This entire story is based on true events, people and experiences. It is just a more fantasy and a more imaginary version of the events. Almost all characters, dialogues, and situations here have truly happened in real life. Some details may not be shared here because of privacy, but I can remind you that what you are reading right now is actually an alternative version of someone's life. It is just rewritten into a fantasy story. This novel is just a more thriller and psychological version of the comic. There's not much fight scenes, but it includes the true story.
I have been planning this story ever since I was ten years old, and the story changed over the years. The more crazy events happened in my life, the more interesting ideas I got for this story. Almost all of the characters here, their personalities and scenes are based on true experiences I've had with them. If they wish to read this book, they can see how I used to see them with my own eyes. At first this book was actually supposed to be just a short story of my fears and my life events, but now it has become something more deep to me. The more interesting things occur in my life, the more the desire of writing this story appears. You could say this book is just a different way of telling someone's past and future. And you can imagine it yourself as well. The protagonist here is actually based on myself. But you can also reflect on yourself as the protagonist to understand my view better.
This book was never supposed to be based on fictional events. It's just a way I describe everyone in my life. And if these people really do read this story. they will understand every detail and reference. The reason why this story is so long is because it has the details of almost every hard situation I have faced with a person. I could describe this as a piece of my mind but using a mix of my own imagination and pain. This story also has a lot of complex characters, just like how humans are in real life. Obviously not everything here is realistic because it is a fantasy. But the characters and their behaviours, their betrayals and situations completely occurred in real life. What you are about to read is not just a story, but all these events have truly happened. These characters have truly existed and their behaviours were captured in this story to describe how much they have impacted my life and this story as well. I've spent years piecing this story so I could describe it in the most extraordinary way ever. So that not only people can know what I've been through, but also so that the people I have described can understand how I used to view them and their behaviour. And I'll tell you now: you might wish this was fiction. But it's not. What follows will take you into the depths of that darkness where, if you're brave enough, you may understand why some stories should never be told.
And even though I dislike sharing so much information about what truly happened. You can actually imagine what happened in real life based on this book. Everything you wonder about this story, whether the part was true or the part was just a fantasy, is all up to you and your mind and imagination.
Another thing I'd like to mention is, This is the uncensored version. So whatever you read, I seriously have no responsibility if you are traumatized. This book is supposed to disturb you as much as possible. There are many uncomfortable topics mentioned here. And yes, those happened in real life too. I added these not only for the plot but also to resemble the true experiences the characters have been through.
Graphic Violence & Gore
Psychological Horror & Disturbing Imagery
Self-Harm & Suicidal Ideation
Supernatural & Demonic Elements
Themes of Abandonment & Isolation
Mature Themes & Explicit Language
Doppelganger, Identity Confusion & "Identical" Themes
Strange Relationships & Unsettling Romantic Dynamics
If you feel triggered by gore, sensitive topics, strange relationships and have a soft heart this book really isn't recommended for you. If you also have a weak stomach and cannot handle reading too much violence or gore I would also not recommend you to read this, But in the end, it is your choice. You have been warned.
"The Twisted Mirror" "
The citizens describe her as "unusual" and "observant". Sometimes Dorothea can be seen in playgrounds, just staring at you in complete silence. Some people even say she's a witch.
One night, it was all gloomy and stormy. In a very spacious balcony with vines and flowers that had extremely sharp thorns, Dorothea was seen standing on the edge. She was just staring at the stars and the dark night sky. She smiled gently and looked at the moon.
"Alaric, my dear best friend. I remember all the wonderful things we shared and our sweet memories, you will always be my best friend. However, I know you are hearing me right now. So, I will tell you a story, one I was waiting to tell you about until you disappeared."
"Hell was a place every human being feared. They were so pressured into having good character because of this myth. It's not even known whether Hell is real or not. This myth has impacted the world so much that when you don't follow any rules that are normalized, you will be told that you will be sent to Hell. You slowly lose yourself day by day because of the fear that drowns you. But in this story, Hell isn't as awful as it always seems.
Once there was a devil who shone like the sun, he looked out on his friends and family in happiness and peace. He always had a small smile on his face no matter how much pain he goes through. His goal was to be kind, be gentle and loving. Hell had many devils, while Heaven had many angels. This little devil was different. Every devil and even angel, admired him. Because he was kind, he was never cruel. He couldn't imagine himself being cruel. Malevolence was one of the things he truly despised. However, no matter how great or worshipped he was, he always had this shadow, a silhouette. Nobody noticed that shadow, nobody cared about it either. It was just here, even since he was born it's always been there.
The same face details that included his pitch black eyes, the identical raven hair strands that looked soft and silky, the matching horns and tail, and even the alike figure. You couldn't even tell the difference! But the only thing that didn't align was character. This shadow and the devil had completely different natures. Why was he known as a shadow? The reason is, he was never noticed or admired like the devil. Nobody respected him. But he was never a bad person, so why did nobody esteem him, like the way they esteemed the devil? He had to face everything himself, the loneliness and anger slowly building more and more stronger day by day. For a twin brother, he seemed like an outcast next to his devil twin.
The name of the devil was Antonio meanwhile his twin's name was Mio.
Antonio loved his twin more than anything. Sure, nobody actually preferred Mio. But Antonio was always there for him no matter what. His twin brother may hurt him countless times, but he didn't care. He hated the fact others backbit about his dear twin. And no matter how much Mio tried pushing Antonio away, he still cared about him deeply. Antonio's heart ached seeing Mio's unhappiness grow day by day. Considering how much Mio hated being loved by someone he truly hurt so many times, Mio still cared deep down, somewhere in his heart.
