see Sakura standing in front of him, blocking Ino's next strike.

"Come on, Ino," Sakura said quietly. "He's not worth it." Both girls turned and walked away, leaving Naruto alone.

Naruto sighed in relief, slowly getting up and sitting on a nearby bench. His nose stopped bleeding after a while, and his breathing steadied. He watched Sakura and Ino disappear around a corner. Their backs were turned, so they didn't see the sharp, determined look in his bright blue eyes.


Umino Iruka looked up from the paper he was looking over. He sighed as Naruto walked into the class room, noticing the stare he was giving the two gossiping girls.

He'd seen the beating earlier, but had stayed out of it like the blond boy had requested. If he hadn't been aware of the…situation…he probably would have ignored his young friend's wishes.

He sighed and shook his head. "I wish things hadn`t turned out like this." He muttered to himself as he finished grading the paper. "Naruto is stronger then he looks, and he shouldn't have to hide it. Kami-sama, why did it have to be this way? The kid's suffered enough."

He noticed Naruto sliding a note onto Sakura's chair, and he was impressed when she managed to palm the note without Ino noticing. He was doubly impressed when she was able to maintain her face…before things would have been VERY different.


"Damn Sakura, you've really being laying it into Naruto recently." Ino commented, flipping her hair back after they retook their seats.

"So what? I hit him all the time." Sakura responded. Ino was her friend, and they had always hit Naruto…it was like a game in the beginning. Ino had never complained…She seemed to enjoy it actually.

"I know that." The blond girl replied. "But recently you seem to go out of your way to keep hit him. You seem to find reasons everywhere you go."

Sakura sighed and put her head on the desk. "I don't know what it is." She replied. "That Naruto…he just makes me so mad when he insults Sasuke-kun."

"Tell me about it." Ino replied, sparing a quick glance at the pale Uchiha and blushing lightly. "Y'know…I'm confused about something."

Sakura looked over to her friend. "What?"

"Yesterday, I saw Naruto walk out of the grocery store carrying a bag of food." She said. "Normal everyday activity, right? However, when he passed by the store next to it a group of people just ganged up on him, punching and kicking him." Ino just sat there, staring off into space as she recalled the event, so she didn't notice the narrowing of Sakura's eyes.

"Did you recognize anybody?" The pinkette asked, frowning when Ino nodded her head.

"Yeah, I saw the old lady that lives next door to me hitting Naruto with her walking stick." She replied. "I think I also saw Ishida Isshin and his wife there too."

"Wait, the same Isshin's that run the dango shop?" Sakura asked surprised.

Ino nodded. "Yeah, I was surprised too." Ino replied shaking her head. "I always thought they were nice people, and I could understand them not liking Naruto for his pranks. Heck, I don`t like his pranks. I`m still mad about that time he cherry bombed the girl`s bathroom…I still shudder every time I pass by the men's room and I hear Kiba in those stalls."

Both girls paused to shudder at that. It was indeed a dark memory.

Ino sat there, silent as she thought about the situation. "Sakura, maybe we shouldn't hit Naruto as much anymore." She muttered, turning to her friend.

"Why?" Sakura asked, surprised again.

"Well, it's what Naruto yelled to the mob after they finished with him." She replied, rubbing her arms to try and comfort herself. "He said he'd had worse then what they dished out…I got the impression that it happened to him before." Ino noticed the look on Sakura's face. "What is it?"

"Well, it's just that...remember that time Naruto was gone for a month?" At Ino`s tense nod, she continued. "Well, I heard some rumor about him spending the time in the ANBU`s Torture and Interrogation division." Ino gasped at that, and Sakura nodded. "I know. I had originally just shrugged it off before…but what if it was true?"

"But why? Why would a waste of a ninja like him be doing in the ANBU I.T. division?" Ino asked.

"I don't know." Sakura replied. "I do know I've seen him getting beat up by some of the older kids before…maybe he retaliated?"

"That'd be just self-defense though." Ino replied.

