A private jet that looked like a bird of prey landed at Rome's international airport. Son Jae, Marco, and Kim stepped off the plane, feeling the humid, stuffy air of Italy. Faces floated by, Italian speech could be heard.
"Get ready for the meeting," Sung-Jae said, his voice calm, but the worry in his eyes read. - "And be careful. We're not alone here.
A motorcade of black armored cars was already waiting for them at the airport. Seung-Jae sat down in one of the cars without saying a word, Marco and Kim following behind him.
Driving through the streets of Rome reminded Seung-Jae of his youth, of days spent on the run, of underground fights, of the places that moved them. Nostalgia was intertwined with anxiety, for he knew he was about to face what he had run from for years.
The motorcade stopped at the gates of an old mansion surrounded by a high fence and guards. Painted on the gate was a crest-crowned lion on a black background, the symbol of the Contarello family. Sung Jae got out of the car and walked through the gate, ignoring the stares of the guards.
He was met by a middle-aged man dressed in an expensive suit. His face read a mixture of culture and disdain.
"Welcome, Sun Jae home," the man pronounced. - "I am Antonio, Dona's right-hand man."
Sung-Jae circled around, not repeating a word.
"Don is waiting for you," Antonio continued. - "He's in the hall."
Sung-Jae entered the mansion, Marco and Kim following him. The mansion was a desk, with a variable ceiling, marble floors, and antique furniture. Everything was a reminder of the luxury and power that Sun Jae despised.
They entered the hall where old Don Contarello sat at a large table. His face was riddled with wrinkles, and his eyes stared intently and shrewdly. Several bodyguards stood beside him, ready to carry out any order.
"Choi Sung-Jae," Dong spoke up, his voice was hoarse, but you could feel the strength in it. - "Welcome. I'm glad you made it after all.
Sung-Jae walked over to the table and sat down across from Don.
"I've come to find out what you need," Sung-Jae said, his voice firm. - "I want nothing to do with your family."
Dong grinned.
"You've always been stubborn, Sung-Jae," he said. - "But you are my grandson. You are the heir to my empire. You must repay your debt."
"I have no debt to you," Sung-Jae replied. - "I am a Korean. I want nothing to do with your mafia."
"Your father was Italian," objected the don, "and you are his blood. He was one of us, and you must be one of us too. You are the last hope of the family."
"My father despised you," said Sung-Jae. - "He ran away from you. He wanted me to live a normal life."
"You're wrong," Don said. - "Your father was a loyal soldier. He obeyed my orders. And he died for me."
"He died because of your greed and cruelty," Son Jae said. - "He died because you wanted more power and money."
"You must accept what is meant for you," Don said. - "You must take your father's place. You must become the new head of the Contarello family."
"I will not be the head of your family," replied Sung-Jae. - "I will do what I think is right. And I will fight with you, if it's wars."
Dong frowned.
"You don't understand," he said. - "You can't fight us. We're too strong. We controlled all of Italy."
"I'm not afraid of you," Sung-jae said. - "I know what power is. And I know how to use it.
At that moment, Antonio entered the hall.
"Don, we have guests waiting for us," he said. - "They want to talk to you."
"Good," he said. - "Call them in."
Several men dressed in strict suits were present. They were the object of other Mafia families who controlled different parts of Italy.
"We want something about the future," one of the men said. - "We want to know what you're going to do with Choi Sung-jae."
Dong looked at Sung-Jae.
"I'm going to make him the heir," he said. - "He's going to be the new head of the Contarello family."
The men looked at each other.
"We don't agree," one of them said. - "He's not Italian. He doesn't belong to our family. He cannot be our leader."
"He is my blood," said the don. - "He is my grandson. And he will be the head of the Contarello family."
"We will not recognize his authority," one of the men said. - "We will not submit to him."
"You will obey me today," Son Jae said, his voice firm. - "I will not allow you to dictate your terms. I will fight for my power."
Sung-Jae rose from his chair. He looked at the men present. His eyes glittered with rage.
"I challenge you," he said. - "If you want to fight me, I'm ready. I will show you what true strength is.
The men looked at each other. They realize that Sun Jae is not joking. They knew that he was a dangerous opponent.
At that moment, there was silence in the hall. It is clear to everyone that the war is starting for power in Italy.