Antonio always adored Mio. He would shower him with gifts and affection. Meanwhile Mio never returned anything. But he still has a string of guilt in his heart, the string pulls down and down slowly, increasing the guilt which makes him cry on his knees. This bond however, was destroyed by a big deed.
And that terrible action was done by Mio. The anger completely made him lose his mind, he couldn't control himself anymore. Seeing his complete identical twin having a better life and character made his blood boil. He had no choice, but he had a strange wish in his mind. The wish was to get rid of his twin. He wanted this wish to be granted as quickly as possible. And Mio wasn't a patient person at all. He was full of rage and selfishness, his anger took over his soul completely. He couldn't recognize himself at all. It was his own fault. And he never admitted it, due to his selfishness.
So he tried granting his own wish. Antonio was sleeping peacefully in his room, not knowing how much in danger he is at this exact moment, But just when Mio was about to stab his own dear brother to death, he was caught.
Mio's eyes widened when he heard the guard's voice. He has never felt so disappointed and fearful in his life. He was caught red handed trying to kill his own brother and his whole life is ruined in just a second. And that foolish Mio did nothing to stop, the destruction he himself made that will affect his life.
Now, this is actually a very well-known legend in Blackwell, our town. Nobody knows what truly happened to Mio. Some versions of the story said he was sent to earth as a punishment and is still roaming around. Or, other versions say he was actually permanently vanished from existence. All these versions of this story were made by humans. Nobody truly knows what happened to the foolish little Mio. But Alaric, I can definitely assure you that. Mio and Antonio are real. They are somewhere on this earth."
Blackwell continued its days and nights, peaceful and silent. Dorothea remained a strange witch-like woman. The citizens were happy, even though they weren't normal.
Everything was perfect. Until that same night. A loud bang was heard, the whole town rushed to see what happened. It wasn't a normal bang, almost like something fell from the sky. The citizens were confused, terrified and interested in what happened. They looked around if something was found. But no trace. What was that? What even happened? So many questions were asked, even Dorothea was confused, standing in the window. The people slowly let go of the topic, and they went back to sleep.
Years later, and later, the town slowly became something the citizens never expected. In fact, everything changed. There were new leaders, and these people were definitely not the best for leadership. Those cruel humans, forced all the adults of the citizens to work twenty-four hours straight. And nobody dared to argue. The children of the town were left alone. They had their own responsibilities. All their work, actions and survival depended on themselves. But, one of the children, a small and skinny child, was different. Her name was Leila.
Leila was a very awkward and irresponsible child. She had pale skin, pitch black eyes and black hair that reached her shoulders. She always had a scared but sometimes stern expression. Leila lived in a very large wooden mansion. It was a two-storied house. The outside of the house seemed quite eerie and mysterious. This place didn't seem very welcoming, but the inside wasn't anything like the outside. The inside of the house was well-furnished, the big windows which led to sunlight in the hallways of the dark house, always seemed comforting. This place was never welcoming for anyone, except Leila herself. Leila loved it here, and she only felt safe here ever since her parents started working all day. She also had memory problems, forgetting all the important things but remembering all the useless ones. This affected her life a lot. She never took care of herself, never even bothered to.
She deeply wishes she had someone to take care of her, or even listen to her crazy thoughts without judgement. What are those crazy thoughts?
Things like, the wish to make up a person who will always be there for you. This person looks exactly like you, but has a way better personality. This person ends up being the person you've always wanted to be. Almost like, you're giving your soul away to this person. You'll do anything to become or be with this person.
In a world full of people who hate themselves, or cannot stand themselves. Leila is different, sure, sometimes she may hate herself. But she puts herself before anyone and anything. She hates it when someone doesn't accept her the way she is. She can't stand anyone who dislikes her thoughts or makes her feel bad about it.
It was very difficult for Leila to express her feelings, nobody listened to her. The loneliness completely took away her soul, she gave herself away to something. Something everyone else would never give themselves to. Something a normal human would find terrifying. Leila slowly took her steps day by day in her head. Each step is closer to destroying herself for someone who could make everything better, or even worse. These thoughts took over Leila day by day. She couldn't help it.
All alone in her house, surviving on her own. Nobody was there to understand or help. But this type of scenario always intrigued her. She never wanted to change the type of life she had. She was obsessed with how far she had come. Not a single effort to stop the life she was living. She always preferred this life. She dreams that she will be alone forever, with whatever was taking her soul away. No matter how much love or affection you will give her, nobody is close to that something that's taking over her. This is how she has been living all these years. Her heart was completely sealed into a cold metal. Nobody could unlock it or even destroy it. It was just there. And Leila never wanted someone to open her heart up and give them a chance. She was fine being with herself. All alone her entire life. Blackwell was such a difficult place to enjoy, but she was okay with being completely dependent at her house. As long as she lives alone with nobody bothering her, she will be fine and happy. It sometimes hurt her that she was so used to being alone. But no matter how many people wish to be by Leila's side she will always prefer being all by herself.
And so, this is how weeks and months continued, Leila completely isolating herself from everything and everyone. She didn't have a single spark of enjoyment when someone visited her. She wanted a world where she could be herself, unaccompanied and solitary.
She never needed anyone by her side. The number of people who she had pushed away in her life was uncountable. And she didn't care, she never did. She didn't ask these people to be by her side, they themselves chose to. She always blamed them, because they chose to be by her side. She never wanted them to, so they themselves had to face this situation. Leila had no control over this.