"Well, we both know he isn't liked." Sakura replied. "Maybe it goes higher up than that…"

"Well, in either case we should tone it down a bit." Ino replied. "He's a jerk, but he's harmless anyway. He probably will fail the exam again, and then we won't have to deal with him anymore. We could be a little nicer to him, but we still hit him if he does something stupid. Not as hard, but enough to keep him in line." Ino extended her hand and Sakura took it and shook it. "Deal?"


They separated, turning to Iruka as he started the next lesson. Ino was focused on the material, so didn't notice the sadistic smirk that graced Sakura's face.


Ino sighed as looked out the window of her room, gazing up at the half moon as it hung in the sky. Normally she would be thinking of ways to get Sasuke to admit his undying love for her, or coming up with creative insults to use on Sakura for their next argument. Heck, if she was really bored she`d even do the history assignment Iruka-sensei had given them that afternoon.

That`s what she`d do normally. Tonight however, wasn`t normal.

Ever since that moment in class, she couldn't stop thinking about all the times she had lashed out at Naruto—whether it was hitting him in frustration or throwing careless insults his way.

For the longest time, she had only seen him as an annoying prankster, an orphan who constantly made a fool of himself. But now, for the first time, she realized how little she actually knew about him. Who was he beyond the loud, clueless boy she had always dismissed?

A strange feeling settled in her chest—shame. The more she reflected on it, the worse it got. Every memory of her striking him, every harsh word she had thrown at him, played back in her mind like a cruel reminder of how blind she had been.

"I really should apologize to him tomorrow." She muttered, looking out her window again.

A sight of pink among the darkness interrupted her thoughts. She looked closer, surprised to see Sakura walking along the road.

"That's weird." The Yamanaka girl muttered, watching her friend walk by. "Her house is nowhere near mine, and it's in the opposite direction. Where is she going?"

She saw Sakura look back and forth and behind her as if she was watching for anybody following her. Raising her eyebrow at her suspicious behavior, a thought came to mind. She growled as she voiced her opinion. "I bet she's going to Sasuke-kun's place!"

Anger filled her young mind, and she quickly dressed in her normal purple outfit. A brief shout to her parents that she was heading out, and Ino was hot on the pinkette`s trail.

She followed Sakura at a distance for some time, being careful not to reveal her presence. She was surprised that Sakura pass by the Uchiha compound without even giving it a second glance, just continuing on. Eventually Sakura led her to one of the more run-down areas of the village, and to a small apartment building on one corner.

Now Ino was confused. It was weird enough that her friend had ignored their mutual crush's house, but to come here? She didn't even know whose building it was, or if anyone even lived here to begin with.

The blond girl watched as Sakura walked up to the front door, pulling out a set of keys. The pink haired girl walked inside the building, casting another look behind her before shutting the door. The blond walked out of her hiding place, pulling out the kit she'd bought for her lock-picking class at the academy.

She started working on the lock. She WOULD get to the bottom of this.


5 minutes earlier

Sakura could barely contain her excitement. The moment she had been waiting for had finally arrived, and soon, she would be back where she truly belonged.

But before she could do anything, she had to be certain that no one was following her. She checked her surroundings again and again, her eyes scanning every shadow and every passerby. If anyone saw her, they wouldn't understand. They would try to stop her. And she couldn't let that happen—not when she was this close.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally reached the familiar apartment—the one she had been secretly visiting for the past seven months. With practiced ease, she pulled the keys from her jacket pocket and unlocked the door. As she stepped inside, she hesitated for a brief moment, glancing back at the street one last time.

For a split second, she thought she saw a flash of yellow. Her breath caught in her throat, but she quickly shook it off. It was probably just a trick of the light.

She shut the door and locked it. As soon as she finished, she was suddenly rammed against the door and she could feel a hot breath against her ear that sent shivers all throughout her body.

"You been a bad girl today Sakura-chan." A voice whispered to her.

She couldn't help but moan. "Oh master, I've been a very bad girl." She whispered back to her master.

The `master' started to chuckle. "You know what that means don't you?"

Sakura moaned as hands started to roam her body. "Yes Master. I must be punished for my sins."

"Good, so let's get started." Sakura smiled in happiness, before a ball gag was placed between her teeth. A silk blindfold covered her eyes, and a hand struck her ass with a loud slap, causing her to moan again. Another hand grabbed her long hair, and dragged her through the darkness.


