The morning of the match arrived with a crisp autumn breeze sweeping across the Hogwarts grounds. The Great Hall buzzed with anticipation—students clad in house colors, debating who would win the season opener: Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin.
At the Ravenclaw table, Ez sat with his teammates, his breakfast untouched.
"You're not eating?" Finn Rowle, one of the Ravenclaw Beaters, asked.
Ez shook his head, rolling an apple in his hand. "Too excited."
Adrian Rosier, the team captain, smirked. "Good. Slytherin plays dirty. Stay sharp."
The team nodded.
Across the hall, Slytherin's Quidditch team sat together, all wearing smug expressions.
Adrian Pucey caught Ez's gaze and smirked.
"Better get ready, Malverne," Pucey called over. "Wouldn't want you embarrassing yourself on your first real match."
Ez grinned. "Worry about your own game, Pucey. I'll be the one flying circles around you."
Laughter rippled through Ravenclaw's team, while the Slytherins sneered.
A whistle blew from the entrance.
"Players to the pitch!"
It was time.
As Ez walked toward the Quidditch pitch, a familiar voice called out.
He turned to see his family standing near the stands.
Thomas Malverne, his father, stood with an amused smirk, arms crossed. Silver hair shining under the sun.
His mother, Marissa, was beside him, smiling proudly.
Alys and Celeste waved excitedly, Celes bouncing up and down.
And standing with them…
Daphne smirked, hands on her hips. "No pressure, Malverne. But if you lose, I'll never let you live it down."
Beside her, Astoria, her younger sister, clung to her arm. Big, excited blue eyes staring at him.
"You're going to win, right, Ez?" Astoria tilted her head cutely.
Ez grinned and knelt down. "Of course. I can't lose if my favorite girls are watching."
Astoria beamed.
Daphne rolled her eyes but smirked. "Flirting won't save you from Slytherin."
Thomas chuckled. "We expect nothing less than victory, son."
Celes clung to his robe. "Win! Win! Win!"
Ez laughed, ruffling her hair. "I will."
Marissa kissed his forehead. "Stay safe."
Ez gave them all a final nod. Then, he turned toward the pitch.
Time to prove himself.
Madam Hooch stood in the center of the pitch, broom in hand, eyes sharp.
"Mount your brooms."
Ez gripped his Nimbus 2000.
The Quaffle, Bludgers, and Snitch were released.
The whistle shrieked.
The game was on.
Slytherin's Beaters aimed Bludgers directly at Ez.
The first whizzed past his head—he rolled sideways, barely dodging it.
A second Bludger was coming straight for him.
Ez ducked under it at the last second, twisting into a barrel roll.
Laughter and cheers erupted from the stands.
"Nice moves, Malverne!" someone shouted.
From the stands, Daphne and Alys cheered.
Astoria clapped excitedly. "Ez is the best!"
Celes jumped up and down. "Fly faster, Ezzy!"
Thomas and Marissa watched proudly.
Daphne smirked. "Well, he's not bad."
Alys nudged her. "Admit it. You're impressed."
Daphne crossed her arms. "Maybe a little."
The match was reaching its climax.
Ravenclaw led 70-60.
The Snitch appeared.
Jeremy Stretton, Ravenclaw's Seeker, dived for it.
Slytherin's Seeker was right behind.
But then—a Bludger was heading straight for Jeremy.
Ez acted without thinking.
He cut across the pitch, blocking the Bludger with his shoulder.
Pain exploded through him.
But Jeremy caught the Snitch.
The whistle blew.
The stadium erupted.
Ez gritted his teeth but smirked through the pain.
He looked at Pucey.
"Better luck next time."
The Ravenclaw team poured onto the field, cheering and congratulating each other.
"You were amazing out there!" Alys hugged Ez tightly.
"You're injured!" Daphne frowned, eyeing his shoulder.
Ez winced but grinned. "Worth it."
Astoria ran up to him and hugged his leg. "You won! You won!"
Ez scooped her up, despite the pain. "Told you I wouldn't lose."
Thomas chuckled. "Good game, son. That was a fine performance."
Marissa sighed, shaking her head. "And a reckless one."
Ez grinned. "Reckless, but effective."
Celes grabbed his sleeve. "Ezzy! You're the best flyer ever! You're even better than the wind!"
Ez laughed, lifting her onto his good shoulder. "Then I guess I'll have to keep winning, huh?"
She nodded rapidly.
Daphne smirked. "Guess you'll have to deal with even more fans now."
Ez raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you're a fan?"
Daphne scoffed. "Don't push your luck, Malverne."
Alys grinned, whispering to Daphne. "You're totally a fan."
Daphne blushed and turned away.
Pucey walked past, scowling but giving a reluctant nod.
"This isn't over, Malverne."
Ez smirked. "Wouldn't have it any other way."