But even after all these strange thoughts and this disturbing mindset, Leila was a kind person. She never intended to hurt anyone on purpose. She had kindness for every being, except herself. Even a small ant who bit her skin, can get some sympathy from Leila. Leila was that gentle and soft hearted, even though her heart was made of cold metal. The entire town knew how weird Leila was, but they never tried helping her or listening to her real problems. They never judged her though, considering how isolated she was. Her behavior made a ton of sense due to her life-style. Since the people noticed how much Leila enjoyed being alone, they respected her boundaries and allowed her to stay as alone as she wished. And even though this may seem like a very good decision, it caused a very terrifying future, a future nobody could change or stop. It was already written, and nobody could wipe the ink off or rip the pages. This was all the beginning of a life threatening curse. A type of curse that nobody can stop. So even if you make a thousand good decisions, the fear of the future going wrong will always stay in your mind.
For years, earth had this other type of being that was extremely powerful and intelligent. Humans were nowhere near that level. They were called spirits.
Underground the city of Kowairo, a secret giant area existed. It had the most intense security and sealed walls. You had to go there with an elevator, which almost looked like it was about to break any second. This place wasn't the best for people who hate being alone, because you aren't even allowed to enter here with any partner. I do not know the name of this place, but I was invited here for some reason. Ever since I have left Blackwell, my life seemed very different. Apparently the size of this place was almost as big as the whole city which was crazy. So, of course I wanted to join whatever this business was. Only to realize, this isn't any normal business organization.
The elevator didn't have anyone else on it. The walls seemed very old but extremely
I was taken to this mysterious hallway, I could only hear the small noises of engines running and other technologies. There were also some echoes and banging. It sounded like some were trying to leave this place. The room I was supposed to go to was room 380, which was all the way to the corner. Once I stepped out of the elevator, I was greeted by one of the workers. They gave me an awkward smile.
"You must be, Leila?"
This creepy man took me to the room I was assigned to, he looked around during the entire walk. What was up with him? When we reached our place, he turned around and looked directly at me.
"I've heard a lot about you." He muttered.
"What? I have never been here before. And I don't even know anyone here, except my siblings."
"Siblings? So your siblings are students here too?"
"They aren't students. My brother owns this place. And my sister is one of the most powerful spirit hunters."
When I told him about this, he paused for a second. His jaw was dropped and his eyes were wide.
"You must have insane powers then.." He mumbled.
"Of course I do,"
The man gave me an awkward giggle and left in a second. Just as I was about to step inside the room, someone came out of the room swiftly. That idiot didn't even see where he was going. He bumped into me and almost fell over, but he quickly got his balance. That's when I realized who this dork was in front of me.
How can I even describe this? My childhood best friend who was there for me all the time, is right in front of me right now. He looked way different than he used to when he was a little kid. But he looks more happy and prettier now, that was weird. I thought this organization can completely ruin your happiness? How is he so happy?
'''It's been a long time, Clyde."
"You look more serious than ever, Leila."
''Why does it matter to you?''
''Because we were once eachother's only comfort person, right? I was special to you at least once in your life."
''Clyde, You are still special. I never said you aren't special to me anymore.''
Clyde's eyes widened with shock and disbelief, he then smiled like he was the happiest person ever.
''Really?" He asked in a gentle tone, adjusting his glasses.
Clyde is a very unique person to look at, he had rosy skin ever since he was a child. His big grey eyes were always captivating. And his blonde long hair always turned heads. We looked the complete opposites. I look very simple yet have a dark appearance, and he looks like he fell from the great Heavens. When he was a child, everyone often stared at him and found him interesting because of his looks. He always had an affectionate personality. But something about him intrigued me more than others, that was his smile. He always smiled, and by that I mean always. He could be crying about someone's death, but he will still manage to smile throughout the whole moment no matter what. This kind of scared me in the past, but now, it makes me more curious. What makes him stop smiling?
He is extremely intelligent and educated. He has a bit of knowledge in almost everything. And that's one of the things I truly like about him. He could help me with almost everything I need. Everyone needs an intelligent best friend. But my main question here is, what the hell is he doing here?
''I have a question.''
''Ask ahead, Leila.''
''What are you genuinely doing here?''
''Hm? I've been working here for years.''
That answer gave me a huge reality check. This guy? Out of everyone? He worked at a very powerful organization? That's insane. I mean, I know he is intelligent and trustworthy. But his innocence and bright personality makes it seem unbelievable that he is a part of a secret organization. He was looking at me with a warm smile.
''It seems very shocking, isn't it?" He questioned. He was always leaning slightly forward when he talked to people, as if every word was the most fascinating thing he'd ever heard.
''Yes it is.'' I replied in a hushed tone.
There was a kindness in Clyde's gaze, like he could see through every layer of worry you carried and silently promised everything would be okay.
''Don't worry, Leila.
You won't die here, I promise. I will protect you.''
''Are you sure? I don't think I deserve to be protected by you. You can protect someone better and can make you more happier.''
''Leila, nobody makes me happier more than you, trust me.''
For some reason, those words gave me comfort. Almost like I could just go to him whenever I need something. And I don't know why I'm even saying this, but I feel loved for once. But why would I be so comforted by someone who's so naive and weak-minded? But my thoughts were suddenly paused when he started speaking up.
''Well Leila, since nobody is here right now. I know you well, you can't handle introducing yourself without having anxiety. How about I introduce you to everyone else?" He requested, his voice filled with excitement and motivation.
I couldn't decline this request because it was indeed true, I am afraid of public speeches. And the fact Clyde knew, made it even more hard to decline. So obviously I had no choice but to accept this request.
''Sure.'' I answered shortly.