Ino strained her ear trying to detect any sort of sound in the house, even as she continued to work the lock.

She silently cursed her lack of skill with lock picking. Her teachers at the academy had said that skilled lock-picks could defeat a lock like the one she was working on in less than a minute.

It took her five.

She frowned at herself, making a mental note to get some practice in this weekend. Her father would be embarrassed at her lack of skill.

She silently opened the door, peeking inside. No one was there, not Sakura nor whoever lived in the building. She walked inside, closing the door and relocking it. She started to sneak around in hopes of finding out whose house was this.

Within 3 minutes, she came across a bedroom with the door open. Inside she spotted a set of clothes on the floor; a loud blue and orange jumpsuit.

That made her heart beat faster. This was Naruto's place?

Ino moved away from the bedroom in confusion. If this was Naruto's place, then where was he? For that matter, where was Sakura? She knew they had to be in the building…no one had walked out while she was breaking in.

She continued to look around. Naruto's place was surprisingly clean and neat. She smirked as she saw his ramen packs and cups not only in order of flavor, but ALPHABETIZED and DATE SORTED.

"He is WAY too obsessed with that stuff." She muttered.

She walked around some more, just glancing at things when and spied a bookcase in the opposite room. She walked toward it, a little curious as to what kind of material Naruto liked to read. It was as tall as Iruka was, if not higher, and there were books on chakra, jutsu scrolls, and some magna.

However, something about the bookcase seemed weird to her. It seemed…almost out of place somehow. She put her hand on the case and shook it, just to get a feel for it. To her surprise, the case slid to the side, revealing a hidden stairway. Being very careful, she started to descend the stares, keeping as quiet as possible. She reached a space with three doors, one of which was slightly open. She thought she heard…moans coming from the room, so she tiptoed over to the door, peeking into it.

The sight that met her eyes was one that she would never forget.

Sakura was in the room, naked, riding a wooden horse.

Ino had read about the triangle shaped torture device that was commonly used on female prisoners. Iwa was famous for its export of the things, and she`d heard rumors about how the Tsuchikage herself loved to ride them. She just never thought she'd see one for real…let alone see her friend riding on it.

Sakura had a ball gag in her mouth, and her hands tied together above her head. Her legs chained to the ground, and there was no slack in them. Ino could only imagine how painful that must be. As shocking as that scene was, however, nothing could prepare her for what she saw next.

Naruto was standing behind the bound girl, a cat-o`-nine-tails in his hand. He swung the whip in a wide arc, catching Sakura right on her ass. He swung it again, this time causing the braids to wrap around the pink girl's chest.

Sakura was crying out, despite the gag, and her hips swayed on the horse, shaking lewdly from side to side.

Ino was shocked as she realized Naruto's own state of dress, or lack there of. He didn't have any clothes on except for a pair of leather shorts. His chest wasn't bulky, but wiry…almost ripped even. His face was tight, focused on his task as he swung the lash against Sakura's helpless flesh yet again. He looked so different than the happy-go-lucky idiot she had come to see him as. Here, he was strong, dark, and intimidating. Ino was afraid of what would happen to her if she barged in right now.

The whipping continued for a few minutes, but finally Naruto put his whip down, running his hands over Sakura's much abused skin. Ino could see tears coming down the poor girl's face. She watched as Naruto removed the ball gag, holding a bottle of water to her lips and allowing her to drink. Naruto then did something that shocked the observing blonde girl…

…he kissed Sakura, long and hard.

Ino felt her breath catch in her throat, and her eyes widened even more as Sakura began to RETURN the kiss. Ino watched as Naruto pulled back just a little, allowing his tongue as well as Sakura's to engage in an aerial duel for superiority.

After a while, Naruto broke the kiss, smiling at the panting Sakura. He leaned forward, whispering something in Sakura's ear. Her eyes widened in fear, and she started to struggle. Naruto however would have none of that, and he slapped her ass hard, right atop one of the welts he had already raised. She screamed in pain, and he repeated the action, muttering something to her. Sakura seemed to listen this time, ceasing her struggles.

