I slap myself as I stood from my bed. I look around, noticing it's still dark. I opened the window and truth enough, sun has yet to dominate the area.
I massage my face, and slap myself gently to actually wake up. I looked at the clock and the hands suggest the time is currently 4:30. Such was the usual routine I have been experiencing since I decided to make a change.
Two months ago, I decided to take an exam to enter this one prestigious university that I found quite interesting. I gave it my best and... despite barely making it... I was still satisfied, glad.
I went to the bathroom as usual and opened the lights of my compact apartment on the way. Then, I hastily cleaned my room after and shut off the air conditioner to lessen its electric consumption. Afterwards, I left the apartment and went to the usual bus stop.
The watch hit 5:40. The bus arrival has 20 minutes interval that starts at 5:30. Most of the time, I take the 2nd bus since according to my calculation, the travel time is at least an hour. Class starts at 7 so if nothing goes downhill, I'll be arriving at the campus with 10 minutes to spare.
This has been my usual routine, and to say the least, I've practically became an npc with a given script. The scholarship of the state university provided allowance, I freelance as well so there's that to increase my budget. And the only thing I need to do is maintain my current status, and be an obedient citizen.
I have to qualms to that, I even have enough money to spare actually, its just that... the world is ever changing, and I fear I will be left behind. So yeah, I thought it would be great to at least finish college.
I look at my wristwatch, 5:50, I smile as I saw the bus.
Just in time.
I entered the bus and I can see not many has yet to ride. I took my seat just at the front as usual after having my card scanned.
I took a deep breathe and decided to take a nap. The travel would be an hour, so I could at least use this spare to rest.
But, midway through the road, the bus suddenly stopped... almost sending us in front. I was waken up by the sheer force and I almost complained when I saw a strange, somewhat familiar vehicle in front.
It's hovering mid air, but not entirely high since it's blocking the road.
Its sleek, yet has heavily armored looking hull, the design is what makes it strangely familiar. If I remember correctly, I saw one of them in a joint training exercise from utube. I think it's called... V-22 Osprey. Yes that.
It has this white ivory color, its hovering capabilty suggest it can do vertical manuevering. But there's a huge difference. The US made osprey uses two propeller in its main wing that adjusts depending on its use. However, this one doesn't have it. Instead, it has these two weird looking propulsion system. No. It has four.
I almost didn't notice its behind due to how massive its front is.
Two propulsion in the main wing, and two in the rear. It appears to be capable of supporting immense weight, seeing that the hovering mass of metal barely move an inch.
But unlike its osprey counterpart, this one seems to be not made with the idea of being a transport vehicle. Why, you ask?
'Cause, look at those six metal cock around its cockpit. Those six emits a dangerous aura in it that it could probably destroy us if it wants to.
We were left shocked, of course. But the driver was mad. Really mad. This sudden phenomenon has cause an increasing delay time. And a minute of delay causes grave consequences.
The driver took off his seatbelt and opened the bus's door. Along with that, the strange vessel decided to land in front of us.
I can vaguely hear the driver shouting while violently gesturing his hands towarda the vessel. Cursing them in the process.
Though at that moment, the seam split along its side. A ramp descended unnaturally smooth, it didn't clank nor groan under its weight unlike those conventional aircrafts we have. No, it just... simply slid open.
And from within those entrance, came two figures.
They wear full body suit, black, their head covered by some sort of helmet or visor. With its glass being so tinted, we couldn't even describe them.
Those body suit though. I have never seen that kind of suit texture in my life. Not even in military, though yes, I've seen or read it a few times when I watched some advance scifi shows or read some novel.
But I can't really fathom them. They are not metal, but certainly they look like armors. Was it composite? Maybe, but they look too advance.
"Samuel. We need him, or everyone dies here."
My mouth went loose and drop to my jaw.