Clyde then gestured to me to go inside the room we were standing in front of. So we entered, and the first thing I noticed was the fact this room is actually a meeting room. The overhead lights buzzed loudly, bathing the room in a harsh, sterile brightness that felt more like an interrogation chamber than a meeting space. But Clyde was standing next to me with his usual bubbly expression. It seems like this was the most normal place he has ever seen, and that was kind of bothering me. The meeting table was very peculiar. It stretched across the room like a coffin lid and its dark wood was polished to a reflective, unsettling sheen. Each chair seemed to face slightly inward, as if waiting for a reluctant sacrifice to take their place.
''So.. What is this room for?" I asked Clyde,
Clyde was leaning against the wall with folded arms, he leaned down at me, then spoke in his usual gentle tone.
''This place is where the most powerful spirit hunters usually have meetings. They have serious and secretive conversations here.'' He explained.
''But why was I guided here? I'm not a powerful spirit hunter.''
''Well I have no answer for that, because I wasn't the one who invited you.'' Clyde murmured.
"This table has twelve chairs, but there are thirteen nameplates. Why's there an extra one sitting blank at the head of the table?" I raised an eyebrow and asked Clyde curiously.
''No- Leila-'' Clyde quickly grabbed my sleeve, making sure I couldn't walk closer to the nameplates to see what was written. He looked at me with a reassuring smile even though he was gripping very tightly.
''It's none of your business, I'm sorry if I seem rude. But It's better for you not to know, you trust me, right?''
Clyde tried to make me stop thinking about these nameplates with these words.
I replied in a stern tone.
Clyde let go of my sleeve finally. He then avoided eye contact with me which was very annoying. What was bothering him so much? I gave him an annoyed look, and he realized how I was feeling.
''I'm sorry Leila.''
He apologized. He looked away, almost like he hated himself for making me bothered. I actually felt kind of bad.
''It's alright.''
We later waited in the creepy meeting room for hours and hours. Until someone else came in. She was tall, but not intimidating. She had fluffy brown hair, and cyan blue eyes. She looked very cautious about where she was going. And she stopped her tracks when she saw me and Clyde standing there awkwardly.
''You look new here.''
She spoke in a graceful voice, her eyes softened when she saw me.
''Well, I am new here.''
I replied hesitantly.
''My name is Crystal.''
She introduced herself. She looked like the kind of person you couldn't help but like. She had an easy smile that made you feel like everything in the world could be fixed with a little bit of laughter, and a knack for turning any awkward silence into a joke.
''I am Leila.''
Clyde looked at Crystal, he then spoke up.
''Leila was invited here by Samuel, I guess. She has no idea what goes on here.''
He told her.
Crystal's smile dropped when she heard the name "Samuel" but she quickly changed her expression.
''That's..great.'' She muttered uncomfortably.
Clyde then walked closer to me and exclaimed,
''Well Leila, I have work to do. You can go with Crystal. She can assist you around here and help you get used to this place. And remember, you can't get out.''
The last words kind of scared me, but I acted like I was okay with it. So I nodded and allowed Crystal to take me to her training room, where I was instructed to go in the first place.
That's where she ended up taking me anyway. The room was softly lit by warm, golden lights that hung low from the wooden beams above. A gentle glow spread across the space, softening the hard edges of the equipment and creating an atmosphere that felt more like a home than a creepy training area. A small heater in one corner kept the room at just the right temperature, not too hot, not too cold, just enough to make the space feel inviting and comforting even on the coldest mornings. It even had some notes and drawings on the walls, almost like Crystal's old students have gifted her these and she wholeheartedly cherished them in her room. That was sweet. The training space itself was spacious but not intimidating. It was clear everything had its place..a series of swords in various sizes lined up neatly against one wall. The swords looked pretty cool.
As I was looking around, Crystal then started speaking.
''Since you are a new student, I am your teacher if you may.'' She extended her hand for me to shake.
I kind of already felt comfortable by her presence. However, I wasn't sure about what to say next. Did Clyde seriously forget to introduce everything about me? I didn't mind shaking her hand though.
''Take a seat.'' She gave me a warm smile. As I took a seat in front of her desk, she asked me a question.
''Would you prefer tea or hot chocolate?"'
I noticed a very small snack area in the corner of her training room. I was actually shocked by how cool this place was unlike the rest of this underground base which was filled with creepy stuff and boring decor.
I thought for a while about what she wanted. Then I spoke up in a soft tone.
I looked at the desk curiously, there was a bunch of paperwork and files scattered on the desk.
''Coming right up.''' Crystal sweetly muttered as she put some handmade tea bags in two cups and added some water. As the color and flavor fully spread, she took off the tea bags and walked over to me. She handed me a cup and kept one for herself. I could notice that Crystal seemed…tired? But I didn't want to bother her by asking her about it.
I took a hesitant sip, and to my surprise, the tea tasted shockingly amazing. I took a few more sips of the tea, I still had a stern expression but I could feel it softening a bit. I felt comfortable for once. I was staring at Crystal in a "please say something'' way. I seriously didn't know what to say in this situation.
But surprisingly Crystal immediately picked up the sign. She let out a small cough and continued speaking.
''So, Leila, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?'' She asked generously.
''I am fourteen.'' I answered.
''Oh, wow! You're young. You'll be surprised to know that I'm only nineteen myself.''
I was actually in another world with my stupid thoughts, but when Crystal revealed how old she was, I was actually shocked.
Nineteen..? How?
I was shocked for a second, but then I quickly changed my expression to a stern one. I awkwardly sat there. But I couldn't help but ask her this very important question that was constantly appearing in my mind.
''Are powers necessary for exorcising spirits?'' I asked her. It was a very strange question to ask, but I just had to.