Naruto walked to the other side of the room, collecting something, before returning to the horse and to Sakura. He unlocked her leg chains, and slid her forward so she was no longer riding the monstrosity. He then moved to a series of leavers along the far wall, pressing one and causing Sakura to lower so her feet touched the floor. He then attached cuffs to her ankles, and hit another lever. A second set of chains came down from the ceiling, and he clipped Sakura's ankle cuffs to them. He then hit the levers again.

Ino watched as Sakura's legs were raised in the air, even as her upper body was lowered. Soon enough she was hanging in the air horizontally, her crotch at the same level as Naruto`s. The blond boy then walked up to her head, pulling out a blind fold and a ring-gag. Sakura's mouth opened obediently with his prodding, and her mouth was soon cleaved by the leather wrapped device. The blindfold covered her eyes, leaving Sakura with no senses other than sound and touch.

Naruto walked back to his place between her legs, and his fingers crossed into a modified ram seal. A second Naruto then appeared at his side, and the two high-fived before hooking their fingers into the waists of their shorts and dropping trau.

Ino's eyes widened at how big Naruto was. *He's only twelve for Christ's sake!* She thought. *He shouldn't be that big already!*

He wasn't incredibly long; though it was clear he was above average. That wasn't what shocked Ino…it was his width. He was easily two inches thick, and to Ino's shock, he started to make good use of those inches.

The Naruto between Sakura's lined up his dick to her...Ino gasped. He was going for the pink haired girl's ass! He smeared some kind of clear gel over his prick, and with one swift thrust he pushed in. Sakura screamed in pain, her body shaking as he started pushing in and out of her ass. Her cries were muffled by the other Naruto's dick, as he shoved it through the opening in the ring gag, forcing her to suck on his length.

Ino could only watch as her friend was violated without mercy by Naruto. After about a half hour, Naruto finally finished and lowered Sakura to the floor. The clone vanished, while Naruto stood there panting.

After a few moments Naruto turned around and walked...right toward her. Ino panicked, and remembering the other rooms she got up and ran into one of them, praying to Kami that he didn't find her.

When she saw the contents of the room she walked into she almost screamed. On one side of the wall, there were chains attached to the wall and a water hose. She saw strange looking chairs, ropes, buckets, and big syringes.

She didn't want to think what went on in here.

The sound of footsteps brought her attention back to the reality of the situation. She held her breath, listening to the footsteps of Naruto going up the stairs. Suddenly they got louder again and Ino's heart raced. Then the footsteps went away again, and she sighed in relief. She waited a few moments until she was certain he was gone. She opened the door, looking left and right, as well as up the stairs to make sure he wasn't about before she tiptoed out and went into the room Naruto was just.

Sakura was lying there on the ground, and Ino rushed to her side. She reached behind her head and undid the ring gag and then the blindfold. Sakura weakly opened her eyes, blinking a few times before gazing up to see Ino looking at her with a worried look.

"I-Ino? W-what are…you…doing here?" Sakura stuttered out weakly. "You're not…supposed to be…here. Y-you n-need…to get…out of here…b-before he gets back!" Ino shook her head as she tried to remove the chains hooked to her friend's manacles.

"I'm going to get you out of here!" The blonde girl growled. "Then we're going to go to the Hokage and tell him what that bastard did to you!" Ino cursed as she struggled with the chains.

"Ino, you don't understand, I..." Sakura trailed off, looking behind the blonde. Ino froze as she heard footsteps behind her. She slowly looked toward Sakura but froze again as she saw the look on her friends face.

She had never seen such an evil grin on the pinkette's face.

"You should have gotten out of here like I told you. You just sealed your fate." With that, Ino was knocked out by a blow to the neck. The last thing she saw was Sakura's smirking face.


Ino awoke to a moaning sound. She groggily opened her eyes, widening them at the sight before her.

Sakura was sitting in a chair in front of her, wearing a revealing outfit that did practically nothing to hide her charms. Her legs with sheathed in thigh-high black leather boots with insanely high heels. Everything else was just straps; they criss-crossed her body at different points, leaving her breasts bare, and framing her bald pussy. A pair of gold clips adorned her nipples, with little bells attached by chains.

