After a brief chat with Madam Rosmerta, Sirius Black scanned the room and spotted three young students sitting in the corner. His eyes lit up with amusement as he sauntered over, a wine glass in hand. With his usual effortless grace, he slipped into the vacant seat next to Fred, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips.
"Hey," he murmured, lowering his voice playfully. "Sneaked out of school, did you?"
The trio—Fred, George, and Joey—froze, their expressions unconsciously betraying a mixture of surprise and guilt.
Sirius chuckled, clearly enjoying their reaction. Taking a sip of the warm cocktail in his hand, he leaned back, draping an arm over the back of Joey's chair. "First years, and already bold enough to slip out for a drink? Gryffindor indeed."
Joey, looking up at the strikingly handsome man, suddenly felt like she was glowing.
Sirius took another sip, then turned to the twins with an appraising look. "Arthur's twin sons?" he asked, a knowing smile on his face.
George finally tore his gaze away from Madam Rosmerta and noticed his brother staring at Sirius like he'd seen a ghost. Curious, he turned to Joey, who was equally mesmerized by the man's presence.
"What's it to you?" Fred muttered, still wary.
"Do you know our dad?" George asked, his tone more neutral.
Sirius smirked. "Of course. I lived at your house for a while after Azkaban. Your mum—Molly—she took care of me. You should thank her for me next time you see her."
His smile softened, and for a moment, his angular features lost some of their sharpness. The warmth in his voice made Fred feel a little embarrassed about his earlier rudeness. He hesitated, then extended his hand. Sirius clasped it firmly before shaking George's as well.
Joey, never one to be left out, thrust her hand forward eagerly. "I'm Joey Forest! Aunt Molly is my aunt!" She beamed, completely ignoring any sense of restraint. She just wanted to shake hands with the handsome man.
Sirius chuckled at her enthusiasm. Taking her hand, he leaned in and brushed a light kiss across the back. "A pleasure to meet you, lovely lady."
Joey nearly melted on the spot. She felt as if she could dance all night to the Weird Sisters. Meanwhile, Fred shot her a look that practically screamed, Are you serious right now?
Sirius, entertained by the trio, leaned back in his chair. It had been a long time since he had been around such lively company. Ginny Weasley was adorable but shy. This Joey, however, was like a little sun—bright, warm, and uninhibited. She reminded him of the days back at Hogwarts, of endless pranks and cozy nights by the Gryffindor common room fireplace.
The three students exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them.
[He's a peer. We can talk to him!]
[He's graduated. He won't snitch on us!]
[So what do we say?]
[He's so handsome! Definitely not a bad guy!]
Sirius smirked, watching their little exchange. He waited patiently.
Finally, George was pushed forward as the group's spokesperson. He switched seats to sit next to Sirius and whispered, "Yeah, we used the secret passage from Honeydukes."
Sirius's eyebrows lifted slightly. "How many have you found?" he asked, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
"Two," George admitted. "But one seems to be blocked."
"Huh. I thought you might've gotten your hands on the Marauder's Map by now," Sirius mused, his expression turning oddly nostalgic.
"The what?" Fred asked, intrigued.
Something about the name tugged at Joey's memory. "Wait—" she gasped suddenly. "That parchment! The one from Filch's drawer!"
Fred immediately pulled the tattered parchment from his pocket.
Sirius's eyes darkened with something intense—longing, excitement, and something deeper, more painful. He rubbed his hands on his robes, his fingers trembling slightly as he reached for it. "May I?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Joey, not waiting for Fred to answer, handed it over. Fred shot her an annoyed look, but she merely shrugged. George, as always, opted to ignore their antics.
Sirius held the parchment, staring at it for what felt like an eternity. His eyes glistened. His long lashes trembled, and a single tear splashed onto the parchment.
Joey gasped. "He's crying! So scary!"
Embarrassed, Sirius quickly wiped his eyes. Then, pulling out his wand, he tapped the parchment and muttered, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."
The ink spread like ripples across the surface, forming corridors, classrooms, secret tunnels—a map of Hogwarts. At the bottom, four names appeared: Prongs, Padfoot, Moony, Wormtail.
Sirius's fingers traced over the first three names with a mixture of nostalgia, joy, and sorrow. But when he reached the last name, his expression twisted into something dark and menacing. His nails dug into the parchment, as if trying to scratch the name out of existence.
Fred and George instinctively scooted their chairs back. Even Joey had lost her starry-eyed expression.
"Er… Sirius?" Fred ventured hesitantly.
The sound of his name snapped Sirius back to reality. He looked up at Fred, his face momentarily twisted with rage. But the twins' wary expressions and Joey's uneasy frown brought him back. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry. I lost my temper."
The three students exchanged another silent look before raising their butterbeer mugs in unison, sipping loudly to avoid answering.
Sirius chuckled. The rage inside him dissipated, replaced by the warmth of their company. For a moment, they reminded him of James and Remus—full of life, mischievous, and fearless.
"Did I scare you?" he asked, this time with genuine amusement.
The trio nodded vigorously.
Laughing, Sirius tapped his wand against the parchment. "Mischief managed."
The ink faded, the map disappearing back into blank parchment. He slid it back to Fred. "It's yours now. Use it well—cause a little trouble. That's what it's for."
Fred hesitated before taking it, a newfound respect in his eyes. "The Marauder's Map?" Joey echoed, realizing its significance. So this is how Harry got it... I think the twins gave it to him later? She sighed internally. I'm terrible at being a time-travel heroine who knows everything. Guess I'll just stay a side character.
Sirius stretched, grabbing his drink. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's been a pleasure. Until we meet again."
Joey watched him stride away, resuming his easy banter with old friends at the bar. She sighed dramatically. "He's handsome, but he doesn't seem all there. Sequelae of Azkaban?"
Fred gave her a pointed look, as if to say, See? I told you so.