Crystal stopped a bit at that, thinking. I could genuinely see that Crystal was a thoughtful person, she seemed like a good listener too. She looked like she was analyzing everything to give me an honest answer.
"Honestly, it depends. Powers are a huge advantage for exorcism. But..
I personally don't think someone powerless can't be a spirit hunter. With the right training and willpower, anyone could be a spirit hunter.''
I actually had something to say to Crystal. She is my teacher now, it's important for me to tell this to her. But for some reason I couldn't form the words.
''Something on your mind?" Crystal asked, making my nervousness increase.
So, I had no choice but to admit this to her.
''Ís it bad that I don't have any powers?''
Crystal's eyes widened a bit at my words. But it was quickly erased with a genuine smile. ''Well, I wouldn't necessarily call it bad. Because, you look like someone with a lot of potential.''
She leaned back, crossing her arms with a smirk on her face.
''I think you've got what it takes to be an exorcist.''
I felt excitement and surprise at Crystal's words. No way, I could be a spirit hunter too? That's impossible.
''But how?''
Crystal's smile only grew bigger at my question.
''Like I said, with proper training, anyone can be a spirit hunter.''
I had this uncommon feeling, the feeling of a giant weight lifting off my shoulders. I was so relieved.
''Well, how do I even train? Like, what do I need to learn?''
''Hm, you probably need to rely on your physical strength alone more. But I do believe that there are some other measurements that could be taken to help.'' She explained simply.
''So what my brother said was true." I thought I was speaking to my mind, but Crystal suddenly started speaking, raising an eyebrow.
''And, your brother is..?''
Her eyes darkened when she suddenly remembered.
''Samuel, correct?''
''Yes, he's my brother. I mean, many people say we look alike.'' Which was true, I had the same cold eyes as the leader of this organization, Samuel. He's often feared by everyone, but he seemed pretty chill most of the time. We both have the same raven hair that reached our shoulders. Except his hair was a spiky mullet, and mine is just a soft mullet. Suddenly Crystal spoke up in a gawky tone.
''Leila, there is something you should about me before you start training under me.''
I raised an eyebrow, ''What is it?''
''I'm not exactly the most liked in this organization.''
I was very interested in this statement.
''What, why?''
Crystal got up and paced around the room, she was facing her scythe which was hung up the wall.
''I have controversial views on spirits. And that leads me to be less respected than my coworkers at least.''
''What is it? I want to know everything.''
Crystal then hesitated. But she admitted,
''I believe good spirits have mercy, Leila. I never go full force, I hold back. I was never fully aware of my true powers due to how strong they are. I give spirits painless deaths. I don't kill them unless it's necessary.''
''But..why? All spirits are the same right?''
''Everything is not as black and white as you think Leila. We're surrounded by shades of grey. Spirits have deeper situations than humans realize. There were plenty of them who turned against their will. Good souls forced into foul spiritual bodies. Souls that deserve mercy. I personally like to prefer good spirits as souls rather than spirit. Because spirit is a term used for evil. And those spirits, they are not evil, Leila. We were just taught that they are evil. They are just misunderstood. So I don't believe they deserve to be called the same.''
But the way Crystal described the spirits, no, souls, made me rethink my mindset. She looks at souls the way people don't look at humans. Once a society teaches that these specific types of people are ''evil'' and ''bad''. The entire society believes they are bad. And society teaches the generations day by day that these types of people are evil. When in reality, these people are just misunderstood. These people don't follow what humans usually normalize. People say, the ones who wear modest clothes and fit basic standards are the most ''pure'' and ''mature'' human beings, but these people can be cruel and pressuring to other people as well. When someone doesn't wish to be modest or follow what's normalized, they are called ''impure'' or ''mannerless''. But they are just being themselves. They chose to be happy, and society calls them impure? They are also pressured to follow society's trends and manners. Why not just let them be who they truly are?
And this describes how Crystal views souls. Sure, some spirits may be evil. But deep down, they were humans once too. They probably died in pain and brutality. They have probably gone through so many things all by themselves. So they chose to come back as a powerful being, just so they could enjoy their new life and give everything a second try. But since they don't follow what's normalized, such as choosing to disappear completely in the afterlife, they are viewed as ''evil''. I understood Crystal properly the more I thought about it.
''I understand your point.''
''Look you don't have to train under someone like me if you don't want to, okay?''
''I want to be trained under you, it seems like we have the same opinion. Please.''
''Are you seriously sure about this, Leila?''
''It'll be alright. Trust me.''
''Then welcome aboard, I'll make sure not to leave you disappointed.''
After the training session, I actually felt physically stronger than I expected. Now my next plan was to find Clyde again, so I walked around the underground area. To my shock, I could finally see the other students here, they all had different versions of the uniform I was wearing. Along with people with so many unique faces and hair colors. It was like a high school full of fun and interesting people. Some students even had weapons on their back and hands, they were pretty cool to look at.
I asked one of the security guards where Clyde was, they gave me a disapproved look, how rude.
''Clyde is at the medical treating patients, you cannot disturb him at this moment.''
''I'm sure he won't mind. Where is the medical room?''
'''Ma'm you cannot enter-''
Just then the guard's eyes widened, looking at a certain person behind me. They were very tall and strong. And had an intimidating cold expression.
''Just tell her.'' The man behind me commanded the guard.
''The medical room is underground on this current floor. You can use the elevator and press the emergency button to take yourself to the emergency medical room.''
I nodded and turned around, and my elder brother was standing there.
''Do you think Lia would like this place?'' I asked him with a tone full of curiosity and wonder.