Sakura had one hand fondling her breast and the fingers on the other hand were thrusting in and out of her pussy while moaning Naruto's name, the bells jingling at every shake of her sweat soaked body.

Now that she was awake, Ino tried to take stock of the situation she was in. A draft went by and she shivered, before her eyes widened and she stared down.

She was practically naked! Her hands were above her head, locked in chains that hung from the ceiling. Her legs were strapped so she was spread open, but the chair she was in was weird. The legs of the chair were thicker than normal, but the seat was cut like one of the western style toilets, leaving her feeling like she was sitting on air. She squirmed, feeling embarrassed, but that's when she felt things in her ass and her womanhood. She looked down to see a black leather thong covering her mound, with two paper seal tags along the fronts of her thighs. She could feel her face flushing like a tomato.

"Ahh, Naruto-sama!" A cry from Sakura brought Ino's attention back to the cherry blossom, as she came long and hard. Ino blushed even more at the sight.

After Sakura came down from her orgasm, she opened her eyes, smiling as she saw Ino awake and looking at her. "About time you woke up." She said, licking her fingers clean. Ino couldn't believe what she was seeing. "What? Are you so speechless seeing my body?" In truth, she was. Sakura's breasts were bigger then she thought - they couldn`t match Hinata`s (but then no girl their age COULD), but they were bigger than she had ever guessed. How have she kept them hidden?

She saw Sakura lick her lips. "I bet you're wondering how I was keeping these hidden aren't you?" Ino nodded. "I'll tell you later."

Ino finally found her voice. "Sakura, what's going on here?! What is all this?! And what are you WEARING!?!" She cried out.

Sakura's face lit up. "You like it?" she asked, spinning around slowly like a model (and causing Ino to blush when she saw the metal ring that was pressed against the fleshy ring of her anus). "Naruto-sama had this and several other outfits made just for me. He'll probably get you something similar later.

Sakura reached for what looked to be a remote on her side. "Now, first things first." The green eyed girl muttered, locking a hard gaze at the bound blonde. "Ino…what the hell are you doing here in the first place? Don't you know breaking and entering is a crime?" Ino didn't answer, instead she just looked away.

"Sure you don't want to tell me?" Ino still didn't respond. "Fine." She pressed one of the buttons on the remote

Ino suddenly yelled in pain as her pussy shook with extreme pain; it was like a bunch of needles were poking into her flesh. The pain lasted for 5 seconds before stopping. Ino gasped for breath as she tried to figure out what happened. Ino turned her head back toward Sakura who was holding the remote in her hand, finger on the on/off switch.

"What…the…FUCK…was that!?!" Ino gasped out.

Sakura grinned. "You like it?" she asked. "Naruto-sama put a jutsu on you that switch the pleasure and pain receptors in that adorable pussy of yours. Now, every time those dildos are turned on, instead of you normally feeling pleasure…you get pain." She flicked the switch again, causing the blonde to cry out, before shutting it off.

Sakura waited until Ino caught her breath. "I'm going to ask again. What are you doing here?" Ino panted, wondering if she should tell her. Sakura made up her mind for her as she moved her finger to the switch again.


Sakura's finger stopped and looked at Ino expectantly. "Yes?"

"I...I thought you were going to Sasuke-kun's place to try to get him to notice you!" Ino closed her eyes expecting more pain to come. She heard laughter and opened her eyes and saw Sakura laughing, breasts bouncing as she shook from her chortles. "What's so funny?"

Sakura calmed down, but she was still laughing softly. "You seriously thought that?" Ino nodded, embarrassed. "Ino, Naruto-sama beat that crush out of me months ago." The pink girl replied, shaking her head. "I've been with him for almost eight months…I love Naruto-sama now."

"EIGHT MONTHS!?!" The blonde shouted. "Sakura…what is going ON? Why do you keep calling him `sama'? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?!"

"You really want to know?" Ino nodded. Sakura got up and walked toward Ino, causing the blonde to shake a little in fear. She was relieved when Sakura walked right past her.

