Olive Livingstone: Rise Through the Ashes

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Chapter 1 - Trouble

a man was out in a lonely and gloomy dark forest, can be seen, he's quite tensed and his eyes are locked in on the tracker in his left hand, which gives him the location of the demon.

You're gonna get caught, weird creature and then I'm gonna exorcise you.

A shadowy figure runs past behind the man, and the mist surrounding the man leaves off an eerie feeling, but the guy is unfazed. For him, it's just another day of hunting his prey.

The tracker's beep sound intensifies, a sudden figure arose from the misty clouds and came a rock, hitting the man in the shoulder, leaving a scratch mark on it with blood dripping a little.

the exorcist smirks and thinks to himself, "It wants to play hide and seek with me, Even though I am not good at it, the victorious one has always been me."

the tracker's signals stopped beeping, hinting away that the demon stepped back.

What, don't want to show your beautiful face to me, you ugly freak.

damn, it went away. The signal's super weak, the exorcist muttered

5 minutes went by, still no news of the creature guess, I have to call it a day,

the relieved exorcist, though retreating back to his home to meet his wife and son, as was about to close on his house, finds out about the presence of the same monster he encountered before, as per the tracker.

the exorcist confused, starts running towards his house, thinking the monsters are supposed to be unintelligent and weak creatures, how come they can track my family.

Immediately, the scar on his shoulder aches, "the blood", the exorcist said to himself 

The exorcists blasts himself at the door, breaking into the house There stands a giant creature with fur surrounding his and his wings erruprting from behind his back covering a quarter of house. 

The wife of the exorcist is lying down still. Hinting that she might have died. 

The sight left the exorcist in a thousand thoughts, "I messed up big time, picked a fight with the wrong entity, someone Godlike."

"EX-OR-CIST" the monster's growling voice addressing the broken exorcist still stunted at the sorry sight of his family.

there's nothing personal between us, yet you kill us because we kill humans, it's as simple as that, god designed us that way. but you see I'm what you guys in your religious books call "enemy of god and such"

but let me tell you, you should be happy that you encountered me the strongest creature on the planet earth, I am not heartless there's a reason I'm strongest while other demons are mere fragments of dust in front of me, I love to give my preys as much opportunities as possible to defy their death, neither do I kill humans just because I want to eat them and survive like a wild animal.

I am beyond all that nonsense, I need meaning in my killing, breaking you hypocritical creatures satisfies me.

When you guys are at your lowest your flesh is filled with all the negative aura and energy that's when it tastes the sweetest, that's what we call perfectly cooked in our own understanding, you see I am a chief and I love my art.

when I'll leave this home engulfed in flames, i will leave you with a moral dilemma, either to save your wife lying down for whom you have lust in your soul, whose body you crave deeply in your consciousness or the youngling upstairs sleeping calmly away from all these commotions unaware of the fact that his family and future are destroyed.

The creature leaves the house flying at jet speed, destroying the entirety of the wall that interacted with it in the process.

The man reaches out to his wife the moment the unwelcomed guest left.

emilia. Emilia, what happened?

He came in as you. then turned into the giant creature and attacked me.

"he can shapeshift also", the guy thought to himself.

The house catches fire and starts burning 

The man statued and stood still traumatized

his wife's hand trapped his

She points upwards, reminding the guy to go to his child

save him instead of me.

Emilia, why, all of this.. it's my fault.

Promise me, one thing Eric

you will train our son and make him strong so that he can protect himself

eric with tears pouring from his eyes nodded yes and leaves, to reach out to his son, who is sleeping soundly upstairs.

Eric grabs the baby, protecting his son from any burn, leaves the room and comes downstairs as he was about to leave the house. he took one last glance at his already lifeless wife and comes outside.

hours later, a lot of wizards had come outside the house, surrounding it, enchanting spells to cast out water to put off the fire.