''For the last time, Leila, Lia isn't a real person. She was never your twin sister. You made her up in your mind.'' Samuel harshly replied.
''But she felt so real, almost like, I truly stabbed her to death and her spirit haunts me.''
''You hallucinated that terribly. It's your emotions. You were so lonely in your childhood that you made her up in your mind, and now you believe she's real. If she really was real, she would be here right now. You know, it's strange… It's always the lonely ones who get haunted by things like this. Maybe you're just looking for someone who acknowledges you. But this thing? It's not real. It's not even a thing. It's just your mind playing tricks on you.''
Samuel sighed, but then put his hand on my shoulder to reassure me.
''Don't worry, Leila. You're just going crazy like you always do.''
As much as I wanted to believe my twin sister was real, I thought about it. What if I actually never stabbed her to death and it was just a nightmare I had that impacted my life a lot? What if I was actually so alone that I made her up in my mind?
I didn't even realize I continued thinking about this the whole time while I was going to the medical area. When I reached there, I opened the door to see my best friend again, Clyde. And another person? This person looked very bothered and mad..
''Let me guess, you're new here?" The voice dripped with mock sweetness.
''You look weak.''
I couldn't even reply to whatever the hell this person was saying. She looked pissed, her arms were crossed and she had tons of bandages on her face and body. It seemed like she was badly injured and came here to heal.
''You're the one injured, how am I weak?''
''Shut up.''
''Does she always act like this?''
I whispered to Clyde.
Clyde chuckled softly.
''You'll get used to it. Well Nova, you're free to go now. Don't run around too much, or the pain will increase.''
Clyde reminded her.
Oh, so her name was Nova? She seemed very arrogant but it also looked like she had a strong mind. I could tell she can push away any problem she has. She must be pretty confident and brave too.
When Clyde left to treat another patient, I walked over to Nova and sat beside her.
''Tell me, are you always annoyed all day? No moments of happiness or anything?''
''Why do you care, Leila?''
''How do you know my name?''
Nova paused for a second, she studied her thoughts and started speaking again.
''Don't think about it too much. I just know.''
''You're weird.''
''You're worse! You stabbed your twin sister!''
''And how do you know that?"
My eyes widened.
''I know every single detail about your past. Don't think I'm a stalker or anything. I just know.''
''But how..?''
''I have my ways.''
She furrowed her eyebrows when she looked at me.
''Did Samuel tell you?''
''No, I have never asked him anything about this in my life.''
''Then how-''
''Just stop asking Leila, I just know.''
But then again, If Samuel really told Nova about this, he would tell her that my twin sister was just a hallucination and it never happened, right? Why is she acting like I actually stabbed my sister?
''Do you think Lia is real?''
She looked disturbed. But then she sighed.
''Listen, Leila. It's up to you whether you believe me or not, but I can definitely tell you that Lia is indeed real.''
''But..Samuel said-''
''Samuel tells you that so you don't go crazy. He's doing it for your own safety, trust me.''
''So, Lia is real-''
''Shut up, just because I said so doesn't mean it's entirely true. It could probably be a stupid shapeshifting spirit that's haunting me right now and it took the shape of you, so it claims itself to be Lia.''
''But Lia told me that she herself is a shapeshifting monster. And..a spirit haunting you? The same thing is happening with me right now.''
''Haunting me isn't the only thing she does.''
''Forget it, just to be sure, Lia is real. And please, be careful of her. You never know when she will ruin and destroy everything.''
That entire conversation sent shivers down my spine. She said my twin sister is real, and she knows so much information about it. But my brother told me my twin sister was never real. Who do I believe? I truly don't know. Both of them had realistic answers and situations. It was hard for me to pick a side. If I believe Nova, I will betray my brother's words. But if I believe Samuel, I will ignore all the warnings Nova will give me. This is all too much. I should probably ask Clyde or Crystal for help.
I can remember the scenario perfectly, every detail and sound. I could remember the look of pride and wrath in my twin's eyes before I stabbed her to death in anger and tears. The memories of her blood in my arms and legs still flash in my eyes. If none of this happened, how can I remember it?
I looked at the door to the room that was always kept ajar, offering a glimpse into the busy hallway outside, another symbol of the cold efficiency that dominated the place. The faint beeping of monitors could be heard in the distance, a reminder that the world outside this room moved with mechanical precision, and nothing here was meant to feel personal. I also spotted a mirror in the corner. When I looked at my reflection, I couldn't help but have an eerie feeling that something was watching me and Nova, listening to every word we spoke and every breath we took.
Was I being paranoid? I wasn't the only one being paranoid. I turned around to glance at Nova, who looked like she had the same feeling as me as well. Perhaps, we both are being haunted by some entity.
Nova, you truly are a brave and wonderful woman. It fascinates me.
Clyde then came back, looking at us like a beam of sunshine. He had a syringe in his hand with a purple type of liquid inside. He placed it on his desk and walked towards us.
''Having fun knowing each other more, hm?''
''Shut up man.'' Nova barked.
''Well Clyde, my first day here seems amazing.'' I smiled softly.
Clyde leaned down towards me with sparkling eyes, he looked so happy and sweet.
''Really? I'm so glad.'' He lovingly mumbled.
''Goddamn, both of you piss me off.'' Nova gritted her teeth.
''Really?'' Clyde smirked. ''Name one person who doesn't piss you off, Nova.''
''Is there even anyone-'' I was cut off by Clyde
''Lia? Isn't it?'' He laughed.
''Lia pisses me off more than you two. I'm seriously gonna punch you, Clyde.''
''You're injured, silly! Don't injure yourself more.'' He playfully nudged Nova.