Sakura continued to speak, even as she walked past. "Naruto-sama is my master, my lover, my mate."

"Your master?"

"Yep, although it wasn't by choice at first."

"At first?" Ino heard Sakura walk back and soon Sakura was in front of Ino, holding a pair of alligator nipple clamps. The blonde girl gasped as her friend took a hold of her left tit, slipping the clamp's teeth over the puckered flesh and letting it bite down. Ino cried out, and then whimpered as Sakura did it again.

The bound girl was left panting after this brief ordeal, but she was able to find her voice again quickly enough. "Sakura…what…did you…mean `at first'?"

"Listen Ino, when I tell you this, I expect you to understand that it wasn't his fault." The leather clad girl spoke, leveling a hard glare at her `prisoner'. "I will punish you if you think otherwise and don't even think of lying to me. I can tell if you are." Ino gulped and nodded. "First, we'll start with the basic story…what do you know about the night that the Kyuubi attacked?

"Kyuubi?" Ino could tell Sakura was serious. "Well, all I know is that Kyuubi was a nine-tailed fox demon who attacked this village 12 years ago."

Sakura nodded her head and motioned for Ino to go on. "Good, go on."

"The Yondiame was the only one who could stand up to the fox." Ino continued. "He fought it and killed it, but it cost him his life."

"That's what you were led to believe." Seeing Ino's confused look, she continued. "It's true that Kyuubi attacked but not for the reason you think."

"What reason?"

Sakura shook her head. "Only Master can tell you that. I don't have the right. Now back to the topic at hand, Kyuubi is not a demon."

"He's not? Then what is he?" Ino interrupted.

"Let me finish. Kyuubi is actually a Kitsune - a fox spirit, not a demon fox."

"What's the difference?"

Sakura sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Demons come from hell. Kitsune's are from this world. Demons are bent on destruction and mayhem while Kitsune's are playful and mischievous. They're tricksters and pranksters…" Sakura smirked. "…and not to mention they are total perverts."

Ino was really confused. "Ooook...what's that got to do with Kyuubi? It's dead, right?"

Sakura sighed. "No Ino, Kyuubi isn't dead. Not even the Yondiame wasn't able to kill a Kitsune of such power…No one can kill on of the Kyuu no Bijuu. He did the only thing that he could do - he used a forbidden sealing technique to imprison the fox inside a newborn baby whose umbilical cord was just cut. That baby was Naruto."

Ino gasped. The Kyuubi…was sealed in Naruto?

"So Naruto is Kyuubi?" Ino gasped, only to scream as her body erupted in pain, the added weights to her breasts enhancing the agony. This time the torture lasted for a minute, though it seemed like forever to Ino. When the pain finally stopped, Ino was crying and breathing hard. She looked with teary eyes to Sakura who sat there with an angry face. "What (pant) was that (pant) for?"

"Naruto isn't Kyuubi!" Sakura growled. "He is only the vessel of the fox! The only influence Kyuubi has on Naruto is his extreme stamina, endless chakra, rapid healing, and whisker birthmarks on his cheeks."

Ino took a moment to think about this. If Naruto was Kyuubi, then things would be different then they are now. If Kyuubi really was a Kitsune instead of a demon, then Naruto isn't really dangerous, but...

"How do you know that he isn't tricking you into believing that he really loves you?"

Sakura smiled the same kind of smile you would give your lover. "Because I comforted him when he really needed it and he comforted me when I needed it. It was during those times that we knew we love each other. In fact..." Here, Sakura made an ear-splitting grin. "I think you have something for Master Naruto."

"WHAT? I don't feel anything for that baka!" If anything, that grin got bigger and Ino blushed.

"If I recall correctly, you were the one who suggested that we stop hitting Naruto earlier this afternoon. I saw the guilt and the remorse in you. That tells me that something is developing in you. You're coming here is maybe a blessing in disguise." Ino turned away, embarrassed that they were talking about her love life.

Sakura laughed the expression Ino had. "Let me tell you something. My life isn't all bondage and pain. We do have sex." At that Ino snapped her head to look at Sakura. "What?"


