On the border of the land of rice, a spikey, white-haired man was walking around the border.
The man's name is Jiraiya; he is known as one of Konoha's sanins, the three ninjas.
He is a tall and well-built man. He has waist-length spikey white hair that is tied in a ponytail with two shoulder bangs framing his face. There are red lines under his eyes that extend further down his face.
Jiraiya is wearing a green short shirt kimono with matching pants and mesh armor that is visible at his wrists and ankles.
He also wore a handguard, black belt, wooden sandals, and red haori with two yellow circles.
Jiraiya was wearing a forehead protector with kanji of oil, and he was carrying a large scroll on his back.
While Jiraiya was sneaking in the border of the land of rice, he disappeared in a white puff of smoke.
In Mount Moyoboku
Suddenly, Jiraiya appeared in a white puff of smoke on Mount Moyoboku, the home of his toad summons, which surprised him.
He saw a small green old toad in front of him. He raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw the toad, and he asked the toad, "Elder Fukasaku, why did you summon me here?"
Elder Fukasaku looked seriously at Jiraiya, and he said to him, "The great sage Gamamaru had a new prophecy, and he asked that you come here and listen to the prophecy."
Jiraiya's expression changed quickly upon hearing these words, and then he followed Fukasaku to meet the great sage Gamamaru.
Jiraiya and Fukasaku entered the room where the great sage Gamamaru resided.
When they entered the room, Jiraiya saw Gamamaru sleeping.
His eyebrows twitched when he saw this, and Fukasaku yelled, "Great Sage Jiraiya boy had arrived as you requested."
Gamamaru opened his eyes slowly. He looked at Jiraiya, and then he said, "Hello there, who are you again?"
Jiraiya almost fell on his face when he heard this.
Fukasaku got a tic mark over his eyebrows when he heard this, and he said to Gamamaru, "This Jiraiya, you asked us to summon him because you said you have an important prophecy to tell us and him too."
Gamamaru nodded his head upon hearing this and said, "Ah, I remember now."
Jiraiya, Fukasaku, and all other toads gathered, then Gamamaru opened his mouth and started saying, "A young blind samurai will travel around the elemental continent to seek redemption; he will do many righteous deeds and save countless lives. One day he will arrive at Mount Moyoboku by accident, and he will have a good relationship with us when the great war erupts; he will save many lives."
Jiraiya's eyes widened when he heard this and asked, "Great war against whom?"
Gamamaru nodded and said, "It wasn't clear against whom, because of the young blind samurai's existence, many Shinobi were saved."
Jiraiya took a deep breath when he heard this, and Gamamaru continued, "Fukasaku, I saw you and the other toads training him in my vision; you must prepare him well."
Fukasaku nodded his head seriously and said to Gamamaru, "Don't worry, great sage, I will prepare him well."
Jiraiya asked the great sage, "What about me, great sage?"
Gamamaru looked at Jiraiya and said to him, "I saw you have a great relationship with him, and the two of you became like family."
Jiraiya was surprised at first, then he gave a small smile, and when he was about to say something to Gamamaru, he saw Gamamaru fall asleep.
Fukasaku turned to Jiraiya and said to him, "Jiraiya boy, let's leave."
Jiraiya nodded his head, and then he and all the other toads left the room quietly.
After exiting the room, Fukasaku looked at Jiraiya and said to him, "Jiraiya boy, I want you to gather information about that young blind samurai, and if you find him, let him sign a contract with us, then bring him to Mount Moyoboku."
Jiraiya nodded when he heard this, and he said to Fukasaku, "Don't worry, elder Fukasaku, I am quite interested in this young samurai. I will investigate his whereabouts about a long with Orchimaru."
Fukasaku nodded his head in satisfaction. He then waved a few hand signs after he slammed his palm on the ground. Jiraiya disappeared in a white puff of smoke.
After three years
Sujiro is now 13 years old. He was wearing a short shirt kimono with matching pants and wooden sandals.
He was also wearing a red sash over his waist and a katana tied to it.
The katana has a white sheath and handle; it has no guard.
Mifune smiled when he saw his student, and he said to Sujiro, "Sujiro, your talent in swordsmanship surpasses anything I've seen. I believe that you could become the shogun one day. Are you sure you don't want to become a samurai of our land?"
Sujiro gave Mifune a polite smile and shocked his head, then he said to him, "Sensei, I don't have this kind of ambition, right now. I want to travel the world, help people as much as I can, hone my swordsmanship, and seek redemption for all the sins I made in my past life."
Mifune smiled and nodded his head when he heard this. He then said, "Alright, if this is the path you have chosen, then I will support your decision, but remember that if you need any help in the future, you can seek me out."
Sujiro then kneeled down on the ground and said to Mifune, Thank you for everything you did for me, sensei. I will never forget your guidance and your kindness."
Mifune smiled kindly, turned around, waved his hands, and said to Sujiro, "You can leave now, Sujiro, and never give up on the path you have chosen. I am sure your father is proud of what kind of person you've become."
Sujiro smiled when he heard this. He stood up, took his katana from his waist, tapped the ground a couple of times, and started walking away.
A woman then stepped out of the house. She looked at Sujiro's retreating figure, then she looked at Mifune, who had a complicated look on his face.
She smiled kindly at Mifune and said to him, "If you didn't want him to leave, dear, why didn't you stop him from leaving?"
Mifune sighed when he heard this, then he said to the woman, "I have no right to stop him, my dear; it is the path he had chosen for himself as his teacher; my duty is to support him and guide him."
The woman smiled and asked, "Then why are you disappointed?"
Mifune chuckled when he heard this, and he started answering the question, "His talent in swordsmanship is incredible; he only required one tip to master the stances and the katas. If he wasn't blind, I am sure he will only need to see the stances and the katas once to master them. With each spar he fought with the other samurai, he improved by leaps and bounds. His swordsmanship surpasses all samurai in our land except for me, but it is a matter of time before he surpasses me. I wanted him to succeed me in becoming a shogun in the future after I stepped down, but he is so much like his father."
The woman covered her mouth with her and started giggling, then she said to Mifune, "He might change his mind in the future; if he didn't change his mind, you can't help it and just move on."
Mifune smiled when he heard this and said to the woman, "You are right as always, my wife."
Mifune then turned around and entered the house, and his wife followed behind him.