''But.. Clyde..How do you know Lia too?''
Clyde then glanced at me.
''Leila, I have no idea who Lia is. Nova just talks to me about this Lia all the time so I just make fun of her for it.''
Does everyone here seriously know who Lia is? This is actually scaring me. What is going on?
All my entire life I thought only Samuel knew about her. But it seems like there are other people who know. Does Clyde think Leila is real or not? I have so many questions it's crazy.
And so, the day ended. The lowest floor of the underground area were the dorms. For some reason, I didn't get a roommate, what a kind action done by the authorities! But anyway, I found myself in front of my dorm. When I stepped inside, I looked around and saw how neat this place was. The room is small, but the warmth of soft lighting and plush fabrics makes it feel lived in, even inviting. A bed with a deep green comforter, rumpled but soft, sits in the corner, flanked by a wooden nightstand with a dim lamp casting a warm yellow glow over the room. A string of fairy lights is draped lazily over the headboard, their faint, flickering glow adding to the soft ambiance, though the way they seem to blink erratically feels just a little too alive. The bedsheets were white, and almost all the furniture here was white too. A basic but pretty color scheme for me. Now, where is the mirror? The most important thing in a room?
To my horror, there wasn't any mirror in my dorm. I wonder if any other dorm had a mirror. I tried checking the bathroom, but it unfortunately had a cracked mirror. So I couldn't see my reflection clearly. But the more I inspected the mirror, I realized that someone purposely smashed it. I can still see the little glass shards on the edges of the sink.
I was actually mad, but I had no choice but to live with this. I checked the time, it was around midnight. This place was very cold, but the uniform was enough to keep me cozy. Today was a very crazy day for me, but I definitely enjoyed meeting new people and having a reunion with my best friend. It was all life-changing. Although, I do wish to get answers whether my twin is real or not.
All these years of my life, I've been wondering about this for so long. Every day and night, I just keep having these thoughts. They drown me in confusion, fear and curiosity. I want to know, I have to know. Did I actually kill my twin? Or did she never exist? Lia, are you even real? I used to see you every night, around three or four. You always had this big grin on your face, revealing your fangs. The grin was ear to ear, almost like your mouth is going to rip apart. You looked exactly like me. And it was scary. Were you just a clone? That took over my mind? Or are you actually a real person, who died in the hands of her own twin sister? I really wish to know the answers.
But really, it's actually concerning how much these questions mattered to me. I've always felt empty, but at the same time, I feel like I'm filled with fear. I could never imagine myself without these thoughts. It's almost like they are a part of me now, my whole identity. It's like I cannot live without these stupid thoughts in my mind. And I have no way to control it. Even if I try to control myself and stop these thoughts, I always fail. It kind of hurts me, but then again, I am used to all this.
And now, I'm here, in this underground organization with no way out. I have no choice but to live here and train for years. I wonder, when the hell will this be over? Am I gonna live here for the rest of my entire life? What about my hopes and dreams? My wishes before I die? This was all insane.
I have no choice but to accept that I will be like this for years. I have no escape here. I have to train and hunt spirits for the rest of my life. Maybe I was born to be here. As much as I wish I could go out, I kind of enjoy how quiet and alone you can be here. You just focus on your strengths and weaknesses here. I already have a few people who support me here, so why not just give it a try?
I've wanted a place where I can restart everything anyway. Maybe this place could give me answers? Maybe I can find out the truth here if I work hard enough? Maybe one of the powerful spirit hunters knows?
But then again, the thoughts will never leave. They're like stuck inside my brain and can never get out. Like a blood-sucking parasite who won't let go. It was scary, but oddly comforting.
I really want to know what was the cause of all this. Why do these thoughts increase every night?
I always felt like someone was watching over me. Sometimes I feel like it was protecting me from bad things. But I also sometimes have the feeling that it will hurt me any second, ready to pounce on me. It watches my every move and every step I take. I glanced at the mirror and I saw another version of myself, it was banging on the mirror, like it was trying to come out. And she had a terrified expression.
I watched her every move, she seemed so scared and bothered. Her eyes were wide as she was banging on the mirror loudly, trying to come out. Who does she think she is? She is on the other side of the universe. She is just a reflection, nothing else. She is just an identical version of me. A worse version of me. She is weak, she is too kind and has too much emotion. She is too forgiving and a bit crazy. How can she be me? I slowly walked over to the mirror with a glare. I stood in front of the mirror, with a cold and hard expression. You cannot get out of that mirror. And one day, you never will. I promise
Just as I was thinking about it, the reflection disappeared. Everything was normal again, that was weird. I swear I saw something in the mirror like that. But maybe it was all just my thoughts which were taking over me. Maybe I'm just going crazy that I'm seeing things.
What even was that? Why am I like this? This is all making me go insane. Why do I have to go through this? Was my past that bad? I just enjoyed being alone, I didn't want to make up an entity in my mind that slowly took over me and my life. I never wanted that. I just wanted to be by myself. Was that so much to ask for?
I was so scared, was it just a hallucination? I'm all alone in my dorm right now, I feel like something is still watching me. It's scary. I don't like this at all. I have nobody to even tell this to. They will think I'm crazy and disgusting. It's all happening again, just like it happened when I was a child. Why is everything getting worse after I just had a good day? What did I ever do that was wrong?
All I've ever wanted was to just be by myself and have nobody to bother me. I didn't know it would end up like this. Why must every good decision have something worse in store for the future? Some people face it and push it away using their strength. But I am weak, I cannot push this curse away so easily without help. And I can't even ask for help. I'm just an outcast.