"But what?"

"You're 12 for Kami's sake! We shouldn't be having sex when we're that young. What about pregnancy?"

"That's a good question actually. If there is one thing Kyuubi hates the most is early pregnancy so when we first had sex and he marked me." Sakura brought her hand up to her neck and moved her head so Sakura could see bite marks on her neck. "He put a pregnancy seal on me. I'm protected from pregnancy, and I also get increased stamina, some of Naruto's chakra capacity, and rapid healing." She grinned. "Good thing too…otherwise I'd never last long when he takes me to bed. When we're in bed, Naruto-sama is a god. He knows just what to do when to do it."

"But…what did you mean `at first'?"

"I'm getting to that." Sakura sighed. "Anyway….the Yondiame wanted Naruto to be seen as a hero, but the villagers see Naruto as noting more then a demon. The one that took the life of their Hokage, and they are constantly calling for his death." Ino saw a tear go down her cheek.

"They almost got their wish last year."

"What- what do you mean?"

"I mean that the villagers almost killed my master on October 10, Naruto's birthday. If it wasn't for the arrival of the Hokage and a whole platoon of ANBU, he would have died!" Sakura shivered at the thought. "Master was already near death, and the Kyuubi took advantage of the situation, taking over his body. He almost destroyed the village in his rage of what had been done to his vessel. Sandaime-sama managed to calm him down -how exactly I don't know - but Kyuubi knew that the old man cared for Naruto, so he bargained with him."

Ino was starting to see where it was going.

"Because Kyuubi took over the body, when he gave up control again, Naruto would have absorbed some of his personality and abilities." Sakura continued. "Illusion, playfulness, trickery…and the desire to dominate and be in control. He asked for somebody in Naruto's age group for Naruto to break and make her into a slave." Ino gasped.

"So..." Sakura nodded and smiled.

"The Hokage agreed and asked if he had anyone in mind? I'm sure you can guess who it was." Ino gulped. "That's right…it was me."

"So, in the middle of the night, ANBU broke into my house. They bound, gagged, and blindfolded me, and then took me to one of their cells for 3 days. I was stripped and cleaned, then kept fed until the preparations were finished. When the blindfold was removed, I was sitting in the exact chair you are in now and Naruto-sama was sitting in this one. It was then that the torture started for me." Ino gulped, slightly shaking.

"H-how long did it take to break you?" She asked, afraid of the answer.

Sakura's face fell and she looked away surprising Ino. "A week and a half I'm ashamed to say."

"Why are you ashamed?"

Sakura turned back to Ino and she could clearly see a look of disappointment on her face. "I'm supposed to last longer then that. I'm a ninja in training for crying out loud."

"Sakura, lasting for a week and a half is amazing for somebody who isn't a ninja."

"That's what just Naruto-sama keeps telling me but I can't help but feel I could've lasted longer then that. I know I can now but..." Sakura sighed. "Enough about me. We need to talk about you."

"What about me? What are you going to do to me?" Ino asked, suddenly very afraid.

Sakura smirked. "Oh, it's not what I'm going to do. It's what he's going to do. You belong to Naruto now. When you set foot inside his territory, you became his. That was the agreement between Kyuubi and the Hokage. As long as no other girl steps foot into Naruto's territory, or if they`re escorted by another man, he'll leave them alone and stick with me…but if they come in alone like you just did? Well, now that you are in his house..." Sakura trailed off, leaving the rest to the imagination. Ino paled as she realized the true extent to her situation.

"Oh Kami..."

"You'll last much longer then me when he tries to break you, that's for sure. You're far more stubborn then I am." Sakura said with a wicked grin. Ino started to shake with fear. "Don't worry Ino…Naruto-sama won't be gentle with you, but he won`t be too rough I think. He`s patient like that." Ino paled at the sound of the door opening and Sakura looked behind her and her face lit up. "Naruto-sama!" She got out of the chair and rushed toward him, giving him a big kiss and he kissed back. "How was the visit to the Hokage? Did you have to wake him up?"

