You know how it goes, guy dies meets a R.
The end and the beginning
"so I died?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry" an aged voice replied.
"But how? I just remember going to sleep and then waking up as a light orb in front of you. And why am I so calm?" Jonathan asked confused about the circumstances of his death and his lack of reaction. He's the kind of guy who curses his existence when he stubs his toe so he was rather surprised at finding himself being calm about his death.
"I suppressed your irrational side that would panic, cry or deny your death so we can have a calm and rational conversation." replied the old man sitting across from Jonathan. He was wearing white robes, had white hairs and a long beard. it looked as if he emitted a soft, gentle light that put everything it touched at ease.
"wow, I guess you really are god. but what about my other question? How did I die?"
At this question the old man started to look a bit uncomfortable.
"You died of a heart attack while you were sleeping" he said in a low voice
"heart attack? how can that happen? i know I'm not super fit and muscular but I am fit enough and I don't have any cardiovascular diseases. I'm sixteen for god's sake or should I say your sake. "
jonathan attempted a joke. God made a face that looked like that was the cringiest thing he had heard since the creation of multiverse and thats saying something considering that he's supposed to hear everything. but he recovered in a spilt second.
"I know, it was a mistake on our part. It was supposed to be the old guy that lives in the house besides yours. his name is also Jonathan"
Jonathan remembered the 80 something old guy that lived next their house. him dying from heart attack made more sense. but then jonathan remembered something.
"wait, isn't it the common trope in fanfics where the god makes a mistake and then the guy who died gets the wishes and goes to the world of his favorite show/anime/movie?"
god sighed and said "yes, that is quite a common trope in many piece of literature back on earth. but I didn't make a mistake it was one of the angel and this has only happened twice before and the punishment for this mistake is extremely harsh, his wings will be torn and he will be sent to hell and live with his status as a fallen angel for all eternity. but other than that you're right I'm going to give you four wishes and send you to the world of your choice as long as your wishes are within reason."
"why four and not three?"
"one for every decade you would've lived"
"what! i would have died at the age of 56? why? that's so early"
"well, it's not earlier than 16" he said with a slight smirk
"haha, so funny." jonathan replied with a deadpan expression(or it would've been if he wasn't a ball of light) and a sarcastic voice.
"whatever, as for the reason it was because the plane you boarded would have crashed.'
"wow, that sounds brutal."
"yes it does, but enough with the idle chatter, start asking for your wishes"
"do i have to use a wish to get the looks and physique i want?" he asked.
"no, thats a minor matter, I can just give you the looks you are thinking about, those are the ideal looks for you, right?"
"yes. as for the the world, I want to be in teen wolf world."
"all right"
"so for my first wish i want to be a Weretiger alpha or whatever is the equivalent to an alpha for a weretiger and i want to never lose control due to my emotions or full moon or whatever else"
"granted. and weretiger equivalent for an alpha is a rex weretiger."
"for the second wish I want deadpool level regeneration"
"I cant allow that. i told you that i will grant your wishes within reason and being able to regenerate from one drop of blood is certainly not within reason, instead i can give you more enhanced regeneration so that you can easily regenerate even if someone shoots straight through your head and even if they rip out your heart you won't die."
"well if you cant allow that then at least can you give me the ability to heal people with my blood like the vampires in vampire diaries?" jonathan spoke in a tone that sounded like he was the one losing out on this deal meanwhile he was smiling inwardly cause he was getting two wishes for the price of one.
god, of course know that but still went along with the act, "sure, i guess i can do that"
" thank you very much. so for my third wish i want to be rich. like multimillionaire rich."
"and finally i want an eidetic/photographic memory and i want all the knowledge about all the stuff they teach in beacon hills high school for all four years so that my grades dont suffer."
"thats technically two wishes but I'll allow it"
"Thank you very much"
"all right so let me tell you a bit about who you will be, your name will be Zephyr Thorne, son of Brandon and Alyce Thorne. your father made a company that he later sold to some other extremely big search engine company for almost a billion dollar. He's also the one you inherited you werewolf nature from. Your mother is a human but she knows about you and your father."
"Damn, my family's loaded. and with the name zephyr I'm pretty sure that no angel would confuse me with an old dude next door" he said with a slight chuckle.
"i guess you're right." god said with a small smile and then continued
"your father just recently died and you and your mother inherited the money according to your father's will. you got almost 700 million and your mother inherited a bit more than 250 million"
"I'm fucking loaded! RIP dad though."
"well yes but not really. your mother is your legal guardian until you turn 18 and you get that money"
"does this mother of mine love me?"
"is she a greedy person"
"well no not really"
"then it doesnt matter does it?"
"well, i guess you're right. but enough about that, after your father died you guys decided to move to your mother's hometown after your school year ends, and her hometown is-
"beacon hills"
"I'll drop you a week before the first day of your sophomore year begins, almost 6 months after the death of your father. you will get the memories of life of zephyr when you inhabit the body, any other question?" he didn't really wait for answer before saying "no? all right then-
"what now?" he asked a bit frustrated
"i just want to say that i was a poor, orphan guy with no one who loved or cared for me so what I'm getting right now is way more than what i had in my previous life"
"yeah, so?"
"so i just want to make a selfish request one last time and ask you to spare that angel that accidently killed me."
god just stared at him intently for a while before saying "you're a weird one aren't you. well, whatever, its not like i was super thrilled about condemning one of my child to hell. the rule is only there so that the one who died gets justice but since you dont want that i wont send him to hell, he will get a demotion though."
"thank you."
"alright, now lets send you back to the land of the living" with that he snaps his finger and the ball of light named zephyr disappears.