But a very gorgeous outcast. Sometimes I can get whatever I want whenever I wish for something. I have many people who love me and support me. I can please anyone I want just by being myself. There's a balance between my two personalities, but really, I am unstoppable when it comes to these things. Unlike the version of myself in the mirror. She has no idea how to get what she desires or needs. It's hilarious. She doesn't even try. She just isolates herself from everyone and everything. Expecting that this is how she can continue living. Well, my dear reflection. This will never ever work. Not if it's you. How can you live like this in another world? How can people NOT laugh at you? How are you not dead yet? It's surprising
Even though this organization seems peaceful and a good place for living, I want to ruin every part of this place. Every detail and every person. I want this place to be complete chaos. How dare they lock up a bunch of students and teach them to exorcise spirits and train them? They don't even get paid until they are adults. And considering how dangerous these spirits are, there's like a thirty percent chance of surviving until you're an adult. What kind of cruelty is this?
This place is also illegal. How can someone even plan something like this? I want to break everything. And by that I mean EVERYTHING.
Am I going insane? What is happening right now?
I feel weird. I want to fall asleep and forget everything that just happened right now. But the worst part is, these thoughts haunt me in my dreams too. I see her in my dreams, sometimes just smiling and watching over me. She sometimes hugs me affectionately and tells me everything will be okay. But sometimes she hurts me physically and mentally. Not only in my nightmares..But..even though I'm not sure she's real. She hurts me physically and mentally in real life too, not just my nightmares.
Whatever, it's just a normal night which has unusual things I'm pretty used to. I will live through it, I don't have to worry. I can handle it myself. I've been living with these thoughts for years. It doesn't matter whether they hurt me, as long as I can handle them I'll be alright.
Suddenly, I heard someone knock on my door, at this late time.
I got up and opened the door, only to see..Nova? She looked calm for some reason.
At the exact moment Leila opened the door, I noticed how nervous and disturbed she was. I was calm because I had an amazing drink a while ago which cooled my head for a bit.
"What's up with you? Seriously?" I questioned her with a doubtful expression.
''Ah, it's nothing. I was just reading a horror story!''
''Was it that scary? You're such a scaredy cat.''
''What do you need me for, this late at night?"
I stepped in, making Leila take a few steps back. She was a few inches shorter than me.
''Leila, did you have insane thoughts a few minutes before I came here?''
Leila looked at me with a shocked expression, her eyes were wide. And her jaw was kind of dropped too. She then coughed and spoke up,
''Yes. How..How did you know?''
''Because so was I. I feel like you were going through the same thing as well.''
''So..We're connected..?''
''Maybe. I really don't know.''
''Nova, you NEVER told me how you knew about Lia. And it's kind of bothering me.''
''Leila, it's for your own good not to know. Your twin requested me not to tell you, so please.''
Leila sighed and finally let go of the question.
''Good.. Just.. don't let those thoughts take over you okay?'' I reminded her.
I walked out and Leila shut her door. I went back to my dorm, which had my bed which was low to the ground, a platform style with crisp white linens topped with a chunky, oversized knit blanket in a warm mustard hue. I actually had a huge mirror on my wall. And this thing bothers me so much. It bothers me day and night. It's seriously a huge hassle to keep this mirror. I don't know how to explain why. But it is not a good mirror to be placed if you want to be a sane person for once.
I can never imagine someone hating this organization. It may seem hard at first but you'll slowly feel more attached to it. It gives you all the essentials you need. In return, you just have to help them get rid of spirits. That's a hard task at first but you just need to train. And you have so many people who can help you with training based on your needs and skills. Everything here is perfect, just not at first. Good things take time, I can promise you that.
Now, I was supposed to sleep actually, but I keep hearing a high pitched giggle in the corner of my room. And the sound of breathing which didn't feel like mine. My eyes fell on the mirror on the wall. It reflected the room back at me, perfectly normal at first glance. But as I stared more and more, I noticed the lights in the mirror flickered differently than the ones behind me. The longer I looked, the more the reflection seemed subtly off, like the angles didn't quite match, or the colors were just a shade too dark.
I was already getting goosebumps from whatever the hell was happening. Seriously, I've never been so scared in my life. I'm usually a very brave person, I can just go through anything in general no matter how scary this is. But this is the first time I've actually felt fear. It could be a spirit just playing with me. But then I could scent it right away and exorcise it. I couldn't feel the scent of any spirit right now. So it's definitely something else. Am I genuinely going crazy? Am I seriously hallucinating? I'm a strong minded person, that can't be happening.
And so, I slowly got up from my desk and decided to face the mirror. It was a huge mirror, I could see my reflection head to toe. I stared at it for a few seconds. But the light wasn't acting up anymore like I saw it a minute ago. Maybe I was just seeing things? But then I heard someone laugh softly, the voice becoming high pitched to deep. Almost like the sound of a man. That's even more terrifying to be honest.
I froze in my place, maybe I could figure out what is going on if I continue blinking at the mirror or wiping my eyes. Maybe I'm just imagining all this. I haven't even changed my uniform, I'm supposed to sleep right now. I could hear the laughter get louder and louder. It had an echo. It felt like my ears were ringing too. My head was also spinning from confusion and anger. I just want to punch this mirror and crack it up completely so these stupid things don't happen when I'm just trying to have a good sleep. But then again, something holds me back from breaking this mirror completely. I don't know what it is, seriously. But I want to know. What was holding me back?
And then in the reflection of the mirror, I saw Leila behind me. How did she get in my dorm? I turned around, and Leila wasn't there. I looked back, and Leila appeared again in the mirror. Her smile was ear to ear, with fangs and it was too wide for her face.