"This forest is big."
I murmured as the wind hit my face. My momentum created a lot of drag, with my jumping from tree to tree and branches to branches, my body is very attuned to the aerobatics of Kayn's shinobi upbringing – or what Zed's Shadow Order is equivalent to.
To the normal eyes and perception, my prespect will have the trees and any object be a blur with how fast I'm going. I surmise, to the outside view, I'm basically a blue blur speeding through the forest. This aided with my low-evocation of Shadow Magic to boost my momentum. Pushing the arcane onto my feet, arms and eyes – I could manage the pace of which I am going, and actually process to make on the spot decisions when necessary.
I don't want to use my power half-hazardly, the damn demon inside me will have more chances to fuck with me and possible break free, or worse, possessing my body and wrecking havoc.
[How long will you delude yourself to try to resist me?]
"If it works, then maybe all of my lifespan. And, if this doesn't work out, then I'll find a new way." I buried the Scythe on the tree as an anchor. Stopping, I noticed a strange scent in the air.
[That hubris will be garnish to your inevitable full, human.]
"Shut the fuck up, there's something in the air…" The more I sniffed, the more the smell of iron became more pronounced. Is there metal out there? That's strange. Why would I smell iron of all things, here in all places.
I noticed Rhaast narrowed his eyes, and it suddenly curved upward.
[Fool, what else can it be aside from the stench of blood.] The Darkin hummed, [Mmmhmm, it is exquisitely strong too, how amusing.]
If that's the case, then someone needs help… or killing.
Locking onto the direction of the blood, I dashed like a phantom. Weaving the tree line, and making sure not to make a sound. While on the way, I noticed monsters that I've run across as I traveled below. Previously, I encountered lonesome not in groups, however below there's a crowd of them. Five to eight, specifically. I don't know what their mechanics are, but from the context clues, I could tell they are attracted to something. But they're not important as of now, I will deal with them once I finish with my interest.
I stopped, as I reached the second closest distance. Using the leaves alongside transient Shadow coating, I observe the morbidly curious display below the open area.
Below the tree-line, is a group consisting of six people. They were muted colored clothes, but I sense the intent of practicality in them. Also, I zoom in to what looks like swords and other melee weapons like spear and axes, there's no ranged weapon present. The position of the individuals are as follows: Two people tend to crates that host some things, three safeguard in their respective cardinal direction, north, west, and east – the three angles are faced at the opening of the trees. And, finally, one guards a metal cage that prisoned – living beings – I could feel their pulse and something else entirely.
Also, all of the suspicious individuals have the same vibe to them – like there's a force protecting them. Alongside, their stench that reeks of blood. From this display and attributes, I concluded they're criminals, or are doing something a criminal would.
[Their soul is out in the open air,] Rhaast suddenly interjected, [How curious, how envious.]
I paid no mind to his comment, and focused on the opening I now see. All of them are facing in front, and not in the center. This will be my opening, their unguarded center. All I need is one strike and they're dead, no time for justification.
Jumping out, I zoomed towards the center and landed with stillness similar to a Swallow. All of them haven't noticed me, and that's their sentence to Yomi. The scythe is cocked at my back, ready for 360 horizontal slash, this will kill all of them.
My intent exploded, as I swung.
And, that was a mistake.
All six suddenly reacted.
The other half jumped, and the others ducked to dodge the killing blow. Air exploded due to the momentum of the attack.
"Shit." I said, as the criminals reacted competently. All of them jumped at me, aside from one. Their speed is fast, faster than the elite athletes in my world.
Weapons are out, all directed to me and my neck. They show no mercy in their eyes, no room for diplomacy. And, before I could think of a counterattack, my body moves to block all five weapons, my Scythe vibrated violently due to the force and the ground below my feet depressed because of the energy.
Think! They're not normal criminals.
[Use me.]
"Negative -ARGH!" I gathered my strength and pushed back my enemies. They followed the momentum and used it to create distance themselves, they landed on the ground – not losing their balance.
"Hap!-" I side-step, as the one on my back attacks with a downward slash.
Before I could counter with my own, the other five dashed in a manner similar to a zig-zag. Their intent is clear, they want to disorient me.
Diagonal Slash.
Forward Thrust.
Horizontal Swing.
And a lower swing directed on my knees.
They move closer, basically negating the range required to effectively use my Scythe. Again, they're smart. Evoking my shadow magic, I weave all the attacks like a boxer dodging punches. They're telegraphs, I could see that, but even basic attacks become overwhelming when numbers are involved. I'm outnumbered, and used to their advantage.
Think, what will be the best course of action against many numbers?
They cannot be lured, they know how to fight. So lining them up is out of the question. The best action is to be faster than them, however I am the epicenter of the offensive. All I could do right now is defend, either that or I will Rhaast powers…
I blocked and tilted my head to dodge two slash.
A small explosion echoed, surprising me, I also felt something ricochet on my right arm. Looking back, I saw the smoking end of a Gun-Sword? That's fucked up, they have that here?
But, I found something.
The ranged fighter's face widened in shock as the bullet didn't pierce Darkin's corrupted right arm, so he released other shots and all blocked by me simply using my right arm. There, his magazine is empty, exploding my shadow magic briefly. I quickly stepped towards the ranger and stopped mid-distanced.
His eyes bulge, as I swung my scythe.
His head fell onto the ground, and his headless body gushed out blood.
Rhaast hummed in enjoyment, with the taste of blood on his eye.
"Don't react!"
As the blood flows in the crevices of the sight, I have a breakthrough if you could say that. I've been afraid to use my powers, because I think it all comes from the Rhaast. However, Kayn is a master user of Shadow Magic, the one I've been using sparingly because I treat it the same way as the Darkin corruption. That's further from the fact, the Shadow Assassin is separate from Rhaast and it seemingly helps Kayn's fend off the corruption – it is an ally here.
That means I could use it.
Suddenly, my tied hair exploded freely as my skin – including the corrupted side – was overtaken by paleness. The Darkin Scythe is not safe, as the crimson red flesh-like surface is consumed by a night-blue spread and the eye of Rhaast swirled into an ethereal blue orb.
"What the hell is happening to him, is he even human?" One of them asked, and I replied with my face now infront of him.
The criminal's face slowly turned pale, as I eyed him down, "Indeed, I ask the same question." my body disperse into the Arcane wisp of blue, and I invade his form. The man twitched at my intrusion of his body.
And the others watch and utter horror, as their fellow body splits open.
Umbral Trespass
I dashed out, with my scythe ready to execute another one. Their horrific shock is aiding me, making this job much easier.
"Are you sure you should be just standing there?" I asked, as I severed his lower half and crushed his skull with the butt-end of my sight.
"M-monster-ARGH!" The tip of my weapon pierced his heart, and it came out of his back beating.
"Bakemono, you fear me?" I spoke softly, "You shouldn't be, I am the byproduct of your karma. The boomerang of your actions."
My relentless cold execution followed to the next, until no criminal was left - aside from me. I felt nothing as I watched their lifeless corpse staining the forest ground… this form, or the changes that alter me in rebirth, suppress or entirely negate the negative repercussions of killing another human. But, I don't see them as such, I guess that's a factor too.
[You're enjoying yourself~]
"Does this face express enjoyment?" I pointed at my own face, and asked the obnoxious corruption, "Still better than you reveling like an edgelord, at least the job is dealt with cleanly."
Speaking of jobs, there's still one thing left in here. What is inside the cage? I went to it to satisfy my curiosity, the possibilities run rampant in my mind – is it a weapon, a monster in human disguise, or entirely something else. All of them are wrong, however…
Because three children is what greeted me.