"Are you okay?"
He asked her, and her bright eyes darted to him. She looked lamb-like, gentle and soft spoken.
But the words that came out of her mouth was like wild stray bullets. It annoyed him at first, how she had no sense of gratitude, then it intrigued him at how defensive and smart mouth she got. He found himself enjoying how terribly shy and awkward she got when he had teased her and why, oh why did a single curse from her get him all fired up like she was trying to test him, to see if he would react.
and he did
There was something off about her, maybe unusual, maybe that was another thing that made him hot and uneasy for some odd reason.
When he had peeled off her mask to study, and better see her concealed face,she was a vision of Greek beauty. With coal black hair, as dark as the night that seemed to be made of silk, her face dotted with a constellation of faint freckles on her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, adding to her unassuming innocent looks, with bright, big, greenish blue eyes that seemed ancient and almost alien, bright as gemstones under calm running waters, hit by sunlight.
And when he had left her at the toilet door, walking away from her, after their little aftermath,his heart was racing, he couldn't think straight and he had a throbbing ache beneath his trousers, that he tried to hide holding his suit jacket close to his groin, he couldn't understand, the sudden sexually outburst, frustration and attraction this woman gave him.
Especially when he found most women boring, plain or dull and would only indulge them once in a full moon for mere satisfaction, Leading many to question his sexuality as a man which brought alot of scandalous news and gossips.
He wasn't consider a rake nor a gentleman, only a brute in business. Many questioned, if he was ever going to slow down or atleast settle down or take some other parts of his life seriously.
He was married to the thrill his busy life gave him. In other words, he was obsessed with work, it was like a game to him, and he liked winning, lived for the risk and loved the chaos he caused his rivals.
He was known for his brilliance and capabilities, but was never know as a man who would eventually bend a knee for a woman.
He had so much control and composure, In all affairs, whether it was dealing with stubborn business partners and competitors, or dealing with the women he had encountered or engaged himself with.
But this time, he lost his composure and he cursed himself for it.
When he had tried to tease her,frighten her, she had frightened him instead, leaving him utterly speechless and dumbfounded.
When she had turn the tables around and took control, pulling him into a passionate, bone breaking and unexpected, commanding kiss, that left him feeling vulnerable and exposed.
He felt hot, frustrated,horny, excited and yet angry, that she had left him wanting more, it was supposed to be the other way round, he was supposed to be the one doing that to women, but never did he expect a woman to do that to him.
This evening was turning out eventful and exciting, far more exciting then he had hope the evening was going to be. Surrounded by boring people who rather talk business, politics and philosophy all day, willing woman and men who he could easily predict their every move, before it happened.
Now, there was this mysterious damsel that had left him feeling horny and excited like a teenage boy. And when he brushed his finger on her skin, the thrill and comfort it gave him, hearing her draw in breath made him proud he still had that effect on women, but never did they have the effect on him, This woman was something else.
He never lost a business deal, and he treated this as such, He wasn't going to loose to her.
He didn't understand why he was taking this so seriously.
He needed to regain his composure before he went downstairs to meet his guests. But first, he needed to make sure his bodyguard, Joe had taken care of the drunken man first. He wouldn't let anyone see him looking all flushed and frustrated. He had an image to uphold. A Reserve, unpredictable and dangerous man.
What the hell was he doing??.