Naruto shook his head. "No I didn't. After I told him about Ino, he kept on asking if she really walked into the house on her own. It took an hour for him to believe me. I sent an Ino clone to take her place for tonight so her parents won't get suspicious until the Hokage talks to them tomorrow."

"So she's staying for tonight?"

Naruto nodded as his hands started to play with her. "How much did you tell her?"

"What was needed to be told. What are your plans for her anyway?"

"I'm still thinking about it." Sakura squealed as Naruto squeezed her ass cheeks. "But for now, I'm hungry for some sex."

"Then let me feed you Master." Naruto and Sakura then engaged into a heated kiss and they started walked to the bed but when they got halfway, Sakura broke away from Naruto. "Wait Master, why not let Ino watch?"

Naruto grinned. "That's a great idea." Sakura walked toward the bed, getting out of her outfit while Ino watched with fear in her eyes as Naruto walked toward her with a ball gag in hand. He walked behind her trying to fit it in her mouth. Ino resisted, but she complied when she saw the remote in Naruto's hands.

The blond boy undid the chains holding her hands up, before securing them to the back of her chair. He then walked around to Ino's front, making a few hand seals before he touched Ino's thong clad womanhood. "I took the pain jutsu off, so you can feel pleasure now." Ino squealed as much as she could with the gag in her mouth as Naruto picked up the chair and set it down so she was facing the side of the bed. Naruto started to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry, Ino-chan. I'll take good care of you." Ino whimpered as Naruto patted her hair and walked toward a fully naked Sakura.

Simple put, it was fierce and primal. Ino could feel herself getting wet as she watched Naruto and Sakura have sex. Sakura was right; Naruto was a god in bed. She watched as he pounded Sakura with his huge rod and heard Sakura moan in ecstasy. Ino thought she saw a shimmer of chakra surrounding Naruto's shaft as he pumped in and out of her.

Ino watched as Sakura took control and switched positions so that her body on top with her mouth was at his prick and her pussy at his. She took his dick into her mouth and started to bob her head up and down. Sakura must have been doing great because Naruto's knuckles were turning white from gripping the bed sheets too hard.

Within 5 minutes, Naruto came...a lot if the cum flowing out of Sakura's mouth is any indication. After about a minute, Sakura took her mouth off the shaft and licked it clean then licked her own mouth clean.

Sakura then took position above Naruto's still hardened member and slammed down which resulted in a loud cry of pleasure from Sakura and a pleased grunt from Naruto. She started moving up and down, increasing her pace until, to Ino's surprise, 20 minutes later, Sakura slammed down screaming Naruto's name as she came.

Ino was definitely wet from seeing that. She felt a great urge to masturbate right here and now to relieve herself, but her arms was still tied up.

Her eyes widened as Sakura caught her breath. The girl smiled, catching Naruto's lips with her own as started to grind herself against Naruto. Ino looked up and saw a smirk on Naruto's face.

Two poofs of smoke suddenly appeared and two new Naruto's came into existence. Sakura yelped as the one behind her grabbed her and slammed his manhood into her ass, while the one in front of her put his own prick into her mouth. Ino heard a moan come out of her as the real Naruto slid his length into her again, closing his mouth around one of her breasts and grabbing the other one with his hand.

The strange orgy lasted for half an hour this time, the clones vanishing as Sakura collapsed against Naruto`s chest, spent with a fulfilled look on her face. Sakura snuggled up to Naruto, drifting off to sleep with one last "Master…" in a quiet sigh.

Naruto stayed awake, looking at Ino. The blond girl was getting embarrassed at his staring at her practically naked form. Her eyes widened as he thumbed the control to the remote, starting the vibrators inside her pussy and ass. She looked at him with wide, panic filled eyes.

"I have an idea on how to start breaking you tomorrow." Naruto said casually, as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. "Get some sleep, my new pet. You're going to need it."

Ino's eyes widened at that statement. She could only imagine what Naruto had planned for her. Naruto closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. Ino watched, squirming as the vibrators shook her nether regions. She panted through her gag, uncertain if he really asleep.

She couldn't help falling asleep herself, despite the constant vibrations in her pussy and ass, but soon she was drifted off…her dreams filled with wanton and pleasurable images.