I finished booting up. All my systems were ready.
I walked out onto the street of a sprawling city, I knew my one job.
Everything within that area was finished.
I began a march south.
I was about 3 miles out when I came across a party of 5. They must have heard about the initiative, because they let me stay with them for quite a ways.
I was assigned to night watch along with one of their party at a time. It was during this time that I spoke with the youngest of their group. He asked me to appraise a bow of his. I did as I was asked, and told him about a curse on it, he only thanked me for that the last time is saw him.
It was from him that I learned they were going back home after delivering something to a noble.
Along the way to the nearest village I scanned a group of moles that would normally be much further south.
I figure it was about 3 months from when we started that we reached the Village.