Chereads / Tamer of the Untamed / Chapter 1 - Unravel(1)

Tamer of the Untamed

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Chapter 1 - Unravel(1)

Stories often talked of a hero who defeated the evil beings of darkness bringing peace and tranquility to the land thereby evoking a sense of heroism to those who read them. However, for a fifteen-year-old boy named Matthias Lumen, stories such as those often have the opposite effect of completely making him want to rely on someone else for the rest of his life.

These stories drain all the energy right out of my body.

Matthias thought to himself as he went outside to gaze at the night sky. It was one of those rare nights, where one can see the stars brightly shining above, not unhindered by the great amount of fog always present in Ime. He was looking forward to this night, as Matthias greatly loved watching the night sky.

Behind him trails his little brother named Izana bringing along his story book of courageous heroes. Matthias sighed at the sight.

"Izana, I'll read your story later. Right now I have something important to do." He told his younger brother.

"But you told me we'll finish this book today." Izana countered.

"I know. But I'm busy right now, so why don't you wait till I'm back?"

"No right now!"

Matthias' eyes twitched. It was on moments like this that he wished his parents were not as busy as they were. Books like 'Legend of the swordsmen', 'Lunaros' knight', 'Tale of a young hero' and the like have captivated the young boy's heart. Matthias also has his fair share of stories that he grew up with that are close to his heart, and had asked his parents to read them again and again.

"Izana, why don't you ask mom and dad to read them to you? I told you I have something else to do."

Matthias' parents were busy working adults. Many nights they would come home looking drained and out of life, and right after dinner they would be out cold sleeping and snoring in their room. So most of the parenting duty automatically fell on Matthias' hands, since he was several years older than Izana. He loves his brother and enjoys spending time with him, however tonight was not the night he was willing to be cooped in bed reading fairy tales for his brother.

"B-but I asked them and they also said they were busy. They said you will read them to me. I want to know how the hero defeats the evil beast." Tiny dots of tears started to line the corners of his eyes.

"Okay fine. I'll read them. But before that can I just go and do something important first? I'll come back soon, okay."

Matthias tried to placate his younger brother. There was an invisible sheen of sweat rolling down his cheeks. He knew when Izana wants something, the little shit will always find a way to get his way. Even when that means giving their neighbors a shitshow so legendary that they can pass on the tale to their children.

Don't get him wrong though, he loved spending time with his little brother very much. But as of right now, he just wanted a little quiet time for himself.

"You promise?" Izana asked. Okay maybe he was feeling very compassionate today and wanted Matthias to have some alone time for himself.

"Promise. I'll be back soon." Matthias patted Izana's hair and went on his way. Although he has told no one, Matthias has always loved gazing at the night sky; so much so that he gave himself his own designated spot to stargaze, which is on top of a small hill just a few short walks from his house.

The boy lay on his back, his gaze fixed on the inky canvas above. Millions of stars, like scattered diamonds, glittered in the vast expanse. He traced constellations with his finger, weaving stories in his mind about the celestial beings who resided there. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of pine and damp earth. He felt a strange sense of peace, a connection to something much bigger than himself, as he watched the stars twinkle and dance in the silent night.

"This is nice." He murmured to himself. Sometimes he wondered how his life would be if he was allowed to roam freely everywhere and not be trapped in Ime island. His thought wandered to how it would have been an ideal life for Izana who was so inspired by the tales of heroes he often read for him. Many times he questioned how he and Izana could ever be siblings given the differences so conspicuous between them.

However, he knew those what-if's were never going to come true. He was trapped in Ime, a small island located north-east of the mainland. For whatever reasons, his parents never allowed him to set foot outside of the island, going as far as prohibiting him from lurking near the port. It has always struck Matthias odd, but since the perfect opportunity has never presented itself to question his parents, he was fine just letting it be for now.

The silence of the night was broken by footsteps behind him. Matthias quietly sighed. So much for a quiet time for myself.

"We knew you would be here." A voice said from behind him. Nana, Matthias thought. He was still gazing at the stars, not bothering to even look at the person who was invading his privacy.

Nana Suria was the same age as Matthias and both were very good friends. He was tall and robust, with tanned skin and wild brunette hair. Although he and Matthias are of the same age, Matthias often treats him as a big brother and holds him in very high regards, especially since Nana saved him from bullies when they were much younger. But Matthias was never going to say that out loud.

