Hey so I'm gonna redo this chapter in the next week just to make sure the quality is great and I have chapters to spare.
Enjoy it while it lasts because it's gonna change a little soon.
-Sincerely blade
'Why is everything pitch black?' Thinks an unnamed voice as they feel warmth around them.
'Wait… my eyes are closed!!' Wow they're f#%king stupid. I mean *coff* They think to themself after beginning to wake up.
Opening their eyes and sitting up, they look around with curiosity at the gigantic world around them. With many buildings around them and a stop sign in front of them. 'Wow. Why am I so tiny?' Wait…are they smart now???
"Gwen!!! Are you ok?!" A masculine voice screams in worry as footsteps are heard rapidly approaching the 3 year old child now named Gwen with blond hair and sparkling blue eyes.
'Fuck it' "Yeah I'm fine Daddy!" The child called Gwen say back smiling as they slowly stand up seemingly getting their senses together.
[I felt sick writing that btw]
(1 fat time skip later because I can)
[it's 2 hours]
'So I got the small amount of memories this body had sorted pretty quickly. Thank god they were 3 and forgot almost everything. Luckily they do remember the voice of their dad so that worked out. Also for some reason they as a 3 year old were smarter than I was as a 15 year old so now I feel like shit. That's a nice feeling.'
'MORE IMPORTANTLY. My name is GWEN STACY!! Like spider man's girlfriend! Meaning. I CAN BE SPIDER MAN!!! I just need to find whatever labs and start working there! Or… so I thought. Apparently I'm actually in the world of My Hero Academia. Probably for the best. I heard marvel gets pretty dark.
I did kind of hear similar things about MHA but uh, I never really got around to watching it. Shit. I heard some stuff about it, but that's all I've got going for me. Luckily I heard my dad has a muscle enhancement quirk meaning not all hopes are lost!! Maybe. Hopefully.
I really want to be spider man ok?! It's spider man!! Ok I'll move on now. …probably. On to the most important info. I only have one parent. Shit. But that's fine I can work with it since he has a good ass job. I think. People keep calling him and calling him boss so he should be getting good money. I think he was a police chief in the movie or something but I honestly can't remember much from those.
I was a nerd not a movie archive ok?! I didn't exactly plan for this to happen to me to be fair. Maybe my memories will come back more in the future but for now that's all.
(6 months later)
'I. Am. Iron man!! Bu du du du du du du du. Du.Wait… I am spider man. Way less catchy honestly but uh. Bu du du du du du du du. Du.'
'So yeah 6 months of fucking nothing later I got a door ass quirk. I obviously didn't show anything off to others except the strength part and I only showed them that I could lift 750 pounds. [the fuck's a metric system?] Which while that's a lot it's not much compared to other strength quirks which by the way I've been observing. Yeah believe it or not I've actually been doing things. But to be fair I've only been doing that for about 3 months. Seeing as I was just enrolled into preschool.
By the way that sucks. It's full of whinny shits that brag about their mutations which some of which I can admit are cool. But. These kids can be fucking ruthless if you show weakness.
Oh yeah. They also crowd around this one kid who makes firecrackers. (Explosions) [no firecrackers is accurate] Anyway they basically worship him like a god with even the adults joining in which is honestly disgusting.
They feel a need to suck up to someone because they have a cool ability that has potential. And it doesn't get better later. In higher grades they start bullying people with quirks they see as lesser. I honestly can't see how people see this as acceptable but what is a girl to do? Well. For now. (I am iron man intensifies) [fr]
Ok but honestly I think I may have found the bitch of an mc that this world has. Green hair, short, whinny, annoying. Perfect shonin material honestly. Izuku Midoriya. Definitely didn't know that already. (Definitely did)[hush]
Aka I'm staying the capital FUCK away from that kid. I don't know much about this world but I know people around Shonen characters tend to die young so that's not happening.
I will be doing my spider man activities on my own time thank you very much. Don't wanna lose aunt may or some shit. …What no comment? Fuck it we ballin.' She says ending her long explanatory monologue and finally reaching her pre school.
"Have fun sweetie [pkm]" her dad says waving to her while she walks into the preschool
"Of course Dad!!" She yells back as she walks into the preschool also waving.
After waving dear old dad goodbye Gwen keeps walking seeing all of the other kids also saying goodbye to their parents some more intensely than others. For example one kid's kid's sprinting the f#%k away from him while another kid won't let go of his mom.
What a weird world I now live in. Not that my old one was much better. Holy shit did someone just throw that kid into the building?!
What a good parent!!' Why does that make them a good parent?!?!?!?!
I'm gonna end this one short since it's just a test chapter. Please tell me in the comments if you like this type of writing.
If not please tell me how I can improve to make the story more enjoyable for you :)
I'm making this to not only fulfill my vision but to bring enjoyment to anyone who chooses to read my story. (Also to learn how to write better but uh) [We don't talk about that]
I liked adding the little clarification and author comments in the story and felt it gave it a little more of my personality but if you don't like it I'll stop. No big deal at the end of the day.
I genuinely hope you enjoyed the chapter and can't wait to hear your feedback on the story.