"Yeah, we went to your house but Izana told us you had something important to do." Even Frie is here, again thought Matthias. This time, he shifted his gaze to look at Frie, who was gently smiling at him.

Frie Mohu was also the same age as Matthias and Nana. She met them at a much later stage in their life but got along with them very well. Unlike Nana, her hair was long and straight with inky colors, the same color as Matthias. She was quite tall for a girl her age, almost catching up to Nana. Although she was fairer than Nana, her skin was still tanner than Matthias who was as pale as a ghost.

"Something important, my ass." Nana started cackling. Although Matthias respects him, sometimes Nana has a tendency to get on Matthias' nerves.

"What do you mean, you ass? Me having an important thing to do is so unbelievable to you?" Matthias asked, annoyed.

"Nah. Your lazy ass will never."

Matthias rolled his eyes. On his side, Frie was unfolding a paper which looked like a rather worn down poster.

"Guys listen, I found this on my way to the port this evening. It says there's going to be a recruitment for the Stalor family," she handed the poster to Matthias, "I was wondering why don't we try it out? The salary is really good." Frie told them.

"Recruitment for what? They don't specify anything here," Matthias asked.

"Soldiers, guards, servants, chefs? Who knows? Maybe they want to recruit for all positions," Nana replied.

"Hmm… I don't trust it. Could be a scam," said Matthias.

"But how could that be? It says here due to the fire that burns down half of their estate they need more hands and that there will be a recruitment process and those who get selected will be shipped to the Stalor family's estate," Frie argued.

"Even if it were true, you both know how strict my parents are about leaving this island. Not to mention I'm not really built for these kinds of work. The discipline required is too much for me." Matthias rejects Frie's suggestion.

"Damn right you're not! You're built like a stick," said Nana. Matthias gave him a side-eye.

Frie sighed and looked towards Nana. "How about you, Nana? You're still interested right?"

"Of course. Since I'm the eldest of five siblings, I think I need to start looking for work myself. Get real though, you really don't feel like trying out with us Matthais?"

"I'm good, really," Matthias said.

"But we're old enough to be working now. If you don't take this job, what do you plan to do with your life?" Nana asked Matthias.

"I don't know. Maybe I could ask my mother to teach me her craft so I can work beside her. I'm not sure though."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes I think your parents are too strict regarding you and Izana. No offense, but I think you're hindered," Frie interjected. Matthias did not say a word, but deep down he knew she was right.

"What if you don't have the capacity to learn about your mother's craft? Your parents don't allow you near the port, and there's only so many job opportunities here besides that," Nana asked again.

"Nah, I'll be fine. I don't think it'll be too hard."

"Man, sometimes I think you're really too optimistic about things. But I'm not going to force you into anything though. If it doesn't work out, you can always rely on me." Nana told Matthias.

Right then, Matthias felt a strange sense of comfort in Nana's words. He also knew Nana would see through to his words, since he knew Nana was such an honest guy. Ever since they were little kids, he just never changes.

Frie on the side was unpacking her bag filled with snacks and they all decided to drop the topic in favor of her dessert treats.

The three of them ate their snacks while gazing at the night sky. That night, Matthias saw a shooting star and silently wished for his two friends' success.


When Matthias arrived home, he saw Izana sitting on their couch still carrying his book. I should probably teach him how to read one of these days, he thought.

He was taught how to read mainly by his mother. Back then, his mother stayed home while his father worked at the port. Matthias was still young, and with only a family of three members, they made do with his father's salary. However, a bit before Izana was born, prices of food started rocketing. It was such a huge shift in prices that his parents decided it was better to both have a job. With the birth of Izana, Matthias felt that he needed to do the same for Izana since both his parents barely have the time now.

"Matthy!" Izana jumped into his arms upon seeing him.

"Have you waited long?" Matthais asked.

"Kind of.." Izana sulkily replied.

"Now, now, there's no need to cry. Where do you want me to start reading?"

Izana opened the page and Matthias' voice filled the night. Soon his three-year-old little brother drifted off to sleep. Matthias put him to bed and went to sleep himself. The weight of tomorrow loomed over him like a beast waiting to devour its prey, but Matthias was none the wiser.